
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Picture Me

I have been tagged for the "Picture Me" by Tiffany one of my new blogger friends. Thanks Tiffany! I'll make this my Almost Wordless Wednesday.
I choose this picture because it's getting close to our anual Christmas Tea again. Each year I meet with a group of some of my closest friends to have tea and a great time of fellowship. This picture was taken at the "Windsor Court" in New Orleans! Ahhh, what sweet memories, and great tea.
I'm now going to tag my friend Tonya Nason at her new beautiful blog, "Safe In His Arms", if you would like to play, just post a picture of your self and tag someone someone else to keep this going.
Happy "Almost Wordless Wednesday" to all of you!


  1. Susan,

    I am loving all the pictures you have posted of your granddaughters - they are all so beautiful!

    Your blog continues to inspire and encourage. I just love coming here. Thanks so much for sharing & teaching us all along the way.

    Love & FROG,


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!