
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Breathing Real Easy

How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you? (1 Thessalonians 3:9)

On this thankful Thursday I want to first thank God for all of you that held us up in prayer as we traveled to St. Jude for Jordan’s scans and six month progress evaluation. Hallelujah, we came home with a great report and we are over-joyed.

Now how do you spell RELIEF? The words,

“No evidence of progression or metastatic disease”
on your child’s MRI report is exactly how it is spelled to me!

♥I’m also grateful for the friendships we share with so many other St. Jude moms’. We had a great time catching up with Mark and Mylissa who are the founders of “Habitat for Hope”. God is using this couple in a big way as they serve so many needy families in crisis during their stay at St. Jude.

♥I’m so grateful for Dawn who took a day off to sit with us on Monday. Dawn lost her son Shae 7 years ago. What a friend she has become to us! We had such a nice time hanging out.

♥I’m grateful for the new friendship we made with another family going through the same things we have endured with Jordan. Please keep their little daughter Kate (four years old) in your prayers as she is facing another brain surgery very soon.

"Jordan and Kate"

♥I’m grateful for my husband who kept the house afloat and took care of Joel (my youngest) while I was gone. He also got my middle son Joseph off to the airport to catch a plane headed for Taiwan, where he will start his new job as an English teacher. Please keep Joseph in prayer. I’m thankful for what God is doing in his life, but I’m already missing him, and he just left yesterday!

♥And finally, I’m so grateful that Jordan did fantastic with his fasting and the way he endured all of the tests he had to go through. He’s a real trooper and a joy in my life. It’s a grueling schedule packed into two short days, but Jordan kept smiling…at least he did most of the time.

Thanks once again for stopping by. If you would like to see what others are thanking God for this week join us over at Sting My Heart, you'll be glad you did!


  1. Thank you for sharing this lovely thankful post. Thank God for answering your prayers and our prayers with you in such wonderful ways! May God continue to bless and keep your family near to Him. Thanks for sharing the lovely photo of little Kate and Jordan. Will remember Kate in prayers too. Take care. God bless!

  2. Such a precious thankful post. I praise God for taking care of Jordan, and giving him a great report. Blessings to all of you sweetie.

  3. Oh what a week of stress you have had. I'm so glad to hear the good news about your son, Jordan. I can't even imagine how relieved you all must feel.

  4. Amazing news. Wonderful news.

    May there be many many more MRI readings just like that!


  5. If you only knew how many times I thought of you all and prayed...every time I popped in to see if you were back....
    WHAT A REPORT!! PRAISE GOD! I can't imagine your relief as a mom!It has to be overwhelming at times....

    Praying for, you have had one BUSY and STRESSFUL could use some rest!!
    stop by for coffee...I'll share some lilacs with you....
    I'll be nice!!:)
    your post MADE MY DAY!!

  6. Susan, I am so thrilled to hear about Jordan's good report from St. Jude's! I'll continue praying for Joseph and for him family that already misses him so very much.

    Blessing to you and yours this week!

  7. Thank God for you and your family. He is indeed faithful. I'm so glad to hear about your son's health. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Such wonderful news! Praising God with you, and hoping you can find some peace with your son so far away.

  9. Susan,
    Wish I'd known you were here. Maybe we could have connected. Of course, I didn't get back until Friday so prehaps we would have missed each other anyway.
    Bless your precious heart,
    Mama Bear

  10. I am doing back flips (not really) for JOY...over your great news.

    Woo..Hoo...we serve an amazing God.

    Blessings to you today.


  11. WOW!!! What a joy-filled post. I'm rejoicing right along with you in that great report. Thanks for sharing these many blessings!


  12. I'm so thankful to hear your positive report! So many great things that your family have experienced through this trial.

    Praying for Kate and for Joseph (um, actually, for his momma~) :)

  13. Your blog touched my heart. I found your blog through Bears In Exile..
    I hope you have a wonderful day. God Bless you..

  14. God is so good!!!

  15. Oh such good news, Susan! You deserve a day a the spa after a week like that. I hope you'll take some time to just sit and

    Hugs and blessings,

    e-Mom :~D

  16. Oh, I prayed like crazy. Thanks for the update. Praising God along with you. Will remember to pray for little Kate and also for you as you're missing your other son so far away.


  17. Great news and and awesome thanks list! God is so good to us!! HE hears and answers our prayers! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.
    Blessings my friend

  18. SO SO glad for your good report and safe traveling! Hallelujah!

  19. AMEN SISTER!!! Our GOD is an AWESOME GOD!!! I am so thrilled for you and Jordan. It truly is a Happy TT!! ;-)

  20. Oh Susan, Susan, Susan,

    I don't even know what to say. Our God is so very good.

    My heart is full for you and your son.

  21. Susan,

    Praise God for Jordan's report! It has to be a HUGE relief.

    I will lift up Joseph and YOU as you come to mind. I pray you are able to take heart that he is having a wonderful opportunity.

    And thanks for your kind words on my blog. You are a sweetheart. I am home, resting comfortably.

    Have a great weekend, friend.

  22. Oh Praise Him! How wonderful! May his body continue to heal and remain cancer free. I'll be praying for Joseph - that's a big step!

  23. Oh Susan, this is such wonderful news!! I am so happy for you, Jordan and all of your family. I'm sure this whole thing has weighed heavy on your minds and hearts. And yet what a blessing you must be to the other families you have met.

    Welcome home, I hope you can rest easy (at least as far as Jordan is concerned). It sounds like your boys are keeping life interesting!

    Praising God with You!!!


  24. Hi Susan,
    I am so glad that the tests came back clear for Jordan. Prayers have been answered!!!

    I will keep Joseph in my prayers for his safety and the impact he will have while he is away. And of course for his sweet Mom who misses him, I am sure!

    Thank-you for the sweet anniversary wishes!

  25. I am so happy to hear your report. What a thankful blessed me.
    Praise the Lord!
    I will keep your son Jordan in my prayers as well as the one who is in Taiwan.

  26. I am so glad to hear this report. What a wonderful son you have and I pray that every report he receives is just as good as this weeks. Blessings to you and your family.

  27. Lifting you up, my sweet friend. What a trooper your son is!
    God does have a purpose in all of this doesn't He? That must be what your strength know He has such greatness for you & your family.
    Love you much,

  28. Hey talk to AMY B. yet???:)
    we love you!!

  29. I'm praisng and thanking Our Lord with you for your RELIEF and continued miraculous results for Jordan!

    Before I read any of your "blog" info, I was going to bless you for that precious photo of 5 sons!!!
    How precious and wonderful, now add 3? grand daughters! WOW!

    Thank you for sharing your grateful heart! Love your blog and music! May you find rest and the Lord ever so near as you press on!

  30. Oh - Praise the Lord for Jordan's scan coming back clean. That is such wonderful news. I have read about 'Habitat of Hope' via Tonya. What a super organization. I really love what they have done and do.

    I am sure that you will miss your son terribly, but he following God's call - how awesome is that.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and your precious family.

  31. Oh Susan,

    Can't believe I've been so out of the loop that I missed this praise report. I'm happy dancing and praising the Lord today!

    So loved reading this...You bless me.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!