
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Lesson In The Dark

(Thankful Thursday is just below!)

It was on a dark night at the mission compound in Haiti where I discovered the power and protection in the simple name of "Papa." There were many lessons to be learned and memories that would last a lifetime, but on this one unusually dark night, I was about to experience something that would have profound affect on me for the rest of my life.

For the rest of this exciting story, please join me over at the Internet Cafe today!

~Thankful Thursday~

On this Thankful Thursday I'd like to thank God for the awesome opportunity I had to join the Internet Cafe' Team! At first I was very nervous because there are so many gifted writers who participate. I wasn't sure I would fit in or measure up at all. However, I was relieved to learn that the Cafe' isn’t about literary expertise, but its more about sharing what is in your heart and what God has taught you for the benefit of others. I took the plunge and joined!

I hope you enjoyed the devotional today!

♥I'm thanking God daily for His divine protection over my family and friends.

♥I'm thanking Him for my church family.

♥I'm thanking the Lord for all the many wonderful friends I've met here in blog-land, and I'm praying one day I'll have the opportunity to meet many of you!

♥I'm thanking God for the daily opportunities I have to bring Glory and Honor to Him!

PRAISE REPORT!!!!! Nick did well with his surgery!!!! Thanks for your prayers♥

♥And finally, I’m hoping that you will have a wonderful Thankful Thursday today!

Please join us over at Sting My Heart to see what other grateful hearts are saying!


  1. Praising God with you about Nick, such great news.

  2. So excited for you!

    For your wonderful news and for your opportunity to join the Cafe'!!

    You are such a blessing, my friend...

    Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us today and every Thankful Thursday!

    Love and Prayers,

  3. Oh Yeah!! I love that song you have playing!! OUR GOD IS MIGHTY TO SAVE!!! Makes me want to shout! I think I will...WHOOOOOO!!!!!! ;-)

  4. I really enjoyed today's devotional. You are inspiring. Thank you!

  5. Hi Susan, :) happy to read your thankful lists. God is good!

  6. How great that you joined the Internet Cafe! Praising the Lord along with you on Nick's surgery.

  7. Your devotional and encouragement that you left on my site was such a sweet touch to my heart!

    Thank you so much!

  8. Susan--we are so glad for you to be a part! Wonderful Thankful Thursday post!!!
    Have a blessed weekend!

  9. How wonderful that God is using you through Internet Cafe. Praise for Nick's coming through his ordeal well. Have a blessed day,
    Mama Bear

  10. Really wonderful TT post, God bless.

  11. Well, I may repeat myself because the first comment must have gone out into blogland.
    I am thankful God is using you through the Internet Cafe.
    Praise that Nick's ordeal is over and went well.
    Mama Bear

  12. First, glad to hear the praise report.

    I'm also so glad you're a part of the cafe team. You have such a heart for the Lord.

  13. Hi, Susan. I'm so excited to read your devotional over at the Internet cafe. What a blessing!

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  14. You're writing for the Cafe?? How cool is that?? Thanks for your comments at my place! I could feel power coming thru the computer!! :) Thanks for sharing today sweetie! Have a blessed weekend! Oh, have you been watching Lakeland?? It's been awesome!

  15. Praising God for surgery that went well!!! Thanks for the update. Will pray for continued recovery and health!!! You are in our prayers!!

  16. You're right, there is so much power in that name.

  17. Praise God....I thought of Nick several times in the past 24 hours...once while vaccumming...go figure...each time..prayers went up!!

    On a completely different note...THANK YOU for raising a son who serves our are THAT family that sends them away for US!!

    AND on another completely different note...YOU are an ENORMOUS blessing in my life....
    you are gifted and passionate and it comes through in EVERY SINGLE THING you write....your post at the cafe was simply AWESOME...and I'm NOT just saying that....
    We are the ones who are blessed at the have YOU!!

    Love you...and Lord willing...we WILL meet someday...
    I just wish you lived next door!


  18. Praising God with you for Nick! And really looking forward to reading your devotional over at the Cafe!!!!

    Have a very blessed day!

  19. Hi susan,
    so nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by my blog. I think it is wonderful that you have joined the Cafe'.

    Thanks for sharing your thankful heart.


  20. I love the song "Mighty to Save".. He certainly is!
    Thank you for your blessings this week (& yes, I did make the scripture tag - if you're talking about the world one?)!

  21. Praise God for Nick's report! I thank God for meeting you here in this blog-land too :) Though we are separated by seas and mountains, it is really wonderful that we can recount God's goodness and mercies to us together.

    Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. I always enjoy your thankful post. May God continue to keep you and family in His love day. Hope you have a blessed day!

  22. Wonderful news about Nick!

    And now I'm going over to the Cafe to read the rest of your devotional.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  23. Thank you Susan and praise God for Nick!

    I'm so excited and thankful you took the plunge because I enjoy what you share and heading over to Cafe Internet to read more about Haiti! I am suppose to start teaching someone from Haiti, who is here in YWAM -Mazatlan base!

    I love your Thankful heart and hoping the same! Be blessed! Peggy

  24. I found your blog through CWO. Loved your post.

  25. Hey Susan,

    Jan's testing schedule is as follows:

    June 3 @ 7:00 p.m. ~ Lab
    8:00 p.m. ~ MRI
    June 4 @ 2:00 p.m. ~ meet with oncologist, Dr. Gilbert.

    She usually tests MONTHLY. She has been "stable" since she finished her initial treatment, so in April they decided to wait 2 months.

    Thanks for your prayers! After I wrote the first entry several days ago, I went back to Jordan's Caringbrdge site and read over it again. Jordan is just "one of your special young men." Isn't it funny, you have all sons and now you have all granddaughters, so far. Life is definitely full of twists and turns, but it is up to us how it we let it affect us and what we do with it.

  26. praise God for the success of nick's surgery. something to really thank our might God for. blessings...

  27. Hi Susan,
    Congratulations on joining the Cafe! You will be a wonderful addition and I will have to check that out~I have never visited that before.

    I am WAYYYY behind on visiting all my blogging friends because Alex and I have spent so much time outdoors.
    Have a great weekend!

  28. I was just on the Internet Cafe & saw your post! I had no idea you were a writer for them. That is awesome!
    Always love reading your post.

  29. I enjoyed your devotion! Thanks for sharing!

  30. A powerful story and witness to the provision and peace of God in times of fear. It's a visual reminder you will carry with you on the journey. Thank you for sharing it with me.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!