
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sail on Sailor!








“Don’t worry about it.”

Have you ever had those words said to you?  Did it work?  Probably not!

Easy words to say, but impossible hard to put into practice.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve taken residence one too many times in Worryville.

It is kind of interesting that the words anxious and anxiety aren’t found in the Greek.  Usually we find the word worry.

The the Greek word translated do not worry literally means;  to be drawn in different directions.

Worry will  pull us apart from the presence of God.

When we are tempted to worry about things in our life, we need to  look at Philippians 4:6 – it reads “ do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God”.

We need to be praying about every need, situation and problem in our lives.

In 1Peter 5:7 it says cast all your worries on God, because he cares for you.

We can bring our worries and fears to Jesus, and he will exchange them with His peace in all that we need to face every situation.


All the water in the world
However hard it tried,
Could never sink a mighty ship
Unless it gets inside.

Sail on sailor!


Lord, forgive me for all the times I’ve spent worrying about so many things.   Help me to keep my focus on you not the problem but your many provisions you give us daily.  Let my thoughts be directed to your word. Let me learn to take captive of each and every thought.   Father you have everything we have need of, you are faithful and true.  I give thanks and praise to you. 

Join us today over at Scripture and a Snapshot for more of the word and pictures.


  1. this is my favorite verse and such a powerful one.

  2. so so so powerful... and I need this read to me everyday because I struggle with worry.

  3. Boy do I need that one today. Sigh.

  4. Our sermon at church was on this same verse. God knew what I needed to hear He always does! I love the picture of your little girl, too!

  5. Yes taking it to the Lord in prayer should be our first port of call - I'm getting better the older I become at bringing those situations to the Lord. As I look back on events in the past I can see how the Lord has had his hand over me guiding me in the direction He wanted me to go and that verse "all things work together for good to them that love the Lord" rings true with me.

  6. Love this, Susan. Have a blessed week.

  7. Philippians 4:6-7 was claimed by me as my life verse several years ago. When my heart pounds and I feel anxious, I recite it. And then I LIVE it... first I pray..then I look for the "thankful" in the situation. Susan, YOU know that it's hard sometimes to find the thankful.. but when you do, it all turns around. satan can't stand to be around a thankful, prayer-filled heart. And when he leaves, worry goes with him. The "peace of God that passes all understanding" fills up the space where worry likes to reside, and it truly does "guard your heart AND your mind in Christ Jesus". Love you, friend... and thankful for YOU and your humble, prayer-filled heart...

  8. I love the photo you used with this verse. It's so important to teach our little ones to choose prayer instead of anxiety. I love that definition for be drawn in different directions.

    Thanks for stopping over at my place today!

  9. This is a fabulous, much needed post! Thank you...and thank you for your kind comment at my place!

  10. I'm a worrier - thank you for the reminder of a great verse! And a great photo to go along with!

  11. That pictures is so sweet with that expression.. but I am loving the words of yoru devotional!!! Thank you for sharing.. I too visit "worryville" jsut a bit to often. IT is amazing that whenever i go there, I find not a single thing to like! :) HAve a great week!

  12. Love the expression on the face!! Too cute!! Great scripture to put with the expression on the face!!!
    Have a good one!!!

  13. Cool! This was actually the topic and scripture used in our Sunday service this past Sunday and one that my husband has been talking a lot about since he came home from a conference on biblical responsible financing about a week ago. It has just been a common theme throughout the week. I'm glad to see it in your week, too!

  14. Blessings Susan! Adorable photo and excellent verses with an inspiring message to not WORRY! Yes, we must put it into practice... love all 3 of these verses but most love the expression on your precious loved one! They all are so adorable... and I saw a handsome photo of your main man, too! I love how you are capturing all your memories through photos!

    Let's sail on and let none of that get inside... AMEN to your lovely prayer... keeping our eyes focused and on Him, giving thanks, praise and trusting Him in all with no more cares because HE HOLDS and take them all...Our Burden Bearer, who cares for every detail. Thank you for your heart warming message and scriptures!

    Love, peace and JOY... Forever His,

  15. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! and yes, I think we've been neighbors in Worryville before we moved out! :) LOVE this! LOVE you!!

    hugs lady! missing you too!


  16. Great words of wisdom in that verse.

  17. I've had plenty of visits to Worryville myself. The definition you give, to be drawn in different directions really stand out to me.

  18. That's an adorable picture with that Word. Thank for those thoughts. Blessings ~

  19. sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!