
Friday, March 7, 2008

It's A Party!

Come on in...

Hi ladies
, thanks so much for dropping by today. I’m looking forward to getting the chance to meet you. What an awesome idea 5 Minutes for Mom had to host such an awesome party! Please join this week and we get to meet new bloggers~

I’m relatively new to the blogging world, and oh what fun it has been to meet so many wonderful women who share such a passion for the Lord and their families. This has been a major blessing for me.

I just posted my 100th post, so if you have some time, check it out. If not, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Susan and I live in Baton Rouge, La. (our state capitol). I was born and raised in New Orleans, and I'm sure most of you know about my hometown. Thanks to all of you that have prayed for our city since Hurricane Katrina. We are coming back, slowly, but surely.

I’ve been married to an amazing man for nearly 30 years now. Let me tell you, it only gets better with time. I'm the mother of 5 handsome sons, and Grammy to three of the most beautiful granddaughters you will ever see. I even have another one on the way, and yes, being a grandmother is wonderful. You can brag, brag, brag, and it seems no one ever gets tired of hearing about them.

My second to youngest son was diagnosed with a brain tumor 6 years ago. I have a web-page for him that I have used to keep our friends and family up on this difficult, yet amazing journey. He is now in remission (Praise God) and doing very well thanks to countless prayers and the wonderful doctors at St. Jude Hospital. I would not trade one single day for all that I have learned during this time, and for all the families we met along the way. God has been so good to us.

Thank you so much for stopping by, and hey, feel free to look around. I'll return the visit.

Here's a thought for you:

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. Circumstances and situations do color life, but you have been given the mind to choose what the color shall be." (John Homer Miller)

Come Join other's at this awesome Party!


  1. You are really doing well at this blog thing, and I know you are meeting so many wonderful women in the process.
    Great post, but #100 is still my favorite. Such a great idea!
    Love, Kristin

  2. Susan,
    What a great post! I haven't decided what I want to do for the party yet but yours was great!! I learned so much more about you and I am even more grateful to be able to count you as a blog-friend! Have a super weekend and, as always, I look forward to coming back and visiting you!

    Love, Kelley

  3. Just stopped by from the Blog Party. You have such a great site! :)

  4. I thought I'd better come over and visit my name twin. Five boy? Woweee.

    It's nice to "meet" you!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog at SO you're from New Orleans, I am a seminary student through their extension program and I have been down to campus twice since Katrina. WOW what that place has gone through.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my site. My husband is headed down your way in a week to help with a Spring Break trip to do ongoing Katrina relief work and rebuilding in Lagnaipe(sp?)near New Orleans. How is the weather?

    Have a great week!

  7. Five sons! What a blessing! Thank you for commenting on my site. I do pray my brother cried out to Jesus.

    God bless~

  8. Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. Your family photo (all in red!) is sooooo neat. I'm starting to think it would be fun to be a grammy like you. :~D

    My husband has spoken fondly of New Orleans over the many years of our marriage. When Katrina hit, we were horrified. It must have been terrible for you.

    Thanks again. Aren't Janice and Susan the sweetest hostesses?

    Hugs, e-Mom

  9. Hello and thank you for stopping by my party post:) So far I only have two boys but if the family example is anything to go by I think I may have more....and I love them! I would love to come back again :)

  10. What a beautiful family you have! We moms of little ones really need a role model like you in the blogosphere to show us how it's done, so thank you so much for sharing your wisdom! God bless!

  11. Hi Susan, glad you joined the party! I love the picture of all of you in red! It was fun reading your 100 things and get to know more about you.

  12. Thank you for the warm welcoming visit. It is a lovely place you have here. I am a first time grandmother this year, and I can't stop bragging about her. You think people really don't mind?

    I loved your quote by John Homer Miller!

  13. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I love your family picture with everyone wearing red shirts. Great-looking bunch!

  14. What a beautiful blog and even more importantly, what a beautiful heart you have! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Susan,

    It is SO great to have you come back and visit me in Mel's World. I too remember coming over to visit you here, but I must say that I feel blessed to be able to come back and visit.

    You have a beautiful blog and I can't wait to soak in the seeds that you drop on each and every person that comes by to visit.

    Nice to reconnect with you!
    Melissa in Mel's World

  16. I can't believe you are a grandmother! I have been here before and didn't realize that. As always, great post! Happy bloggin!

