
Monday, October 11, 2010

Project 365-My week in Pictures






Started out our week in New York City.  My husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary this year with a wonderful get-a-way to the Big Apple.  We love Central park and had a great day relaxing and taking in all the sights at the park.


We choose to go to this Broadway Show.  Mary Poppins was one of my all time favorite movies as a young girl, and the Broadway play was incredible.  I still have the doll my mom gave me as a present one Christmas when I was about eight years old.




It wouldn’t be New York without a little shopping.  Had a great day going to all the stores on 5th Avenue, and finished up with dinner at Times Square!




We decided to take a bicycle cab back to the hotel rather than walking or catching a yellow cab.  Our driver was from Russia, and since my husband knows a little Russian, he had some fun talking to him.



We went to Rockefeller Center on our last day.  There was so much going on down there.  We watched some of the Today Show live, took a tour of the NBC studios, and talked with some FDNY fireman who were hosting a big fire prevention event. 



My son and his wonderful family came over for dinner.  It was so good to see them again.  I just love my beautiful girls!




Kayla and Karli had a sleep over at Grammy’s.  We had a great day Sunday just hanging out at the park and riding on the Golf Cart.  Kayla loves to drive all by herself.


Please join us today over at The Creative Mom for more Projects.


  1. New York looks fabulous! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Hoping the pics would be up! Love all of them. Glad y'all had a great time in NY, but even more glad you are back!
    We had a great weekend.
    Love you guys!

  3. Susan,

    Oh, I love stopping by your beautiful blog! I am always so inspired and so reminded of how beautiful you are, how beautiful your family is, and what a great photographer you are!

    I want so desperately to get more involved in blogging circles, and I truly feel so blog-challenged!

    You inspire me!

    I love you!

    tammy :)

  4. Sounds like a great anniversary! Love the last two shots!

  5. Can't believe it's your anniversary again! Didn't you just have one a couple of weeks ago?
    Praying right now!
    1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  6. Hi friend,

    You were in my old stomping grounds. I was born and raised in NY and worked in the City for a few years.

    Your photos brought back memories.

    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. Looks like you had a wonderful time!

    Hubby and I celebrated 20 yrs Sept. 29th. I pray for you and your husband what we pray for us is many many more blessed, healthy and peaceful years with JESUS as the foundation.

    Love you!


  7. It looks like a wonderful trip! All your photos are wonderfully composed.

  8. Happy Anniversary!! Such fun photos for a fun get away!! How neat for you to see some of the Today show and take a tour. I've always wanted to a wagon ride like that. So good for you two to make time together and celebrate. Have a good weekend.

  9. looks like a great week! It was our anniversary last week too! Happy Anniversary!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!