Monday, August 9, 2010

Project 365-My Week In Pictures




Well our week started out with a deluge of rain!  The storm drains filled up so fast, and before I knew it my son’s car was flooded.  It is still in the shop getting repaired!  Oh my…



My granddaughter has officially fell in love with the Zhu Zhu pet toy hamsters!  She has been waiting a long time for the "girl one”. 



I went to the playground to let Grace use up some of that never-ending energy.  Of course, we waited until later in afternoon when it cooled off…somewhat!



Caesar finds the craziest ways to sleep!  Oh, to have the life of a cat.



Had my granddaughters over for the weekend.  Grace wanted to play “dress up” in Grammy’s clothes.



My second granddaughter, Kayla, is starting kindergarten this year.  She was so proud to show me her uniform and school bag.  Where has the time gone?  It seems like only yesterday we were holding her in the hospital for the first time!



Took my grands and our neighbor’s daughter to the show.  We went to see “Cats & Dogs”.  What grandparents are willing to endure!


Join us over at The Creative Mom for more Project 365!


I’ve also decided to join Tracy over at Mommytograhy.


Anonymous said...

Love it! I love the one of the Zhu Zhu pet with Karli's little polished nails. So sweet. The one of all 4 girls was another favorite!
Great week of pics!

Tracy said...

Wow on the car and I LOVE Ceasar!

Anonymous said...

Another exciting week! My oldest grand baby is starting school this year...going to be a whole new path the family's heading on!
Always here praying!
Psalms 62:1-2 Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Delane said...

Wow! Look at that rain! I tried to grab a picture of a huge downpour we had this week and couldn't really get it. How did you get such a great shot?

luvmy4sons said...

Love your pictures as always.

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

I SO love seeing your pictures each week!

You are an amazing photographer!!

Hope you and yours are doing well?

Love ya!

Amy Nabors said...

Your granddaughters are beautiful! And I love the photo of the cat.

Anonymous said...

Taking time today to visit all my fellow Mommytographers! I haven't been a good classmate in making the rounds, but I have enjoyed all the unique photos through my reader.

Great shots! I'm so sorry about the car.

Have a great week, Tamara

Theresa in WV said...

Enjoyed your week of pictures and looking forward to seeing more.Very nice job! Where are you in the project? I just started myself.

Theresa in WV said...

Enjoyed your week of pictures and looking forward to seeing more.Very nice job! Where are you in the project? I just started myself.