
Friday, September 3, 2010

Want to Change Places?



Friday Funnies


I recently received this cute joke in the mail .  I thought at the end of a crazy week, we could all use a laugh.  So good to be back here with you.  Happy Labor Day everyone.


Do you have any idea how hard your wife works to be a good mother?

Imagine this: six dads are dropped on a desert island with one car and three kids each for six weeks.




Each child will play two sports and take music or dance lessons. There’s no fast food, and every man has to correct homework, help with science projects, cook meals, do laundry, budget for groceries, pay the bills without enough money, know the birthdays of friends and relatives and send cards.




In addition, he has to take each kid for haircuts and to doctor and dentist appointments, bake cakes for school functions, plant flowers, and keep his home presentable at all times.

He can only watch TV after the kids are in bed and his chores are done, and then he must have enough energy to be intimate with his spouse at a moment’s notice.



He should be well-groomed, go to church at least once a week, read to his kids, pray with them every night, pack their lunches and favorite snacks, fix breakfast, make sure they’re dressed and on the school bus by 8:00 am.

At the end of six weeks every guy will be tested on his child’s height, weight, shoe size, favorite color, song, drink, toy, and their biggest fear. And here’s the best part—the winner gets to play the game over and over again for the next eighteen to twenty-one years!



So, do you still think you want to change places with your wife?

“A good wife is…worth more than rubies.” Pr 31:10

Join us today over at the Homesteaders Heart for more laughs!


  1. Wow...I'm exhausted reading it..but it's the truth!!

  2. Great post, it's good to have a laugh and also be encouraged at how much we wife and mothers actually do accomplish even when we feel we haven't. Also RE your comment on my blog: wanted to tell you-- when I first started shooting in manual, I took literally 100 or more practice shots to get the settings right for that baby's photo shoot! So don't be discouraged, I'm still getting it figured out!
    Thanks for visiting!

  3. Gosh! I all of a sudden feel inadequate! LOL! I have to go do something productive now, thanks! LOL!
    Just messing with you my friend!
    Happy Friday!

  4. What a great post! LOL WOW ~ we really do mulit-task don't we ;)

    I LOVE your blog! Your grandchildren are gorgeous! Looking forward to knowing you more!

    Have a blessed holiday weekend

  5. Just reading that overwhelmed me, but it's so true!:)LOL

  6. Hi there!
    This was cute!!
    And what a cute blog you have! Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Looking forward to coming back by soon!

  7. Hi Susan,
    I just saw one of your comments on another blog and a smile came to my face as I remembered you from when our paths crossed in blogland about a year ago. I had taken a long hiatus from blogging, but returned back in June.

    Your grandchildren are just adorable. It is great to catch up with you again. Just wanted to stop by and say hi. Will be back again!

    God bless,

  8. How appropriate for Labor Day! I'm exhausted just reading this, Susan. So that's what I've been doing all these years. Nobody ever wrote it all down for me, LOL.

    I'm going to save this, and share it with my husband. (Since he has worked out of our home for many years, he already knows. And he's been a wonderful supporter.)

    Thanks for the giggle.

    (((Hugs)) e-Mom ღ

  9. Ummm... That was cute, but I don't even measure up, I could never expect my husband to, LOL!

  10. I think the real punchline is none of the dads would make it the first time through!
    Know that I'm praying!
    Psalms 27:13-14: I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  11. Hi Susan..
    This post was sooo cute! Im going to pass it along.
    Hope all is well with you and your family!

    Love and Hugs!

  12. Love this! Hope y'all had a great weekend! Congrats on the win Sat. night! Jacob wore his LSU shirt to school last week!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!