
Monday, December 27, 2010

Project 365-My Week In Pictures





Received a special package in the mail.   My sweet niece returned  my Christmas dress I wore as child.  She wore this dress and her two daughters as well.  Now, my granddaughters will have this.  Truly a treasure.



Had a fun day of baking and finishing up my Christmas goodies.  Jordan asked if he could help out.  He was so excited to make his first cake.  It came out delicious.




Gathered up all my gifts to give out this year.  Oh the joys of Christmas!





My son Joel was sitting outside when I came out with the camera.   He told me not to put this on my blog.  Shhhh, it’s our secret.



Christmas eve.  Spent the day cooking and cleaning.   We went to a wonderful service at church that night.  A nice relaxing evening!




There were so many special moments Christmas day as we celebrated with our family.  My son Jordan was anxious to open his gifts before they arrived.  His reaction to his I Touch was just priceless.  Truly this made my Christmas.




The girls slept over Christmas night.  We took them to the mall on Sunday.  The place was packed!   They are so much fun together.


Thanks so much for stopping by. 

Happy New Year!


Join us for more projects here.


  1. Love ALL the pics...and I'll never tell!
    Always praying in Seattle!
    I Peter 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Great week of images! I love the first and the last the best....what a great capture of your son's reaction to his gift. :)

  3. That picture of your son opening his gift is absolutely priceless! Great pictures!

  4. Your son's face is truly priceless in that picture!! That is one of my favorite parts of Christmas! What sweet little girls:)

  5. So many pretty photos here Susan. So happy you had a wonderful Christmas with your family. Love that dress of yours, it's gorgeous! Love how you captured Jordan's reaction to his gift, so sweet. Love love the photos of your granddaughters with their cool hats on shopping with you. I can't believe you braved the mall the day after Christmas, I hide out at home. I've loved reading your blog all year and hope to see your pictures in the new year.Have a wonderful week and a happy, safe New Years Eve and Day.

    P.s. Did you decide to do project life again? If so which album are you choosing?

  6. So VERY much enjoyed all the pictures and the captions you put with them! Every week I think they can't get any better but they just do!!! :)

    Happy New Year! Mississippi

  7. Lovely shots for this week! I loved the shots of your son getting his gift. Much like my daughter who got earrings from my Mom {she was told she couldn't get them pierced till she was 10}. It was priceless.

  8. Another week of fabulous shots! I love Jordan's reaction to his gift! The sweets were delicious! Thanks again!

  9. Looks like a fun week! You take beautiful pictures. 2011 will be my first year for Project Life and I'm hoping my photo taking improves day by day!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!