  17. Susan, what a beautiful blog and a warm spirit you have! I appreciated your pearl of wisdom that it "gets better with time" ;) You have a lovely family!

    I was fortunate to travel to New Orleans a couple times (pre-Katrina) and fell in love with the city. I was absolutely shocked by the devastation post-Katrina.

    Thank you for stopping by my UPB post. Your son, Jordan, has my heart. I have been to his CB site in the past. Praise God that he is in remission!! Blessings to you and your family!

  18. Wow, your blog is such a blessing - I love your title, your header. Thanks for coming by my party and leaving me a invite! Its great to meet you and hopefully we'll "see" each other again. :)


  19. Hey sweet friend!
    How fun that you are keeping up with this...I will add you to my google reader and keep up as much as I can.

    Love you, and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

  20. So glad you stopped by my blog. I've enjoyed my visit here--your blog header is really pretty.

  21. What a beautiful family you have! Life must have been exciting raising those five boys. Thanks for stopping by my party post!

  22. I saw you had 5 boys, so I had to pop in! I only have 4... ages 6 to 10.

    some days are better than others... any great words of wisdom?

    ps... I've already put in my prayer requests* good daughter-in-laws... and grand DAUGHTERS.

  23. What a wonderful blog, inspiring. We are adopting so are caught in the long wait; we are happy, just not quite up to party mode this month!

    Alyson LID 01/27/06

  24. Beautiful family picture.
    Great blog party post.
    Praising God with you that your son is in remisson.

  25. Hallelujah! We serve an awesome God! I'll be back to see more good reports (on your son's healing, and the rest of the famiy happenings!)

  26. Susan, I really enjoyed your "party." It's a shame that no matter HOW MUCH you share, you can never fully tell what a precious, precious lady YOU are. =-)

    We'd have never chosen to walk through the horrible journey of cancer, but we too are so BLESSED by all the AMAZING people GOD allowed us to meet through it. Thanks for sharing your life and being such a source of encouragement to me and so many other ladies out there.

  27. Thank you for visiting. I love the thought by John Homer Miller in your post. It reminded me of how my mom lived her life up until she want home to be with the Lord at 88years of age.

    You have a great blog!

  28. I'm not sure how I found you but I'm so glad I did. Your words and site inspire me.

  29. I visited with you the last week for the first time. I truly love your blog. LOVED the quote in this post. My mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor over 11 years ago. God has done amazing things in her life and she had to learn almost everything all over again. I praise God that your son is in remission. There is nothing too hard for God! Thank you for inviting us to the party. :o)
    Have a great day!

  30. ONE of my FAVORITE places out there!!I love stopping by, refueling for the do it every time!!
    I am amazed and inspired by your son's journey....and your incredible faith....
    please KEEP sharing...
    you have no idea the blessing you are!!

  31. Hi there!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!! Five sons and such a nice looking family you have! And granddaughters.I figured I would never get any with all the sons I have! My poor mother in law has three sons and 10 grandsons! No girls at all! So we are adopting her some grandbaby girls from Ethiopia. She is thrilled to bits!! And we might just get a new son also!

    I will enjoy reading your blog. I love your focus in life. That is what keeps me going through our adoption. God has been AMAZING through it all!! The miracles, the direction, the guidance, and the provision!! Wow! He is the God of Orphans. He has provided for us the whole way!

    Blessings, Justine

  32. I just love your blog! And it is wonderful to know that we are sisters in Christ! Congratulations on raising 5 men!! I have twin boys who are 4, any advice on raising boys to be Godly men?

  33. As promised I am visiting everyone that took the time to comment on my party post!

    Thanks again for stopping by and partying with me, it was lovely to meet you :)

    Rachel xxx
    A Juggling Mum

  34. I've given up trying to get to every blog. :) What handsome men you have there! Come on over and party at my place! Nice to run in to you at the party before the clock strikes 12!

    Better get back to my carriage before it turns in to a pumpkin!

    Visit my party post at:

    I'm giving away some Pysanka Easter Egg Sleeves that are fun to decorate your eggs with and very pretty (Russian and Ukranian designs).

  35. My husband grew up in Baton Rouge, and my in-laws still live there. My family moved to Florida from Pineville/Alexandria in late 2006, so we love your area of the world. I'll be back to visit.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!