
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Unwearied & Steadfast

“Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer life, being both alert and intent in your praying with thanksgiving.” Colossians 4: 2

On this Thankful Thursday I would like to thank God for the many prayer warriors He has brought into our lives over the years.

Elisabeth Elliot once said:
"Prayer lays hold of God's plan and becomes the link between His will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit's prayer."

I'm always amazed at the incredible things God has done and will do because we pray! I was so excited to see what the theme was for this Thankful Thursday was, TRUST! God knew I truly needed this word! I would like to ask all of you to please agree with me for two very special prayer requests.

* My son Jordan will be having his brain scans done again at St. Jude on Monday April 21st. Please believe with me things remain stable on all fronts. He will have his hearing, vision and labs done also.

~Mom and Joseph~

* My third son Joseph will be flying out to Taiwan on Tuesday April 22nd. He will be teaching English in an elementary school. I wanted him to be adventurous, but jeez, this is a little too far out for me. Pray for safe travels, protection, for the Lord to direct him to the right church, and for God to place godly people in his path.

So, you can only imagine how emotional next week will be for us. Knowing I have your prayers would mean so much! Thanks for stopping by today. I'll look forward to sharing my praise reports next week!

To join other thankful hearts go to Sting My Heart


  1. Wrapping you, and your precious sons in my prayers. Sweet blessings to all of you.

  2. I loved your post. That quote from Elizabeth Elliott is beautiful and so very true. Be assured of my prayers for you and your family, that's a lot for a Momma's heart.

  3. For someone who has a son flying out to Taiwan, you really are beautiful.

    I will remember your family in my prayers.

  4. Sounds like a few opportunities to trust God this week. I'll be praying on Monday for God's peace for you and Jordan. He's brought you this far, so I'm sure He's not going to stop now! On Wednesday, I'll be praying for your mother's heart as you let a piece of it fly far far away. What a blessing to watch your kids moving forward in faith.

  5. Hi Sweet Susan -

    I love that quote!! Prayer truly is the most awesome gift we can give each other, and ourselves for that matter. What more could we possibly need than intimacy with our Savior.

    Just want you to know that I will be lifting you, and your precious sons, Joseph and Jordan, up in prayer today.

    Much Love,

  6. Praying for your family. I have added Jordan and Joseph (and the rest of you) to my prayer list. God is impressing on me the need to pray for others and take focus off of self.

    Trust? That is the one thing God and I have been learning together (well He doesn't need to learn it) over the past year. I usually tell God that I will trust him to.....(fill in the blank) and God is saying, "just trust me, period"

    I will be praying that the God of hope you fill you joy and peace as you trust in Him (Romans 15:13)


  7. Susan, I will definitely keep your family in my prayers this week. How awesome that your son has a heart to teach children so far away from home! You must be so proud.

    Have a blessed Thankful Thursday!

  8. Susan,
    I will pray for great news on all of Jordan's tests and for Joseph's trip(?) to Taiwan. If I were there in person, I would give you a great big ((((((((HUG))))))))))). That's a lot to deal with for one Mama, much less at the same time!

    P.S. I almost did the same thing in college, to Japan. But then I met my husband and the rest is history. Any chance a special lady could pop up before he gets on that plane Tuesday??????

  9. Oh my have such BIG things going on...praying and believing with you and Jordan...waiting for your GOOD word!!

    oh and a baby going to know that is what we prepare them to do....spread their wings and FLY...I'm glad you are doing this when it's MY can HOLD my hand...
    He'll be just FINE...Angels watching over him and his mommas prayers...what else does he need?

    and he is mighty cute....those girls across the ocean may take a liking to him....hmmmmmm....

    made you laugh!!

  10. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for your sweet words! I will pray for you and your family next week! Wow, What a ministry to be able to go to Taiwan! You really did need that "Trust" word! Shew! That's alot for one momma in a week!

  11. Prayer warriors are a blessing! I am so thankful for those wonderful people!

    Praying that God will continue to hold you close.

    Have a blessed day!

  12. Susan~
    I'll be praying for God's perfect peace on Monday for both Jordan, and you.

    And, I'll be praying for you on Wed. as well. I know how a Mamma's heart worries...when her babies leave the country!! Praying that God's enough!

