
Thursday, November 1, 2007


1 Chronicles 16:8 - "Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done".

On this Thankful Thursday I want to give God thanks for one of the most amazing gifts he has ever given me next to my salvation. On June 21st I gave my life to Jesus, a day I will never forget. On that night as I knelt by my bed, I prayed a prayer that went something like this, "Dear Lord, thank you for saving me and giving me a new start at life. Thank you for dying for all my sins, and making a way for me to reach you. Father, I don't know a single Christian in this world who loves you with all their heart. Please send me a Christian friend. Let this person know you really well, and help me learn more about you. Amen."

The very next morning I awoke to get ready for work and I put on my favorite rock and roll station. It was very early and I had never heard this particular show before. It was called "The Rock that doesn't Roll" on WRNO. Well, they started the show with a beautiful song called "Stephanie". My sister's name is Stephanie, and I really wanted her to hear this song. Once I arrived at work I begin calling many of the secular record stores in town. I continued to ask if they knew about this song. I didn't know who sang it, only that it was song about a girl named Stephanie. That wasn't very much to go on. So, as you can imagine, I didn't have any success.

When I got home I found a bookstore in the yellowpages that said they sold records, so I decided to try and make one final call. The store was called Logo's Bookstore. I didn't even know what that word meant! The young guy who answered said, "Jesus Loves you, can I help you?" Oh my, I thought, he's just so nice. So I asked him if he had ever heard of a song called Stephanie, and to my amazement he said, "Yes, its a new album by Bob Ayala, and I just heard him in concert last week!" I was so excited, I asked what time the store was going to close, and he told me he was closing in less than an hour. So I said, "could you please hold it open, I'm on the way?" Now, when I get something in my mind, I've just got to have it, so I jumped in the car and headed downtown!

When I arrived at the store I was greeted with a warm welcome and a great big smile that I will never forget. This young guy was ready to help me in any way he could, and I was thrilled to find my first Christian Bookstore. I didn't even know they existed. After finding the album I came for, he helped me pick out my first bible and an arm full of goodies.

This story took place 30 years ago. The Lord answered my prayer and sent me that friend I had asked for the night before. Little did I know he would turn out to be my lifelong partner, the best teacher, lover, and the father of my five wonderful sons. Yes I truly am thankful for you Rick Amato! I love you.
PS. Many years after we were married I was able to meet Bob Ayala and shared with him how his song helped me meet my future husband!

For more Thankful Thursday posts, head over to Crystal's who is so graciously guest-hosting for us!


  1. Such an awesome thankful list, bless you.

  2. Wow what a sweet story, seek and you will find =))

  3. What a touching story! Thank you so much for sharing this. God is so good.

  4. A beautiful and heart touching story. You do indeed have much to be thankful for. Our Father is so good to us.


  5. I saw your comment over at Diane's site and wanted to let you know that there are many of us who have bonded over our prodigals. I"m happy to say that our heroin addicted prodigal was delivered, and we have written our story together. If you are interested, it is on the right sidebar on my blog. Diane has been a great friend - we got to meet in Minnesota last summer!

  6. What an awesome testimony and love story!

    Thank you for sharing!

  7. What a great story! I loved reading that!

  8. What a wonderful story of God's love and leading in our lives no matter where we are in our walk with Him!

  9. What a great story! Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  10. That is an AMAZING Thankful Thursday!!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog...I'm enjoying myself, checking out yours.

  11. Such a testimony of how God answers prayers and a very sweet love story.

  12. That was beautiful! It's always so fun to look back and see how God put all the puzzle pieces together.

  13. That is such a nice story. Thanks for sharing it.

    God Bless

  14. What a great story! Thanks for sharing your blessings this week!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!