
Monday, September 27, 2010

Project 365- My week in pictures






My sweet hubby came home from work bearing gifts.  My favorite, a chocolate snowball.  I’ll miss these soon.



I asked Grace to water the plants, after she was finished she got a little carried away!



We were surprised to see this sign posted on our neighborhood bulletin board.  Oh well, that is living in Louisiana. Yikes!



My beautiful Kayla.  I love her in purple!



Grace and the girls hosted a fashion show for me.  I’d have to say this was one of my favorite outfits.




We had a girls weekend.  Oh I how I love spending time with my granddaughters!



It was a very hot Sunday.  The girls wanted to cool off.  They had such a great time playing in the sprinkler.


Please join us over at The Creative Mom for more Project 365.


  1. Why no more chocolate snowballs?
    Know that I'm always here praying!
    Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Oh that chocolate snowball looks amazing!
    The alligator sign is kind of scary! We have bears here, but they seem tame compared to alligators!

  3. I don't know what a chocolate snowball is, but it looks delicious! Love all the photos...except the one about the alligator. We don't have those up here...thank goodness!
    Wishing you peace and blessings to your day!

  4. I would love a choclate snowball looks yummy. Such pretty green/pink dresses the girls are wearing. Love your photos except for the alligators I wouldn't like that part. Have a good week.

  5. I don't know what a chocolate snowball is but it sure looks YUMMY!

    And the dress I asked you about last week. My Mom is on the hunt for my youngest daughter. She's been to two stores and they both had it, but not in her size. She is not giving up though!

  6. I'm so loving your girls!!! They're so lovely, and pretty in pink. Dressing up with Grammy must be great fun for them! (Ouch, but do keep them away from that nasty alligator.)

    Changing the subject from girls to your boys, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Boy Scouts. My latest post includes a couple of pics of my sweet son as a scout... and I've linked to you along with a nice list of bloggy Christian Moms with all boys.

    ((Hugs)) e-Mom ღ

  7. Stopped by from e-moms recommendation...precious pictures. Oh, my hubby brought me home a Chia Tea today...nice to meet you...will be looking through your blog.
    From a mom of six...five boys...and waiting on a grandchild!!!

  8. My friend, I was just over at Bella Mella's and loving on her and my comment was underneath yours and when I saw your beautiful face I popped over to see you.

    I love this message! For you chocolate snowballs and for me caramel frappe's.

    I love you dear sister and I am right now lifting up you, your hubby, children, grands--whole family.

  9. The girls had a great time, too. Love the pics, and you did not tell me about the alligator. haha

  10. Yum on the Snow Balls...choc. is my fav too.

    Love the collage!

  11. Your granddaughters are just too beautiful. There is nothing better than those girlie times.

    Alligator? Are you serious?

    Nice to visit again. I have been quite slow with the blogging and can see I miss a lot!

  12. Love your photos! Your grand children are beautiful!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

  13. What can I say? BEAUTIFUL, as always! You have such a lovely family! And what a great photographer you are! Mississippi

  14. Hi Susan, thanks for passing by my blog, I love to receive comments, your blog is gorgeous, I look forward to see it often and learn from it.

  15. Susan! This looks like the most fun week ever : ) I just love your happiness and your love for your family. It is very, very beautiful!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!