
Monday, March 17, 2008

Time With Dad...

Wow, what a powerful and truthful statement this is ! Thank you Michelle for choosing this. I know I have been guilty many times of trying so hard to find someone to understand things I was going through, only to find I was misunderstood, or the person could not identify with me...

I remember once reading a quote by Corrie Ten Boom that said:

“Concentrate only on yourself and you’ll be depressed; concentrate only on others and you’ll be distressed; concentrate on Jesus and you’ll be at rest.”

While having friends, prayer partners, or a group of people you can count on are very beneficial, but there are times God desires to draw us aside just to be with Him.

I think this quote that was chosen during Easter week is so timely in light of the fact that we are about to celebrate the greatest single event in history. A time most of the world remembers the life, the death, and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Throughout the gospels we read how Jesus often left the multitudes to pray and be alone with His Father. If Jesus needed this time alone, how much more do we need to call upon God in our time of deepest need?

In my life, the times that I have earnestly cried out to God and sought after Him, is when I have felt His presence and His compassion the most. These were times when no other answers or advice would satisfy.

When it’s time for house cleaning, it is only the Holy Spirit that can shine the light on the areas that God truly wants to deal with. A time being alone will only work. However, we must be willing to yield every part of our heart and life to Him. Thank God we can know with assurance that He will be there, and will never leave us or forsake us.

Psalm 86:7 “In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, For You will answer me.”

Father, I pray I will always run to you in times of need. Give me ears to hear what you want to speak to me. Continue to mold me into the woman you have desired for me to be, and help me to always point others to You. I now pray for any woman who is reading these words that is struggling to find answers or hope in their lives. Please lead them to you where hope can be found again. Comfort them and surround them with your love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Please join us at Michelle's site, at Because I Love You. You will be so blessed and encouraged by her powerful testimony!


  1. Such a beautiful heart felt post, bless you.

  2. Tears are niggling at my eyes as I read your words both as a comment on my post and the statement you made at the bottom of your own. The entire post was beautiful. It struck me beautifully that you would quote Corrie ten Boom because Mary quotes her often in her book. Corrie's ordeal at Ravensbruck and her words of insight and courage through imprisonment brought Mary Forsythe such grace and peace in moments of great difficulty and shame. You are a blessing and an encouragement to me. You have indeed walked a mile in similar shoes and have found our God as faithful as I have. Your words will linger and stir in my heart and soul for days to come I am sure. May God richly bless you as you encounter Him anew in this Passion Week! Blessings, sweet sister.

  3. Susan....
    "A time being alone will only work. However, we must be willing to yield every part of our heart and life to Him."

    amen girlfriend!!
    I too have tried to FIND someone or something on earth to "help" me through those times...when I KNEW that I had to walk the path to the the only one who COULD and WOULD understand, embrace me and renew me....
    yes, 2,000 years ago...
    amazing isn't it...
    BIG hugs!!

  4. I love that quote by Corrie ten Boon. Bless you for sharing.

  5. Wow, that Corrie Ten Boom quote hit me like a Mac Truck in the forehead... just what I needed, simple and direct, right to the point. Thank you!

  6. OUCH, You're preachin to me this morning, my FRIEND! ;-)

    I LOVE the quote you shared by Corrie Ten Boom...

    "Concentrate only on yourself and you’ll be depressed; concentrate only on others and you’ll be distressed; concentrate on Jesus and you’ll be at rest."

    How TRUE is THAT?? Looks like I need to be spending more time looking at my JESUS huh?

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for your heart and for always readily sharing it with others. You've been such a TREMENDOUS BLESSING in my life! I don't know what I'd do without you.

    I LOVE YOU, my Friend!

  7. Being part of a Christian community is important. But, seeking Him is a must. There needs to be a balance. Sometimes it seems hard to find that right balance. I guess that I should just go to Him first. I enjoyed reading your prayer and appreciate that you prayed for the readers.

  8. Susan,
    The quote by Corrie ten Boom is one I am going to write down and reflect on daily. I also need to share that with my kids.

    I would really love to join in this meme sometime but after reading such insightful posts I wonder if I am ready for that. I guess I am a little intimidated....In the meantime, I am making the rounds, reading what others have to say and being blessed by their words!

    Have a wonderful day!~Kelley

  9. You are a heart sister. I love your posts. They inspire me to seek Him all the more. Isn't He all that and more???

    Love you,

  10. Susan,
    thank you for the wonderful post and for the words from Corrie Ten Boom...
    I had read them in her book...but had forgotten them...this time I will write them down as a reminder to concentrate on Jesus...

  11. Great reminders here Susan!! Why do we always want to run to someone other than Him? I don't know either!

    I particularly liked "When it’s time for house cleaning, it is only the Holy Spirit that can shine the light on the areas that God truly wants to deal with." So true!! I think that also hit me because I am supposed to be cleaning house right now (the actual house, not the internal one) and am so glad that God is a much better house keeper than me!!

  12. Hey I've tagged you for a fun meme. See my blog post for details.

  13. I am very blessed by reading your blog. Thank you for sharing.
    In His Graces~Pamela

  14. Friends can distract us from the living God. How gracious of God to want us to Himself.

    I loved the Corrie ten Boom quote. Great words to chew on today. Thanks, Susan!

  15. Loved what you wrote hear Sweet Susan,
    In my life, the times that I have earnestly cried out to God and sought after Him, is when I have felt His presence and His compassion the most. These were times when no other answers or advice would satisfy.
    That last sentence just about put me over the edge. How often I go to the phone insted of the throne???
    Great post my friend.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!