
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Beyond The Cross

On this Thankful Thursday I want to thank God for:

The Cross

Before Christ's resurrection the Roman cross was known only as an instrument of pain, suffering, judgment, and ultimately a horrible death. However, today we know it to be a symbol of LIFE, HOPE, VICTORY, and a constant reminder of God's unconditional LOVE for the whole world!

The Tomb

Before Christ’s resurrection the grave was known as the final chapter, the end of life, the end of everything. But because of the price that was paid on Calvary, we can now rejoice to know that beyond the grave is where LIFE that will never end really BEGINS. And we can say with Paul, “Oh grave where is your sting, Oh grave where is your Victory?”

The Hope

What a God of Hope we serve! "Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven – and the future starts now!" (1 Peter 1:3-4 – The Message)

Wishing you all a blessed Easter Week as we celebrate the victory of our RISEN Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ!

Jesus, thank you for giving your life so we may truly be able to live. Thank you for the love you gave the world as you willing paid the price for us to have full access to the Father. Nothing now can separate us from your love, your grace, and your eternal mercy.

Join us over at Sting My Heart as we give thanks for all God has done for us!


  1. You are such a precious example of Jesus, and His love.

  2. It's interesting how these symbols can take on a different meaning. This is a wonderful post for Easter time.

  3. YES, SUSAN! The cross meant eternal life.. it meant no more sorrow.. no more pain.. no more suffering! PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM for all HE has done through the CROSS!

    (I love the new song too - PERFECT for Easter!)

    I LOVE YOU!!!

  4. Thank-you! This was wonderful. Happy TT!

  5. Wonderful post...this is the most amazing time of year!

  6. Such a timely post. Thanks for sharing their meaning.

    Happy Easter.

  7. You said the EXACT same thing that I did about the was nothing more than an instrument of execution....UNTIL THAT day....

    what a sounded much better hearing YOU write it!!
    You blessed me again!
    you music was perfect too.....thankful to sip a cup and read along this morning!


  8. Amen and amen, friend. Happy Easter!

  9. Great post. Love the scriptures. Happy Easter to you. God Bless~

  10. The cross, the tomb, the hope. Beautiful.

    He is risen indeed.

    Have a glorious Easter!

  11. Thanks for visiting my site and praying for my grandpa. I love the pictures in this post. Beautiful. Also, I borrowed the quote from Corrie Ten Boom in a previous post of yours, and stuck it in the side column on my blog. Wonderful words of wisdom.

  12. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for the comments on my blog today. Yes, Tonya is a really special person and I have never met her in real life. Since you are close friends with her, you must be pretty wonderful, too!

    You asked me if the picture on my page is where I live. That picture was taken on a recent trip to Hawaii. I live in Georgia, so the picture is just my "daydream"! Hehe!

    I hope that you have a wonderful Easter, Susan. By the way, your little granddaughters are beautiful!
    Happy TT!

  13. Susan...I love the pictures you chose for your words...incredible! Yes, He paid it more sorrow-sickness-suffering-death!
    Have a blessed Easter!

  14. What a great post and way to celebrate Easter! I hope you have a great Easter!

  15. Great song!
    Love the post about the cross.
    To me, it means freedom for my soul!
    This is one of my most favorite times of the year! HAPPY EASTER!

  16. I truly enjoy visiting your blog and enjoy your nice selection of music. What a lovely post. Amen.

  17. Awesome post! Awesome Thankful Thursday! Glory to God!

    I am giving away an awesome book by
    Max Lucado. Come over for a chance to win.

  18. Thank you so very much for such a beautiful post.

  19. What a beautiful post! Your photos were a precious addition. I'm new to your blog and was truly blessed by it. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter!

  20. Happy Easter; May you be renewed in your love for Him and for all His gifts.

  21. Beautiful and profound, as always Susan. Have a joyous Easter. :~D


    e-Mom @ Chrysalis

  22. I am deeply blessed by your post. Take care and happy Easter in advance.

  23. Susan,
    Thank you for this powerful reminder! The pictures say it all.

    Thank you, also for your kind thoughts and prayers for my Dad and my family. Once again this year, I am really able to personalize Easter and the hope it brings. I hope you and your family are blessed in this special season!

    Love, Kelley

  24. Happy Happy Easter to you Susan!
    May you enjoy the day with your family!


    Love and Hugs..

  25. I love that..."beyond the grave is where life that will never end really begins."!!! That applies to so much in our lives. Thanks for stopping by my place. It's been crazy busy around here, I didn't even get TT up this week. UGH. But you are ALWAYS such a great encouragement to me and make me smile. You're a blessing Susan. Have a great celebration of Easter!

  26. Amen to that, Susan! Isn't it wonderful that He has conquered the grave for us? Amazing Love!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

    Blessings to you and yours - He is Risen!

  27. AMEN!!! You put this so beautifully. I join you in having a thankful heart. Can't imagine what pit I'd be in without Jesus.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!