
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday


  1. oh that is too cute!
    Happy WFW! :)

  2. This is great! Thanks for sharing!
    Be blessed!

  3. That is an adorable photo! I love how it works with the verse! Great job!

  4. That is an adorable picture with the sweetest verse! Don't you just love candids of kids?? It really captures their true personalities.

  5. Oh...what a beautiful photo and verse.

    Have a blessed WFW!

  6. Susan, your grandbabies are some of the MOST BEAUTIFUL little things on the planet! They're just ADORABLE! I LOVE Kayla's expression.. she looked as though Grace had just cracked her up! TOO CUTE!


  7. Susan, I never tire of seeing pictures of your family - especially those beautiful granddaughters. Her expression is pure JOY.

    Have a great Wednesday!
    Love & FROG . . .

  8. Hi Susan...It's me again!

    I just had to come back after your comment. That is the neatest story! In fact, I did not know that there was a song called "Stephanie". When I was a kid, my best friend was someone named Amy. I was always jealous that she had a song named for her.:)
    I tried to search for the song you mentioned on youtube. Is it a song written for Stevie Nicks? Now, here is why I am Aunt Susan wanted me to change my name to Stevie when I intended to go into broadcast journalism. She thought it sounded hip and cool, yet professional. I thought it sounded too much like my dad's name, Steve(Stephen). Now, I wonder if it was b/c she was a fan of Stevie Nicks and that song! Thanks for sharing that story...did you name any of your sons Stephen?

    Thank-you for your sweet comments, Susan! You are always such an encouragement to me!
    Blessings to you, too! (But I can't make that heart thingy)

  9. Pure joy!!! Love this photo. Hugs, e-Mom

  10. Susan those girls are so cute and you must be having a BALL with them after having 5 boys. I am kind of in the opposite boat, girl overload! However I am blessed with 2 sons so I get to experience it all.

    I just caught up on all of your posts and you will be glad to know that I sent a letter to my Senators and I forwarded the info to all of my family to do the same. WE just had a young boy in our community pass away from a brain tumor. I have friends who lost 2 girls to leukemia and the mom to breast cancer just last April. It is everywhere! Thank you and Tonya for calling us all to action. sometimes we just need a little direction....

    I hope to "see" you soon.


  11. What a precious picure -- such joy on their faces. And the verse couldn't be more perfect. I'm so glad you shared this with us today.

  12. What a great combo - perfect verse and picture!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!