
Thursday, May 15, 2008

God is so GOOD!

♥ On this Thankful Thursday I'd like thank God for healing me. Yes, it's been 5 days now since I've had a migraine headache and my TMJ is so much better. I'm shouting out praises to God!!! Thank you sweet Jesus! I am thankful that we have a heavenly Father that loves us and cares about all the details of our lives! Also, thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement these past couple of weeks.

(This is me praising God with Blonde hair and glasses, only graphic I could find quickly!)

♥ I would like to thank God for helping my son and daughter in law sell and buy a new home in less than two weeks. With the housing market the way it has been, this is nothing short of a miracle! They desperately needed more space with their 3rd child on the way, and God answered our prayers in a marvelous way.

♥ I'd like to thank God for continually watching over my children, especially Joseph who now lives on the other side of the world. He loves Taiwan, his students, and his life there. I'm so grateful for God's continual protection over him while we are separated by so many miles.

♥ I'd like to end today with a prayer request for all of the families that have been affected by these latest rounds of tornadoes, earthquakes, cyclones, and all of the other natural disasters that have occurred both here and abroad. We are truly living in perilous times. I pray the Lord will raise up an army of intercessors for needs that surround us daily.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Let's join some other grateful hearts over at Sting My Heart.

PS. I just got a call from a very close friend, and her daughter was in an accident today and lost a finger. I'm heading to the hospital now to meet them for surgery tonight. Please agree with us things will go well, and there will be no infection and God would be with this family! Thanks so much♥


  1. Susan, praise God about your headaches and TMJ. I really have prayed for you on a daily basis and am thrilled that you've had 5 pain free days.

    I will be praying for your friend's daughter and the family. Oh my...


  2. That's a great list. You are right about that being a miracle to sell and buy a house so quickly. God is good... your title says it all.

  3. Praise God for healing you from your migraine and praying for your friennd! Yikes!

    What a wonderful TT list to read tonight!

  4. Oh, Susan,

    I loved the picture of your granddaughters in the post below. They are absolutely precious and that scripture just fit perfectly.

    Praising God with you that the migraines are gone!! And praying with you for your sweet friend and for all those affected by tragedy this week.

    Thanks for being such a blessing in my life! :)

  5. I'm so glad your migraines are better!! PTL!

  6. Praising God for touching you with sweet healing, and for watching over your children. I will be praying for your friends daughter.

  7. Oh, Susan, I am so sorry to read about your friend's daughter. I will pray for them...
    Glad to read though that you are feeling much better.
    I can feel your heart aching for your son. I am glad though that he likes Taiwan. What a blessing...

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

    Blessings to you and yours...

  8. Beautiful list, Susan! Praise God about migraine! What an answered prayer....

    Blessings, sweet friend,

  9. Thank God for restoring you from the migraine. I am praying for your friend's daughter and the family, and the needy families affected by various natural disasters. May God be merciful and send forth His salvation and help.

    Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Have a blessed day!

  10. I am also thankful for God's healing hand this week - And for the fact that he has healed your migraines!
    I will be praying for your friend's daughter.

  11. Praise God for the relief He has given you from the pain...saying a prayer for your friend's daughter.

    P.S. We have 5 sons too!

  12. Praising God with you. Praying with you!

  13. Good Morning, Susan,

    I'm thankful you've had some reprieve from the pain. I pray it continues. And praise Him for watching out for your kiddos.

    I love your new profile pic. Very nice, my friend.

  14. PRAISE migraines...THAT is something to SHOUT for joy about!! praying with you for your boys...near and far....
    and praying for healing for your friend's daughter....

    God is GOOD ~ ALL the time...

    we just NEED that reminder!
    love you!

  15. I love you, Susan! Thanks for always blessing my day with your warmth, encouragement, and love for Jesus!!

  16. YEAH!! Glad you are better.
    Fabulous TT post! God's love is amazing to me! He takes care of us when we think no one cares.
    Have a great week & Happy TT!

  17. Susan~
    Praising with you that you are feeling better!
    Love the "picture" of you praising!
    Let us know about your friend' daughter. Will pray for them.
    Love you,

  18. I am happy for you about the migraines and TMJ. They can be quite the pain.

    Love the graphic of you rejoicing!

