
Monday, August 23, 2010

Project 365-My Week In Pictures





After rushing out to the gym extra early and still a little sleepy, my husband showed me when he got back home he put these mismatched shoes in his gym bag.  He assured me he stayed in his office most of the day.  Well, it was Monday, what do you expect?



Spent a nice time in one of my favorite stores today.  It was a beautiful summer evening.



I took this picture when my beautiful granddaughter came out to spend her last day with me before school started.



My son Jordan and I went to the Give Thanks Walk kick-off meeting in preparation for this upcoming event in November.  My son is a patient at St. Jude.  We love to take any opportunity to give back whenever possible.

If you are interested here is a link to Jordan’s page!



After playing a hard game of tennis with his dad and older brother, my son took a much needed  break from the heat!


Beautiful collage

Oh my, what a weekend.  My girlfriend and I went to the Beautiful Conference.  Angela Thomas was just incredible and Kari Jobe lead us into the throne room of God with her anointed worship.  What an inspiring time we shared together.  I even got to meet and get a picture with Angela, and I was tickled pink!



And to end a perfect week, I spent the whole day with my family and the joy of my life, my precious grandchildren.

Please join us over at The Creative Mom for more projects.


  1. My hubby has done that with socks, but not shoes - your granddaughters are so beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous pictures, as usual...I never get tired of seeing pictures of your family! What a fun weekend...and even funNIER Monday, so glad it was an "in-office" day for your hubby!

  3. Lifting up prayers!
    Psalm 3:3-5 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  4. Great pictures this week! I chuckled at the shoes. Someone would really have needed to look closely to notice, I'm sure! Love the colors with the bow and flower. Have a wonderful week!

  5. You have kicked it up MORE than a notch with your photos, Susan! LOVE it... that last one of the three girls definitely needs to be framed. As does the selective color one. And I can't believe that Jordan is so BIG and looks like... well.. a man now. Amazing...
    It's time for ME to ask you for tips and hints on portraits, because you are there, my friend...

  6. Beautiful pictures as always. Looks like a great week.

  7. What a wonderful week! I just love looking at pictures!!!

    Marilyn... in Mississippi

  8. That is so exciting you got to meet Angela. It is rare you go to a conference and actually get to meet the speaker. I did her study Beautiful Offering and it was great!!

  9. Such fun shots this week! I can't help but laugh at the shoes. Love the last shot of your girls.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog Susan. Thank you also for your sweet words of encouragement with my weight loss. Your photos, as always are absolutely beautiful.

    Have a great week!

  11. I leave for work early in the morning too - when it's completely dark. To avoid waking my whole family I turn on as few lights as possible...this has resulted in brown shoes with black pants on occasion and even mismatched pairs. Your husbands look pretty good, I didn't even notice until I saw your journaling!!

  12. That is just so funny about your husband's shoes!!! Great pictures again this week. Especially love that one of your granddaughter.

  13. Wow, your photography is amazing!! Stunning! I just came across your blog and am your newest follower!
    Have a wonderful day!

  14. I was suppose to be at the conference...but things changed. Hate that I missed Kari!

    LOL on the shoes! At least they were both brown!

    Great week of shots!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!