
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Power of Prayer

Momma prayed, momma cried, momma laid awake at night.She would fight my battles while I slept awayCause momma knew life is hardwithout somebody on your sideI don't know how, but there is power in the way,The way my momma prayed.
(Words and music by Jeremiah Olson)


Thank God for the faithful prayers of so many mothers. I believe many times they were used by God to change the course of history. I’m grateful for every prayer that was whispered for me by my own precious mother.

When I think of a mother who had every excuse to be “too busy to pray”, I can’t help but think of one of my of my favorite hero’s, Susanna Wesley.

In nineteen years, she gave birth to nineteen children, nine of whom died as infants—including two sets of twins. A maid accidentally smothered one baby. Another was crippled for life in a tragic accident.

Susanna met her trials with a strong faith in God that she had learned as a child. She was the youngest of twenty-five, born in 1669 to the family of Dr. Samuel Annesley, a well-known and very powerful minister.

No matter what the circumstances of her life would bring, Susanna was committed to caring for her family in the best way possible. Each day before teaching her children, she set aside an hour to herself for Scripture reading and prayer, and then led all her children in singing psalms.

Susanna Wesley raised two of the most powerful ministers of her day. She was the mother of John and Charles Wesley. These two brothers founded the Methodist church. John led many large revivals all over England and across the ocean in America.
Charles was a renowned composer who wrote hundreds of hymns and his songs that are still among the world’s most famous. Songs like “Hark the Herald Angles Sing” and “ O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” just to name a couple.

Prayer is still the most powerful weapon we have been given here on earth, and mothers are uniquely gifted to be both loving nurturers and radical prayer warriors for their children. Only Heaven will tell the story of how many lives were changed because mothers were on their knees.
Heather at the Titus 2 Woman is our host this week for In Other Words.


  1. Susan,

    I, too, am inspired by Susanna Wesley. I once read that whenever she needed a break, she would sit and throw her apron over her head. The children knew not to bother her because she was praying.

    What an inspiration to us to just seek God above all else!

    -Di Di

  2. Girl, you are sooooo right, it IS our most powerful's not we NEED to be praying our way through it every single day...
    HE knows our hearts...
    praying my way thorough it with you!!
    wonderful words!

  3. Susannah Wesley is one of my favorite role models. She was an amazing Christian woman. Thanks for this post. I'm ready to study her life all over again! Hugs, e-Mom

  4. what an inspiring post...
    thank you Susan... it is certainly something for me to strive for...

  5. that is VERY inspiring and encouraging...Thank you so much for sharing that...That's just wow!!

    Thank you for sharing that!

    My post is here

  6. Susannah Wesley is one of my favorite ladies of faith to study. Thank you for reminding us of her story. Blessings to you.

  7. Susan, I was also thinking of Susan Wesley. She is a great example to us all. What a woman of God! And someday we will look back and see how our prayers have changed history too. That's amazing.

  8. WOW, I've never heard of this lady.. it's situations like these that remind us we have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to complain about! PRAISE GOD we can ALWAYS rest in KNOWING that no matter what happens in this world.. our HEAVENLY REWARD awaits us in the next...


  9. AMEN! And AMEN! You nailed it. I have heard the story of Susanna Wesley before, and the power of her influence through prayer in their life. Well said, and thank you for your kind words on my post. They are sweet salve of grace and encouragement to me after writing a particularly difficult piece. Thanks again.


  10. Susan,
    I love the story of Susannah Wesley. Hers is a true testimony of a praying mom. Thanks for the post today.

  11. Sussana Wesley was a great woman. a great inspiration for us, mothers.

    Thanks for sharing. God bless!

  12. I need to read more of Susanna's story! Wow! Great post.

  13. Prayer...amen! I don't do enough of it either. I love reading about Susannah Wesley...thanks for sharing all of this. My 2 favorite Christians from the past: John and Charles Wesley! (of course I have a wesleyan/free methodist background!! and went to a FM college so.....maybe I am biased!) Ithink I will try to find a good biography about Susannah. I don't own one. Do you know of any?

  14. I really should sit down and read a book about the life of Susanna Wesley. She was an incredible woman of faith...

    Thank you for sharing, Susan.

  15. so beautiful! i love everything you have written about! and 5 BOYS!!! WOW!! how in the world do you do it?


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!