
Monday, January 3, 2011

Project 365-My week in pictures




My husband took vacation for the last week of the year.  We started our day having devotions together.   It was so much fun having him home with me.



Went with my husband to a pre-surgery doctor’s appointment.  I’m glad I brought my camera with me.  I loved this poinsettia in the foyer of the building. 



My husband had hernia repair surgery.  I took this shot of him with my son not long after he was out of recovery and awake from the anesthesia.  He did amazing.  Not one single compliant.  Who said men are bad patients? 




Took the grands to play a game of mini golf.  They absolutely loved it.  I had such a great day with my little golfers.




Had the girls over for a few days since they were out of school.  We were on our way to have our nails done.  We brought the new year in later that night with lots of sparklers and roman candles.




We spent New Years’ Day at my husband’s sisters house.  All the cousins were together.  We had lots of good food, mountains of desert,  and we enjoyed getting caught up with all of the family we don’t get to see very often.   I’m still stuffed!




I love watching Cole play.  It’s been a long time since we’ve seen trucks and cars around our home.   He is all boy for sure. 


Thanks so much for stopping by! For more Project Life go here.


  1. Glad your hubby is recovering well!

    Love that last shot of Cole!

  2. Keep your eyes on the only true source of peace and strength. Praying!
    Isaiah 26:3-4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  3. Great photos. Glad your hubby's surgery went well.

  4. Happy New Year! So happy for another year of seeing your photos. So glad your husband is doing well. My husband stayed home that last week too, it was so nice to have the extra help and company. Love love all your grandchildrent's photos, so sweet they are. Have a good week.

  5. Great week of photos, Susan! I love the one of the little golfers and what a coincidence that we saw you there!

  6. Another week of great shots - love the first one. Glad your husband did fine. Love the jumping picture and one of Cole!

  7. Sweet treasures! And it looks so nice and warm down there.... :)

    Love the kid's clothes!

  8. I am your contact person for the 2011 365 Project, so if you have problems or questions just e-mail me!

    probablytracy at ymail dot com

  9. Hi Susan,
    Love the first and the second shot a lot. Your grand-kids are adorable!!!!

  10. Love the week in review. Sorry it has been so long since I have stopped by to say hi! I'm glad your husband is doing well and you are enjoying all those grandbabies!

    Much love,

  11. Your pics are always amazing!!!

    You have some strong men who have been very good patients =) you must treat 'em real good ;)

    Your grands are gorgeous!!

  12. Hope husband is well on the mend; love seeing your life through the lens!

    Blessings to all of you at the start of a new week. May the rich presence and peace of Jesus be your portion.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!