
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday

My precious Jordan. Sleep test number 4! Mom, do you really need to take this picture?
Please join us at The160 Acre Woods!


  1. Susan,
    Great reminder for all of us, especially those of us that saved the "best" for last and waited to do taxes. Ha! Loved the picture, too, but you owe him big for posting this one!

  2. WOW! I love the look on his face, and I don't think you could have found a better verse to go with it! I love coming here to visit you Susan, it really brightens my day!!


  3. That is too funny....
    Oh I have some pictures for THAT verse as well....:)

    I hope it helps....we have friends who have done HAS been a huge blessing!!

    Hey...if you download's FREE, Amy B. sent me) then you can PLAY in all kinds of FUN can send me your pic and I'll do it;) I won't tell!!! I have a THING you might say for FONTS....It's another thing a girl who is a COWBOY BOOT would do....

    a bit "quirky".....but FONTS....oh..the thought of them!!:)HA!!

    better yet, come on over...I'll tutor you...but you'll have to sit in on class first!! I know...bummer...

    Have a great day!! As always a BLESSING!!

  4. Amen! In EVERYTHING means everything!!

    His expression says it all!

  5. Happy word-filled wednesday! It is so hard to remember to give thanks in everything, good OR bad!! Thank you for the reminder.

  6. Oh dear. Now that is a reality illustration! It does say to give thanks in EVERYTHING. Hard but true...

  7. Amen!

    Oh dear Jordan!

    This reminds me so much of "31 Days of Praise" by Ruth Meyers who reminds us that even in the hardest of circumstances, to give praise to God for He is gracious and kind and He is there for us through everything and we are never alone.

  8. Oh, poor Jordan... he doesn't look happy! However, the verse you put with it is such a great reminder. A reminder that even when we're not pleased with how things are going at that exact moment -- we still have many blessings for which to be thankful!

  9. See This is why we take those great pictures. This will encourage someone today and he will be blessed by it.

  10. Did he just have the test?! Praying so for good answers!
    There's a new cell phone ad on TV and the young man on there reminds me of Jordan! I think about him every time I see the commercial.
    Praying so that all's well there!

  11. Susan~
    Only a MOM...would feel the need to take this type of picture. I'm with ya girlfriend.

    What a GREAT reminder!!!

    Have a BLESSED Wednesday!

  12. ONly a mom could get away with this picture! Great verse!
    Be blessed!

  13. I'm sorry, I HAD to laugh at this! Jordan is just TOO CUTE! Seeing his sweet face (and humor) makes me MISS HIM! =-/

    Please give our little man a hug and tell him is Mississippi family LOVES HIM and can't WAIT to see him again???

  14. What a sweetheart. My son would be making me buy a McFlurry a day for a year! C'mon Jordan milk this for everything it's worth honey!
    P.s. I LOVE your Mom!

  15. Poor guy! Sometime it truly is so hard to give thanks! But we ought to anyway!

    Thanks for the reminder!


  16. Your words and pictures are amazing! Our God is so good, and you have the faith of a rock. Bless you for your ministry of encouragement here.

    Hugs, e-Mom

  17. okay, laughing.. that picture says it all...but I can just imagine... awwwww poor guy!

  18. I just found your blog and very much enjoyed it. Loved the utube videos too.

  19. Thanks for the sweet comment, Susan. I am on the mend, I think. The game, unfortunately, was not a winner for our church team. But it is always about fellowship, right?

    BTW, I found your expanation of the Stephanie song in my spam folder this week. I loved your story!! That is amazing that it affected you AND your sister. I will have to hunt for this powerful song!

    Are you feeling better? TMJ can be so difficult!
    Love ya,

    P.S. I just noticed that I signed this post earlier under my blog alias, Alexzillasmama. Oops!

  20. Thanks for sharing this verse. A good reminder to me to give thanks daily and in everything. And thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comment. Have a blessed day!

  21. Great expression! This verse was a great selection for this picture.

  22. Aww, poor guy! He must be a good sport. Hope all of you are doing well--wishing you God's blessings.

  23. He truly looks miserable. But I so understand the mom thing to take that picture! Poor guy!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!