
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I’ve been thinking…







To meditate on God’s works and His Word requires more then a hurried or casual glance.

The word "meditation" in Hebrew means to speak or to mutter.

As we focus on all the wonderful things God has done for us, and share them with others, our faith is strengthened.

The more time we spend in the Word; the deeper our appreciation will be for all that God has done. 

Take time today to consider His mighty deeds!


Please join us over at the Cafe for more WFW!!!


  1. Blessings Susan...Oh how precious! He's mighty and adorable! Great encouragement in the verse to be in the Word... really in...and focused not skimming! Excellent WORD! Profound photo...naw...just perfect & precious! Does he look like your son?

    Love ya' and your adorable models... each photo carries such love & JOY!!! (((hugs)))

  2. I loved this, thank you.

    So true and the photo is gorgeous. What a little cutie!

  3. THIS is why I LOVE's a chance to truly meditate and take with us WORDS for the journey!

    He is PRECIOUS and these pics just keep getting better and better!

    love you!

  4. I love the emphasis on Mighty with that oh so cute tough little man.
    Love the verse also.......but the man in both cases makes it......the little man and the big Man who holds us all in His love.

  5. Never knew this: The word "meditation" in Hebrew means to speak or to mutter.

    It is not enough just to think on His word but we need to speak it, as well...

    Handsome young man in the photo!

    Linda J

  6. He's pulling us back to His Word...He gave me Zephaniah today ;)

  7. Love the photo!!! I'm been thinking about this too, how often I just "read" and not meditating. Great reminder. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Yes, His deeds are MIGHTY. Be sure to stop by Rena's if you get a chance and stand with us as we pray for our little sister Jamie Elizabeth.

  9. Love the look in His eyes. That's a great pic for meditation. I see a sweet grin. :)

  10. If we really did that there be so little time for worry and complaining. Happy WFW, Susan!

  11. Beautiful picture and he looks like he is really meditating - on God's Word.

  12. This picture and scripture works well, it tells there's joy for meditation God's word. Amen!

  13. Susan,

    That is just a precious picture to go along with that wonderful scripture. Touched my heart.

    Blessings to you!

  14. Your blog is so pretty and your children are adorable. I love WFW. Thanks for stopping by Gail-Friends today. Yes, I do Messianic dancing, but for the last year, I've been suffering pain that prevents my dancing. I love to see others do it and the video just always makes my heart sing!

  15. What a beautiful little one! Those eyes! Love the message today - I am intentionally spending more time in the word so this was so very timely for me!

    Great WFW!

  16. Susan, wonderful words! I too need to meditate on His Word and not just read through it.Huge difference.

    Your visual is quite precious!!! Love it! Hope y'all are staying cool!!

  17. I love your picture!! Thanks for sharing God's Word....Your scripture choice is a great reminder. Blessings to you on this WFW!!!

  18. That is precious, Susan. Blessings ~

  19. Amen and AMEN! I have had such fun with the Bible memory verses activities for grandparents and their grandchildren that my grandkids and I have been working on. I know they've learned from it but I'VE learned just as much if not more! Such a joy!

    And speaking of joys, what a cutie pie joy you used for the photo! :) :) :)

    Have a blessed week.

  20. Beautiful picture and love the scripture! We have an awesome God so thankful we can PRAISE HIM for HIS mighty deeds!

  21. Praying in Seattle!
    Psalms 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  22. Now that is one of the cutest pictures accompanying Wednesday's Word I have seen!

  23. Hi Susan.. Love your post..and I have enjoyed browsing through your blog,,what a beautiful family, including the cat..(cat lover, here)
    and what beautiful pictures..
    Well just wanted to stop by and say HI ,, hope you will come my way and visit as well
    Have a Blessed day..

  24. I love that little boy so much!!! =) What a great verse! I like how you talked about the Hebrew meaning-speaking the word!!! I needed to hear that.
    Love you,

  25. He is SO precious!! Love this message. Thanks for sharing with us in the LORD. I love and miss you Susan. I pray for you, your husband and family every time the Holy Spirit brings you to mind.

  26. Your blog is warm and inviting! Enjoyed it very much! Your grandaughters are beautiful too! My husband and I are brand new grandparents and we are loving it! :)
    Be blessed!
    Tracy :)

  27. Yesterday morning was the first morning in several months when I was alone in my house. I curled up on the couch and opened up my Bible to Matthew 1... rereading the account of Christ's arrival on this earth. In particular, one phrase kept gnawing its way into my mind and heart:

    "... because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit." (vs. 20).

    Over and over again, I let that thought fall on me. It permeated my flesh and made its way into my heart; I couldn't help but think about "He who is conceived in me is from the Holy Spirit."

    What a birthing! I imagine there might be a post to follow at some point, but the thought so comforts me in this season... to know that the King of all creation has delightedly decided upon putting his Spirit in me.

    That's what I think about when I read your post here... about meditating on a single thought and, then, owning it!

    Thanks for your prayers for Miss Amelia. We felt them every one!


  28. I found you on someone else's blog and linked through. Love the pics of your cute grandkids!

    How we need to 'meditate,' not just read! God's Word. Amen.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!