
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dressed for Battle

On this “Thankful Thursday” I want to thank God for the beautiful wardrobe He has given us wear. His Amour! Now we don’t have to worry women if it will fit. It’s just the perfect size, handmade by Jesus, and ready and waiting to be put on everyday.

Eph. 6-10-18 says:

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests."

I don’t know about you, but I have been fighting some real battles lately, and it doesn’t look like things are not calming down. Our nation is being tested like never before, and we are in a battle for holiness, our families, and for God’s Word to prevail over the darkness that hovers all around us. With that in mind I'm so grateful that God has not left us defenseless against all these assaults. He has clothed us for the battle...

So, on this Thankful Thursday I'm thanking God for the belt of truth. He has given us His wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. I place this belt securely around me each day.

Next, I’m thankful for the breastplate of righteous. It is the precious blood of Jesus that has cleansed me from every stain of sin, and frees me to live a life of victory day by day.

I’m thankful for the sandals of peace that transcends all human knowledge and understanding. Even when I don’t know why, I know in whom I have believed and have peace that He will never abandon me in the battle.

I’m thankful for the mighty shield of faith that not only guards me from the direct assaults of the enemy, but it gives me courage to take my stand knowing that my Savior is standing right by my side.

I’m thankful for the helmet of salvation that protects me in battle for my mind. I am able to think clearly and have God’s thoughts and divine insight no matter how high the waves are raging all around me.

And finally, I’m thankful for the sword of the spirit, which is God’s unchanging Word. This weapon is powerful and able to silence every lie and scheme of Satan. It is what sustains and equips me to never give up, turn back, or surrender.

Yes ladies, we may never see a model in Glamour magazine dressed in the latest designer "Amour from Italy", but pleased be assured, when we wear our spiritual dress we are the most beautifully adorned handmaidens in the eyes of Jesus our Lord!

If you would like to see what other thankful hearts are saying, please drop by Iris at Sting My Heart! Thanks so much for stopping by today!


  1. being clothed in the Lord's Armour helps us breeze through each of our own battles ... and it sure beats any expensive designer clothes out there! :)
    Blessings ...

  2. AMEN...We are in a STRONG spiritual warfare right now! I love your post...It's very inspiring, a stark reminder why we MUST pray and be vigilant.

  3. Great post! I've had the verses in Colossians about being clothed in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience in my mind this's definitely something you have to have the Lord help you do!

  4. This is so beautiful, Susan :) I am so thankful with you for the beautiful armor He has given to us. I wear it proudly. And you are right - it is always the perfect size :)

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours...

  5. Great post! We do have so many battles in our lives and we have to keep on the full armour of God to survive! Thanks for the reminder. God Bless~

  6. You have hit the nail on the head! We cannot make it without our wardrobe of life! His Life!
    Thank you for the encouraging reminder of His faithfulness!

  7. Your words always affect me. The place that I am in right now so needed to hear your words. Thank you for that! Blessings to you today and always.

  8. Susan,

    This is awesome. Yes, He clothes us in His armour. I too have been going through some things lately and I know He is there beside me as I fight these battles with the enemy. Thank you for such an inspiring post and also for the well wishes and prayers for my daughter.


  9. This is a powerful word of encouragement! It's just what I needed today, Susan. The Ephesians 6 passage never fails to strengthen me. Thanks for posting all the verses.

    I pray your day is victorious today.

    Blessings, e-Mom @ Chrysalis

  10. Thank you for such an awesome thankful thursday post.

  11. I just was so blessed by your post. Thank you! May God bless you in all you do today!

  12. Drats.....I wasn't first...I had to abandon the computer just after I posted last night....but I had to VISIT you first....
    This is the 3rd time this week that this verse has popped out at me...all different ways....
    I TOTALLY agree...we are in a battle, for our kids, our marraiges, our nation...all of it...
    GREAT POST...we've already got the best SPRING LINE, no need for a spring wardrobe....we got ours!!
    LOVED IT!!

  13. Susan, You are SO RIGHT! We've GOT to keep ourselves COVERED!!! The battle grows more fierce daily. (I've always heard that if you're not "bumping heads" with the devil it's because you're walking in the SAME direction) So we should "DRESS UP" and get ready to BUMP HEADS! (I know we sure don't wanna walk with him.. YIKES) =-)

    I love you, My Sister! Reading your heart is a BLESSING as always.

  14. Susan,

    Are you listening to John MacArthur? He is preaching on the armour of God on Grace to You right now!

    I have been reading a book on assurance lately, and your post on the armour of God has just made assurance that much sweeter!

    Thank you for a terrific post!

  15. I am so glad I found your site, it has really ministered to me today. I am very new to the blogging world and even newer to this "Meme" phenomenom but I am so excited about what a great tool it is for growing in the Lord!

    God Bless You~~Kelley

  16. Thanks for reminding me of God's armour. Beautiful post. I too am so afraid for our country. Thank you for your kind words on my blog.

  17. What a fantastic post! Thanks, Susan. And thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  18. What a neat post! Thank you for that!

  19. We are indeed in a battle daily and what reassurance it is to have impenetrable armor such as this.

    I wish I could see a glamour photo of you in your armor!

  20. Thank you for bringing the important passage of Scripture to mind today. Yes we do face constant warfare, but God has provided for our victory.

  21. You are so welcome in "thankyou for visiting you today!..Im honored to do so. I enjoyed your post as I always do.

    Love and Hugs....

  22. HI Susan!
    Thanks for your sweet blessings to my parents for their anniversary.
    Also, thanks for this reminder to put my armour on. I haven't been lately & boy has it been tough!!
    Thanks sister!
    Love ya,

  23. Wonderful post!! I really needed this right now...the reminder to PRAY ON the armor,!! You are such an encouragement to me!!

  24. Susan,

    This is so good. I've been thinking a lot lately about the robe of righteousness that we wear because of Christ. And I too am aware of the battle. I'm been fighting for my sisters who are wounded. I've been giving satan a piece of my mind. He's stolen enough of my life. My prayer is that through Christ, the enemy will be sorry he ever messed with me.

    I'm in my fighting boots, on my knees.

    Hugs and thanks for this post.
    I love it.

    Have a great night!

  25. LOVE your thankful post. Absolutely wonderful. Was just reading another post yesterday about NOT comparing ourselves to worldy views of beauty... this fits... clothe ourselves to be beautiful to the Lord!
    Blessings, Kim

  26. God certainly know what we need! And the verses about our spiritual armour is one of our favorites.

    May God be ever present in your battles and may they each bring Him glory!

    Thanks for sharing such a great TT post.

  27. What a wonderful post!

    Thanks for the welcome and hope you all are well now. I prayed so much while taking care of my very sick husband that I wouldn't get it as I have asthma and Fibromyalgia so if I get the flu it's really bad and can put me in the hospital but God answered my prayers! :)

  28. Oh Hallelujah! I am thankful for the armour of God too. I am also thankful it fits! *wink*

    Great Thankful!!

  29. Awesome post Susan,

    You know a good friend of mine wrote today in our yahoo group...

    God gives us the weapons but they don't do any good unless we use them.

    Awesome post.

  30. I really LOVED this post, Susan. And truly - we need that armour everyday and I am so thankful for it! I saved this post of yours - it's one I want to come back to read again and again! :)

    Have a blessed weekend!
    Love & FROG,

  31. Beautiful and true. Thanks for this lovely reminder. It reminds me that nothing else matters except all these clothing God provided for us.

  32. Most excellent post Susan!! Way to go girl! blessings on your weekend.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!