  13. Thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving your sweet comment!

    How can you have two sons that old? You look so young!!!

    I love Elisabeth Elliot!!! I love that quote!!

    God Bless!

  14. Susan,
    Thanks for stopping by today and your sweet comments. All glory definitely goes to the Lord. I just praise Him that he allows us a ring-side seat!

  15. Susan, Praying for Jordan for a great report! And for Joseph as he travels. How exciting! When our kids were overseas for missions, our hearts were quieted when we prayed at the end of their bed. It seemed like there was a connection in the spirit. Very precious. We have friends in Taiwan as dorm parents for an international school. Blessings on you dear one as you hide under the shadow of His wings.

  16. I will definitely lift you and your sons, your whole family, up in prayer.
    WOW...I think that is great that your son will be teaching in Taiwan....
    I like the pic of you and Jordan, too!
    The quote from Elisabeth Elliot is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  17. I will hold your two sons in my prayer. The next week is in the Lord's hand. He will give you peace!
    Now I live in Guangzhou,not far from Tai-wan.
    One of my friend(brother in Jesus) knows some churches in Taiwan,maybe I can ask him for some information for your son.Can you contact with me by my mailbox:

    God is worthy of our trust.

  18. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for sharing with us. I am praying for you and family. God bless you and family.


  19. My prayers are with you, Susan. Tough times for a momma. Love you.

  20. Oh, my SWEET FRIEND.. I KNOW your heart must be pulled in a million different directions right now. Please know that we are PRAYING WITH YOU through all of this.

    I LOVE the pic of you and your handsome son. Do you take a bad picture??? You're SO STINKIN PRETTY! (Jealous? Me??? Heehee)

    Seriously, I'm here... call me if you need me. Until then, I'm praying.


  21. Will be praying for you all.
    Blessings and have a great weekend.

  22. Oh Jesus, You now the trials this family has gone through. We ask for a great report on the brain scan this time around. May the doctors be stunned and amazed at the healing and reversal of any previous damage and negative effects. May the report be glowing. Give them a peace and a strength as they travel to the testing and an assurance in a real way of Your very presence with them throughout. May Joseph have safe traveling on his trip to such a far away land. Touch him and be with him. Guide and direct him to the people you want him to minister to and to those who can assist him in his service. Protect him Lord and bless his efforts and keep him safe, according to Your will. Help his mother to have peace knowing that her son is in service to You and that all is well. Amen.

  23. Praying for God's peace and love to overflow this coming week ... isn't it amazing how God shines through in our lives in so many ways? ... the fact that the theme was TRUST this week - exactly what you needed to hear. I just love how God reaches out and comforts us.

  24. Yes, so thankful for prayer warriors in our life! I often wonder where I would be without them.

    Please know that I am joining the warriors in praying for you and your family this week, especially Jordan and Joseph. I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster it must be having one son flying to Taiwan and one having scans. Praying that God floods your heart with peace.

    How long with Joseph be in Taiwan? What an amazing experience that will be for him! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Have a blessed weekend . . . know that I am lifting you up!

  25. Susan....You and your family will most definitely be in my prayers. I know how scary it must be waiting for Monday to arrive. What an exciting adventure it will be for Joseph to work in another country. I will be waiting patiently to hear the results of Jordan's scans.

    Love to all of you...and a big hug to Mama!

    Love and Hugs.

  26. I prayed for your boys. It is so neat that Christian sisters can meet through blogging and pray for each other. I'm worried about your son going to Taiwan. My cousin went to Japan for a year to teach English and ended up getting married and staying.

  27. Oh wow~what a week my dear friend. Lifting you all up to our sweet Lord.
    Much love,

  28. Praying for you this week, Susan.

    LORD, You know...we trust.

    with love,

  29. Wow - that is a very heavy burden for you this week my friend. I pray that the scan and the tests went well for Jordan today.
    I will certainly pray also for Joseph - wow - what a step in faith your son is making. I think we sometimes need to look at our children to see how to truly live by faith.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart and prayer request with us this past week.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!