
Friday, February 1, 2013

Disney Magic


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For the past few years, our family has taken an annual trip to Disney World.  I don’t know who gets more excited…our grandchildren or us!



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This year was extra special;  all 5 of our sons came.  Talk about a lot of planning!  My wonderful daughter in love took care of every last detail.




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Thanks so much, Kristin.  Your hard work paid off.  Each day was filled with all kinds of fun things to do, and we ate at some amazing places. 




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We spent our first day in the Magic Kingdom.  Here we are at the Crystal Palace for lunch.  Yummy…




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There is nothing like watching the spectacular parade on Main Street.  The magic had officially begun.




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Karli had a love affair with her cousin Grace; she would not let her out of her sight!




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Here we are taking a quick photo stop.  Gosh…so many beautiful places to take pictures. 



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Even my son Jordan got mouse fever!  Who doesn’t love Mickey?




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Smile, girls, we don’t want to forget any of these special moments.




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Here we are, one more character stop before we leave!




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As you can see, the weather was just gorgeous.  Lots of sunshine and smiles.  Couldn’t have been more perfect.



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Next stop… Animal Kingdom.  Uncle Joe’s job was to entertain the kids while we waited for our table.  As you can see, he did a great job!




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Karli (our little animal lover) was just mesmerized by an amazing bird show.




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As you can see, we planed our outfits accordingly.  Looking forward to making that scrapbook soon.


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To end our day we went on an adventured-filled safari ride.




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Is she not just adorable?




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We took a break during the week and went to Sea World.  Oh boy, what fun!  This was my first visit…I’ll be back for sure.



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Looks like someone made a friend.




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This show was simply awesome! 




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Looks like I spotted a really nice looking guy in the crowd!




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Another highlight from our trip was going to the American Idol Experience.  No flash photography was allowed.   As you can see that smile lit up the place!




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Now…for the hard part, who would we choose?  Who will be the next American Idol?



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My three amigos,  still ready for more fun!



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One of my favorite places to visit in Disney World is Epcot. Now that the girls are getting older, they have found their favorite countries to visit.



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My American beauties!



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Here is our reward for getting old!





wpe IMG_0817 It seems just like yesterday we took these guys to Disney as little boys.  Where has the time gone?




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And now we have our precious grandson!  So many moments I’ll cherish forever.




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I could keep going with the many pictures I took, but for now I’ll stop.



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We were worn out by the end of our trip, but we are already looking forward to going back!   Thanks so much taking your time to stop by.





  1. How fun! My daughter's request last year for her 19th birthday was for her and I to go to the Disney parks. Well we FINALLY got to go this past week and I'm still trying to put the photos together. LOL!
    It seems that you all made some wonderful memories!

  2. What a special trip! Looks like Kristin did a wonderful job putting it all together. What special memories for your whole family, especially you....all your boys and grandchildren. Blessings.


  3. Hi, Susan! So nice to see your blog post come across my blogger feed! Looks like you had a wonderful time at Disney. I can't wait to have fun with my own grandchildren one day, Lord willing! Yours are simply precious.


  4. Such a fun way to spend time with your family and a super way to stay in tough with your grandchildren. :)

  5. Looks like you had a great time, and your photos are just beautiful! Love all the colors.

  6. how wonderful!!! I've only been to WDW as an adult and I was MESMERIZED by the magic! Cannot wait to take my little one. Looks like you all had an amazing time!

  7. You've got a great family tradition going - the grands will always cherish these memories!

  8. It's great that you're able to get away as a family like that! The cousins must have a blast!

  9. Looks like so much fun. We used to have a Sea World by me here in Ohio, but they closed. I miss it so much.

  10. So all it takes to get you to update is a trip to Disney World! Glad you had such a great time!
    Can't imagine any greater comfort than knowing that the Holy Spirit Himself is praying for you!
    Romans 8:26-28 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
    My email address

  11. I have never been to Disney World but I grew up near Disney and have gone my whole life. I love it! Sea WOrld is fun too. Looks like a wonderful family trip.

  12. I enjoyed seeing all of the different hats and caps -- very cute!

  13. What a wonderful, amazing family vacation filled with so many great memories! That is definitely going to be one awesome scrapbook! :)

  14. I so enjoyed this post! We are planning a trip to Disney in a few years when our babies are old enough to appreciate it! Thanks for sharing your photos; I love the coordinating outfits every day! Going to keep that in mind. :)

  15. what a fun, fun vacation and so wonderful that the whole family was there. Great shots, great memories!!

  16. What a very fun trip and how special for it to be all of you! What an amazing daughter in law to plan the details and your reward for getting old priceless!

  17. Thanks for sharing these amazing shots!
    I have 3 boys and love seeing glimpses into the lives of other moms of sons---especially LOVE seeing them with their moms after they've become men. I pray that my boys will choose great partners and remain a big part of our lives.
    And I LOVE your phrase "daughter in love":)

  18. Those photos are amazing. It looks SO much better than Disneyland Paris!

    My favourites are the ones of the show and the photo of taking a photo. Looks like you all had a great time.

  19. Oh, how we love Disney...and how special to have everyone there! Such amazing memories, Susan. These beautiful photos will be such a blessing to your grandbabies!

  20. Such fun! And some beautiful shots<3 Your newest follower, feel free to follow back if you like :)

  21. Oh I would so love to take my family... we are not close, but I am saving my money to try!

  22. Ha ha I have not been to Disney World in almost 2 decades!!

    Ali of

  23. What an amazing trip! Wonderful captures of such special memories!

  24. What fun!!! Thanks for your visit~

  25. This looks like such a great trip! I love the kids' matching outfits. I can't wait to take my daughter to Disney World when she's old enough!

  26. Such gorgeous photos! Looks like a fabulous trip.

    Happy Thursday!

  27. It was so nice hearing from you today, Susan; thanks for the visit. I don't get around to blogs much anymore, but thought I'd drop over (it's been forever!) and check on you and I see you're still posting the most beautiful photos I have seen. Your pictures are so gorgeous and clear and your family is BEAUTIFUL. What a treat and what a wonderful family time.

    Bless you and you family dear sister.

  28. What a fantastic family adventure! Those little ones will always remember that, and thanks to your gorgeous photos, they will remember all the fun details too!

  29. Oh I cant wait to take Martha there some day!Its a long way from Ireland tho.

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  34. What an amazing adventure!!!!! Loved seeing these.

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Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!