
Friday, April 25, 2008

He Safely Arrived!

I choose this song today because I feel like my son Joseph is at the "other end of the world" now that he has truly left and moved to Taiwan! Thank you for praying for his safe arrival. Here is an email I just received. Tears of joy!

"I safely landed in Taiwan last night. I didn't have internet access until just now, but I wanted you to know I am safe and on the ground in Kaoshiung. This is a very big city, extremely modern, and so far full of friendly people. I'm about to go look for an apartment so I will get back with more details soon. This is really exciting mama! I'm 10,000 miles from home! The plane flight took SO long. It was actually ridiculous. But yes, this is pretty crazy. I love you!Tell dad I'm good and Jordan and everybody else. Talk to you soon! I will make you proud." Love, Joe

Lord I pray that you would give my son a heart for the world. Go before him, show him your favor. Give him the boldness to proclaim the good news where ever he goes. Watch over and protect him, In Jesus name.

(Please remember to mute my music below!!)

Join us over at Signs Miracles and Wonders as others post their favorite songs! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Susan, I love the song. And that email from your son... so great. Though I don't know him, I can hear excitement in his words. I love how he ended it "I will make you proud". He sounds like a wonderful, kind young man that will do well in Taiwan. And, I'm sure, will make his mama proud.

    I pray you have a blessed weekend!

  2. This is a good song for the occasion. Glad he made it okay! So how many hours before you get to see him again?
    You know I'm praying that all goes well there!

  3. Such a precious note from your son.Thank you for sharing...

  4. qHello, my sweet FRIEND! What a blessing to know that Joe arrived safely! PRAISE GOD!

    I enjoyed your last two posts and apologize for not signing in sooner. This one is GREAT! (I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!) ;-)

    I've MISSED all my "bloggy buddies" and HOPE to have LOTS more "play time" next week.

    Okay.. I'm off to catch up on mail and responding to comments. (Late as usual) You guys take care and have a WONDERFUL weekend!

    LOVE YOU!!

  5. Oh, thank You, Jesus! So glad he arrived safely. His em-mail was so precious. How exciting for him, how tenuously exciting for you. Keeping him in prayer!

  6. Susan,

    I am behind on checking blogs - so I have just caught up on your posts this week! I am just so very thankful that Jordan's scans were good - PRAISE GOD!! And Jordan just seems like he is so patient, kind and good-natured from his pictures. What a blessing that boy is!

    And another PRAISE GOD that Joe arrived safe and sound in Taiwan! What a sweet, sweet note from him. I will continue to pray for him while he is gone . . . and for you, too. Your heart must be so torn . . . being so proud of him yet missing him so much.

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
    Love & FROG . . .

  7. I am so glad that he arrived safely. I will pray for him and for you as I'm sure it is difficult for him to be so far away. You are much braver than I would be :-) Thank you for sharing this song and participating.

  8. Thank you Susan...I knew I loved your music taste! The song and the video with beautiful sights captures my the ends of the earth. God be with your son and AMEN to your prayer! He will do well. Thank you for reassuring Susan of her son's safe arrival, please be with him now, watching over him and may his steps be in Your steps! Thank you for lives with a purpose! God bless you Susan!

  9. What a great song!
    I am lifting up a prayer for you and for your son today!
    How exciting to think of the marvelous ways the Lord is going to touch the world through your son!

  10. Susan,

    THANK YOU for being the first to sing my blog! I was so exicited, I was also just as exicited to see that I did something correctly! YAAAY! I too look forward to getting to know ya! And I happend to see that one of your "favorites" is Hillsong. Well since you recently visited Brandon's site, I hope you recognized the song from them. I just LOVE them as well. And would LOVE to visit that Church one day.

    Again, thank you so much for stopping by. I just can't wait until I really get the hang of this!
    Have a Great Weekend!

  11. I love that song! Wow, to see what your son wrote...that's awesome. As a mom of two young sons my prayer is the same- that they would have a heart for the world and boldly proclaim the gospel wherever they go!

    Have a good weekend

  12. OH that is so sweet. Lifting a prayer with you.

  13. What a sweet, sweet note from your son. I'm shedding a few tears of joy too. So glad he made it there safely.

    Wow, you're some mama, Mama. :~D

  14. Susan~
    I'm SO glad that your son arrived safely!!!!

    What a wonderful song!!!

    Praying you have an amazing weekend.


  15. Oh man, this made me cry.

    When I was fresh out of college, I went overseas for a few years as a missionary. The adventure of following Him across the ocean was amazing.

    The thing I understand now is that it's just as much an adventure for *mom* and family as it is for the person going to the "ends of the earth." Enjoy the adventure!

  16. I've never heard that song before....thanks for sharing!


  17. Wow what an amazing email from your son. Obviously he was raised well!! That must do your heart good even though he so far from home.

    Thank you for sharing it,

  18. Oh my! I can't believe that your son really did go to the end of the earth! LOL! I can't even imagine. I won't let mine go into the cul-de-sac alone. I've got a lot to prepare for.

  19. What a great song! And, thanks for sharing the email from your son and the reason it's so appropriate! I guess the sad thing about raising your kids so well is that they can live so many miles away and be fine - it's scary but God's always watching so that's a blessing!

  20. Hi Susan,
    I will continue to keep your son in my prayers and will believe God to show him favor. I love Proverbs 3:4..."So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man."
    I pray he finds a good apartment in a safe location and that he will know that it is God who has blessed his life.
    Wow....10,000 miles from home!
    I just drove 45 miles today to take some things to my son's new apt. and to help him clean.
    I truly can't imagine being that far away from my kids. God will take very good care of him.
    Isn't e-mail the greatest?
    We are so fortunate to have access to technology.
    I'm praying!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!