
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Project 365-My week in pictures




Oh, I just love my little helper Karli.  She wanted to water the plants in the backyard for Grammy and to wear her boots in case she got wet! 



I saw this at the store the other day and thought I’d give it a try.  Hmmm, not bad at all.  Nice quick meal.  Just add a salad and some garlic bread.  Bon Appétit!



My granddaughter Grace came to spend the week with us.  She has made lots of friends with the children in our neighborhood.  Kiki and her brother are like family now.




Took the gang out to lunch and they got so excited when the cow came out at Chick-fl-a! It was cow appreciation day.  K-Love was also there and the girls had fun playing games and won some neat prizes too.  We had such a great time.



My precious little Cole playing with the monkey his sister won at Chick-fil-a.  I love my grandSON!


Fashion show

The girls slept over so we had a “slumber party”.  Before they went to bed they decided to throw a fashion show for Grammy.  They were so funny.



We celebrated Jim’s birthday with an awesome steak dinner.  Jim and his wife Cindy are such special friends to us.  We’ve been knowing each other for over 28 years.  We only appreciate them more as the time goes by.  Happy Birthday Jim, we love you!!!


Join us over at The Mom Creative for more awesome projects!


  1. Great pics as always. Glad you're having fun with your grandSON, too! We really need to get together...I've got 5 grandsons and on granddaughter...
    Continuing to lift up prayers!
    Psalm 31:5-8: Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth...but I trust in the LORD. I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities; And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: thou hast set my feet in a large room.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Beautiful pictures as always Susan. Love how they did a fashion show for you and how you put it in a collage.

  3. Love her little rain boots. I'll have to try that macaroni grill dish also. Great pics this week!

  4. Great pics...too cute! I love the 2nd sweet shot of Grace, too.
    Precious, precious!

    Have a great day!

    Love ya,

  5. Very good pics again! I love rainboots on kids they're just too darling! Adults look goofy in them but kids can wear them with anything and look like little fashionistas :)

    I love the fashion show collage too. Little girls are so fun. My favorite moments are when the girls come down stairs in some crazy attire or princess dress. Its the best!

  6. Susan, you're grandchildren are so adorable. I know I've said that before, but really! Every week I am in awe of how cute they are. And how lucky to have you!
    Have a great week!

  7. what a fruitful week you had! your family is so adorable especially the kids! you're such a blessed man!

    God bless you all the more!

  8. What sweet sweet grandbabies you have!! Love your pictures for the week!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!