    I pray for your friend's daughter.

  19. Yippee! I'm dancing with you as you celebrate no pain today!

    God answers prayers. To sell a house, to heal, to protect... What a great God we serve!

  20. Susan, I'm PRAISING HIM WITH YOU for your healing! YES!!!!!!!! God is SOOOOO GOOD!

    I'll also pray for that family you mentioned. That's really scary, I'm so happy you'll be there with them.

    Hey, speaking of wild weather.. did I tell you we had an earthquake here in Mississippi? Yep, just a little north of Tupelo. It was only a 3.1 (or something like that) but still and earthquake in Mississippi is SOMETHING!


  21. Susan~
    WOW...a great list of PTL's. Woo..Hoo.

    I'll be joining you in prayer as well as you gather with your friend at the hospital.

    Praying that the Peace of God...passeth ALL understanding.


  22. I love the graphic, you look HOT!!LOL
    By the way, I just visited another (blog) woman whose son is suffering from a re-occurrence of a brain tumor. I gave her your site info. Of course you might already be "friends" and I am just butting in.

    I hope your friends daughter is alright, I'm sure it is a comfort to have you there. Also, I hope you are enduring the bad storms OK. I am praying for you!!


  23. Praise God for your health! That is wonderful. I pray that things went well for your friend. Great post. Happy TT! God Bless~

  24. Wow, as always I am touched by your love and thankful heart.

    YOU are someone I am thankful for. I didn't have time to do a deep and meaning TT today, but if I did. You'd be on my list.

    Your prayers are felt. Thank you.

  25. Praising God with you for how GOOD HE IS...sorry it lasted 5 days@

    Bless you, Susan for your sweet, positive spirit...and grateful attitude! It's a blessing to see
    someone care so deeply for others!

    I'm aMazed that all went so well in the House sale & new purchase!
    How grand! and also His DIVINE protection. How marvelous!

    May God be with you and your friend with her daughter so that
    all goes well and there isno further infection or any problem, in Jesus Name! Thank you for lifting up all the natural disaster
    victims & crying out for intercessors on their behalf! May God protect and save us all!

  26. Susan,

    God has led me to your website, I just know it. I posted on Marybeth's this morning, and Kelly from Aroma of Joy posted on mine and told me of yours. See, my son Nick has just found out he has his 5th brain tumor. His surgery is next Wednesday, the day before his 13th birthday. It has been a 6 - year journey that just keeps having highs and lows....honestly, many more highs than lows, but you know the roller coaster. Please go to my blog when you have time and see my sweet Nick. I love you even though we have never met. Love, Tammy

  27. So glad your migraine and TMJ is better! I know that pain. Wow, that is awesome about the house selling so quickly.

  28. So glad that you are feeling better! :) Wow, you are IS a miracle about your children selling/buying a house! Go God! :) Thank you for stopping by my place...God bless your weekend!!

  29. Morning, my SWEET FRIEND!

    Just checking in to see if you'd posted today. I'll check back later.

    Oh yeah, don't forget to update on your friend's daughter. =-)


  30. What a great list! Thanks for sharing! I praise God along with you for His healing power! Have a great day!

  31. Oh Susan,

    I just can't tell you how much I look forward to visiting you for your TT post.

    Every single time you just inspire me. Your blessings large or small are lifted up to God as an offering of thanks. You simply encourage me with your praises for our King. Love you.. love you girl.

  32. Sharing in your many blessings this week and praising God right along with you! He is so good!

    What a great reminder to pray for those affected by those natural disasters. You are so right.


    P.S. Praying for your friend's daughter!

  33. I am just now getting to checking out some of my favorite blogs (we've had ordination and high school graduation this week!) but I wanted to stop in and say PRAISE THE LORD for your testimonies! I am glad to hear your headaches have been healed! -blessings, Laurie

  34. Wonderful praises! Especially your healing from migraines. I trust you're still pain free. Yes, He does care about every single detail of our lives. :~D

    Also, PTL for the quick sale of your son's house. THAT is a major blessing too, especially in this market.

    (Sorry for being so slow to comment. I read your psot in Bloglines but had to whiz out the door. We're on the home stretch to our daughter's wedding in HI in June.)


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!