
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Feeling So Grateful

“At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.” Ephesians 5: 20

It's Thankful Thursday, my favorite day of the week now. I love having a day to reflect and give thanks for the endless things God has done and continues to do for me. It will take all of eternity to really thank God for what He has done, and I look forward to that opportunity. However, today I think I'm going to make a quick little list of some of the special things He has done during this past week.

♥ I'd like to first give thanks for my precious friend Tonya over at Safe In His Arms. Tonya, you have been such a GOD-send to me this past week. Thanks for being so patient, and such a good teacher. Your friendship means the world to me.

♥ I'd like to give thanks for a breakthrough in some bad migraine headaches I've had all week. I'm battling TMJ. If you have ever had this problem, I’m sure you'll understand. But God is good, all of the time – and He has bringing me through to victory!

♥ I'm so blessed I got to spend time with my beautiful grand-daughter, Kayla Michelle, who is turning 3 next week. (Happy Birthday!) Oh my where has the time gone? She came and spent the night with us, and I had the best time just being "Grammy".

♥ I'm so grateful for my wonderful husband who works so hard, and is such a blessing to me. He has the patience of Job living with me these days. I love you Rick♥♥♥

♥ I'm grateful for wonderful doctors. Jordan's neurologist and I have formed such a special bond ever since she had to make that dreadful call six years ago to inform me that Jordan had a brain tumor. She's such a support and always just a phone call away. She's become a great friend, and I see clearer all the time how God uses all things in our lives?

♥ I'd like to thank those who read my Soapbox and took time to write to your Senator. This means the world to us and so many families affected by
Childhood Cancer. You do make a difference!

Finally I want to give thanks for all my new bloggy friends. Gosh, ladies you are just the BEST! I love reading your blogs, I'm so inspired, encouraged and always challenged to move closer to Jesus because of YOU.

Oh, and as always, thanks for taking time to stop by today. I pray you have a great week!

Please join us over at Iris's Sting My Heart to see what other grateful hearts are writing about.


  1. Oh what a joy that you had your grand-daughter over. I am sure that you had a great time together :)

    I can imagine that you and Tonya are great friends. You two have a very special bond. Isn't it wonderful how God directs to cross each others path when we need it most?

    I am glad that you have found relief from the migraine you were suffering. My beloved sometimes gets them...

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful and cheerful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours this wonderful Thursday.

  2. I can't imagine how painful those migraines must be. It's good that you found some relief this week. Your thankful list reflects the appreciative person that you are.

  3. What a nice post on this thankful Thursday. I bet you do have a lot of fun with that grandbaby. They truly are awesome. I love reading your blog just as you love to read others. Yours always has a wonderful message. Enjoy the rest of the week my friend and I will be back to visit again.

    Love and Hugs...

  4. Wow a grand daughter. I can't hardly imagine the joy there. So muhc happens in one life...a brain tumor. That stretches and grows your faith...we have our own tumor story too! I enjoyed visiting today. Your heart shows through as a thankful, joyful woman of God!

  5. What a great post, Susan! So many wonderful blessings, all from the hand of our loving God! He is SO good to us!!

    Have a blessed day!

  6. Oh Sweetie... I am asking the Father to wrap you and your family in His Great Big Loving Arms and hold you tight today!!

  7. Susan I am sorry to hear about your headaches. I had a friend that suffered from TMJ and it is painful at times.

    I pray you have a wonderful day!

  8. Loved this post, Susan!
    I am praying for you and your migrane/TMJ issues.
    How lovely that you were able to spend time with your sweet grand-baby. I know my parents beam at the sight of my children (and my sister's).
    Thanks for being such an encouragement in my life. What a blessing you are!!
    Happy TT!!!

  9. What a wonderful list, Susan! I can tell from your posts that you have special relationship with your granddaughters and I'm so glad you got to spend some special time with one of them. I have always had a special relationship with my grandmother, as well, so I know from experience that these are times that will remain in those little girls minds for the rest of their lives. Grandmothers like you are truly sent from God!

    May you have a truly blessed week!

  10. Boy, you've had a time of it lately, huh? Thank you for your example of perseverance, gratitude and faith in the midst of your suffering. Yours is a precious spirit. Hang in there, friend.

  11. I am thankful for you, Susan. I just feel like God dropped a special blessing in my life by bringing us together like this.

    I had a migrane this week too. There is a funny story behind it but it wasn't so funny at the time. I will have to share that sometime.

    How wonderful to have spent time with your little grandbaby. I have dreaded the idea of being a grandma (I am WAY too young) but recently I have softened to the idea. Let someone else do the hard part. LOL! Of course, my girls aren't even married yet so by the time it happens I will be more than ready!

    Enjoy your day.
    Love, Kelley

  12. Susan, my dear, YOU are one amazing lady! I'm so VERY THANKFUL for YOU!

    I love your post and was blessed as always reading the thoughts of your heart.

