
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Then Sings My Soul Saturday

Happy Saturday my friends!

This would have to be one song that always puts me in a great mood. I hope you enjoy it.!

Please join us over at Signs Miralces and Wonders today!


  1. This is one of my favorites! Such a true and needed message all the time!

    Thanks for visiting and your kind comments on my blog.

  2. Everyone needs compassion and forgiveness. . . .what a great message! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great Great song...I LOVE Hillsong and this song!

  4. I have never heard that one! I will definitely add it to my list of songs to download. Thanks for introducing me to something new and wonderful today!

    Thanks for the compliment on my blog look. I would love to "do therapy" with your blog any time but you already have a great layout here!! That Amy Bayliss is one smart and talented girl!!

    Have a good weekend Susan!


  5. My name is Leslie. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog! Hugs to you sister!

  6. beautiful video...thanks for sharing...

  7. I love this song. Thanks for sharing!

  8. We do serve such a mighty and wonderful God.

  9. Love, Love, Love this song. I almost didn't get to it. I couldn't get your site to come up for a long time then it finally worked. So glad it did. Thanks for joining in this week and sharing such a great song.

  10. Love this song. It just does something to me!

    Thanks for sharing...sometimes I forget about some of these songs.

    I love the color scheme on your blog!

  11. Hi Susan,

    I just saw your other comment on my blog. I've realized over the last few years I've developed some of my Mom's traits I guess you might say, such as when to say "No" or trying to do too much. I've had to learn the hard way as did she, I can't do it all. So, as with my neurologist(s) I cut back on how much work, otherwise I'd be working around the clock.
    I just realized recently when I ran across your blog that I had visited Jordan's Caringbridge site a few years ago. How is he doing? I probably had run across it then from Tonya's. I have a very good friend whose daughter also had neuroblastoma here in Oklahoma a few years ago. I don't think people who haven't been touched by cancer are aware how many children are diagnosed. I know I wasn't before several years ago. It is heartbreaking.
    My younger sister was diagnosed on 11/13/07 with brain cancer. (GBM) which does have good statistics. But I don't look at statistics. I look to God. He is the one in control. We did this in 1999-2000 with my Dad (not brain, but cancer). Jan is stable now. She's doing good. We take it one step/each day at a time. You have to leave this with God and trust Him. We're not promised tomorrow.
    So, sometimes BUSY is good. It keeps the mind from wandering.
    Thanks for letting me talk and thanks for visiting my blog. I didn't see where I could email you or I would have done that. Not sure if you would want to post this.
    You, Susan, know all about this.

  12. I always LOVE coming here. That is a new song to me, thank you!! Your light definitely shines.

    Praying you are still feeling well.

    Jesus conquered the grave!!!


  13. As you saw I did Hillsong too, what an awesome group. I heard Christine Caine speak at our church and she sang with us then I put a video of her singing with Hillsong on my blog. She was awesome. We had a teenager who used to sing Mighty to Save at our church and he sounded exactly like the singer and when he gave up the praise and worship to do youth group full time I was so upset. He really got the young adults going and even the old adults (me). We have some great singers now, but I will always miss this done by this kid.

  14. PS Thank you so much for your prayers for my mom. I appreciate it and I appreciate all the prayers people were sending up in her name.

  15. Happy Saturday AND Monday to you. Hillsong is always encouraging and uplifting! :~D

  16. AAAHHHH... YES! This is one of my FAVORITES too!

    I've not been online much today. I'm trying to be more "frugal" and have been hanging out ALL of our laundry. (Yawn, that's VERY tiring - HA!!)

    I hope all is well with you today.. I'll check back later.


  17. Hi Susan,
    I LOVED that song! He moved a mountain for me this past week too!
    Hugs, Lea


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!