
Monday, January 10, 2011

Project 365- My Week in Pictures


PL-TuesdaySM      Mommytograhpy




Well, it’s that time again in Louisiana for King Cakes!!  Yes, its Mardi Gras.  If you’re not familiar with the King Cake, its a New Orleans tradition that dates back to the eighteenth century.  It’s a type of cinnamon sugar French pastry, covered with vanilla icing, and topped with green, purple and yellow sugar crystals.  They also come filled with cream cheese, or raspberry, or my favorite, apple.  Yummy!



Had an awesome night of fellowship with my wonderful friend Cyndy and her husband Jim.  We were celebrating our annual Christmas dinner a little late this year.   It’s always a joy getting together with this special couple. 

After 29 years of friendship, we’re still going strong.  Thank God for good friends!




I gave this ornament as a Christmas present for my son Jordan.  He hung it up today and put it on his dresser.  This is the kind of Christmas gift that never has to be put up till next year.   Also, one of our favorite scriptures.




We had the most beautiful winter sunset on Thursday evening.  I went out just to enjoy and marvel at the handiwork of God.




Cole got on the carrousel at the mall and it was hard getting him off.  He kept wanting to go round and round.  I can’t get enough of this little boy.  He is just as sweet as the come.




Caught Kayla looking at herself in the shoe department.  She’s was practicing her smile for Grammy.  What a doll.




My little Karli acting silly in her big sister’s hat. 


Please join us over here for more projects.  I’m also linked up to Mommytography too.


Thanks so much for stopping by today!


  1. Great week of photos! I especially love that cutie in the monkey hat. =)

  2. LOVE the Mirror shot!!! Great week!

  3. Continuing to lift up prayers! Still praying for Joel, too!
    Psalms 138:3 In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  4. your photos are so great! Thursday photo...beautiful. Happy Project LIfe Tuesday!

  5. Great pictures and lovely blog. Happy project life Tuesday!

  6. Great set of photos Susan....Gosh, your talent as a photographer is improving "right before my eyes"....literally!! love you.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my Blog! I'm excited to be participating in some photography hops. I'm a newbie, but love it!

    I especially like Saturdays pic! How awesome!
    Have a blessed day!!!

  8. Wonderful photos. I have a link up every week if you would like to join also.

  9. Wonderful week of photos! And now you've reminded me that I haven't had king cake yet this year! I love the ornament.

  10. Love the mirror shot!

  11. You always have such fun pictures every week. So glad that you will be doing PL again this year. That sunset is breathtaking. Happy Project Life 2011.

  12. Great pictures. They are all so clear and very detailed. :)


  13. 1st...your blog header is adorable..what a beautiful family...

    ...and I could tell by your writing that you're just as beautiful on the inside.

    ...Psalm 46:10 happens to by one of my fave scriptures too and I just made a card with a picture I took with that very verse... your pictures..a gift indeed :)

  14. Great pictures Susan! That is my husband's favorite scripture as well. Always a good thing to be reminded of this.

  15. What great pics! I love king cake, too. My favorite is Tuesday - such a sucker for sunsets. But the mirror shot is too cute!

  16. Great shots! Your grandchildren are absolutely adorable! And, that King Cake looks amazing! We were in New Orleans a few years ago, but not at the right time for King Cake :-( I keep saying I'm going to have one shipped here, and never do.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!