    I'm also thankful that you mentioned again about the desperate fight to raise awareness and FUNDS for childhood cancer. There just can't be enough said about how badly we need our nation to support this. We're so concerned with saving animals and TREES.. but we're letting our children die by the hour because of lack of research funding. This is a MESSED UP country! Okay.. sorry, another soapbox for me. LOL!!

    I hope you're having a great day and are feeling NO PAIN! I'm still praying for the TMJ and headaches to GO (in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS) Also praying for your next trip to St. Jude and for WONDERFUL scans!


  13. Glad you found out what was causing your migraines. Happy TT.

  14. Wow! What a beautiful blog you have. Being a newbie, I've never heard of Thankful Thursday, but I LOVE THAT! What an awesome idea! I'm really enjoying learning about you through your posts and pictures. What a grace-filled woman of God you are.

    Thank you so much for the sweet comments and welcome on my blog. I love that we share a common bond in how we met our precious hubbies. Looking forward to stopping in often! Blessings!

  15. that!!

    you know I JUST realized YESTERDAY through an email from Tonya that ya'll really KNOW each COOL is that!! What a blessing you both have been to me...out here...
    It's funny...the spirit is the same there and here....JOY! and THANKFULNESS and LIVING each day as the gift it is....

    keep it up....
    you are mentoring so many of us....

    especially me!!
    God is just so COOL to do that!!

    Praying for you and the headaches...and TMJ...ugh....

    but granny....that has just got to be the BEST!!

  16. Happy Birthday to your precious granddaughter! Glad you are having some migraine relief (I can sympathize)!

  17. What a thank filled post. Aren't granddaughters just the best!

    I'm so glad your migrane is better. I've never had one but know others who do.

    Have a blessed week.

  18. What a sweet...sweet...sweet list.

    You TRULY bless my heart!!!!!


  19. I am so sorry about your headaches! My daughter has TMJ--and my sister-I am thankful that you are much better!
    You have a great thankful list! I loved the sweet pictures I saw as I traveled down the page too!

  20. Loved your list! And aren't grands wonderful. I'll be having some special time with two of mine soon on my visit. I miss them so in between. I'm think ahead also to a trip to Maryland this summer and some quality time with the three there that I only see once a year.

    I too suffer from TMJ. It's a pain sometimes(no pun intended).
    Mama Bear

  21. I love your thankful list! I am so happy you are getting some relief from the migraines you have been suffering from and I agree Tonya is great and very inspiring but then so are you!
    You had mentioned when you visited me that you would have liked to hear me sing so I will just give you this link to my CD's website where you can listen to all the tracks from the CD I made last year! I hope you enjoy it!

  22. Oh Susan,

    Next time you are in the kind of pain, email me and I will pray for you. I get migrains and know the sheer pain.

    Beautiful post. ALWAYS love to stop in here on Thursday. Like visiting a childhood friend. Love and hugs,

  23. Love Tonya's heart already too and we just met on the blogs.

    You bless me. You remind me to focus on my family. And friends.

    Hope you continue to feel better...

    Sending you a big, bloggy style hug.

  24. Susan,
    I enjoy your blog so much! are so warm and welcoming.

    I am so encouraged by your grateful heart.

    Many blessings!

  25. I can't email you....I don't have an email and I've scoured your site and I can't find one..

    here is mine...

    see if that works...

  26. Hi there,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog ... I can't wait until I have a chance to really delve into yours! I noticed that you have Faithful Froggers on your blogroll, and I also read Heather's blog faithfully. Small world, huh? It was great to meet you and I can't wait to get to know you better!

    Take care and Happy TT!

  27. Your grand-daughter sounds like a bundle of joy.

    So glad your headaches are getting better. It's hard to make it through the day with a bad migraine.

    Happy TT Susan.

  28. You have a great list. I am sure your granddaughter loves spending time with you. Glad your migraines are better. My sister has these and they are something else. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great weekend!

  29. Susan, I'm so glad I came here today and read this. THANK YOU. Rejoicing in the Lord with you for all He is, and is doing! Aren't grandchildren an absolute joy? My 6 yr. old Lexie is coming for 4 days and I can't wait. She lifts my spirits, makes me giggle, and warms my heart, over and over again.

    Thanks for being in the blog encourage me so many times. (Glad your migraines subsided)...


    PS--just to let you know...I'm having slight problems with your website here...the page takes a long time to load and then the posting area is way at the bottom, and the sidebar is out of alignment. Could it be my crazy monitor?:-)

  30. Susan,
    I loved your list, especially the part about Tonya. I couldn't agree more! She is a sweet friend.

    I have had TMJ and I know what you are going through. Those headaches are all kinds of pain wrapped into one head. It just hurts!

    Hugs to you! You are a wonderful encourager and that is why so many of your blog friends stopped by to give back to you.

    I am praying for you, Susan!

  31. Oh, Susan, I am praying for you! I had problems with TMJ after having my wisdom teeth pulled several years ago. Thankfully it was only temporary - but I will never forget the pain!

    Always thankful for YOU!
    Love & FROG . . .


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!