
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Then Sings My Soul Saturday

On this TSMS I'd like to dedicate this awesome to song to all the wonderful men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who have and are still presently serving our country. Memorial Day is a good time to reflect on the sacrifices and services that these great American soldiers and past veterans have made for all us. I've heard it said many times,

“Freedom is never FREE”.

How true that saying really is, for we know that through out all of history freedom has come with a heavy price!

I'll never forget when the song I’ve chosen first came out. My son Jason was serving in Afghanistan. Oh, what a time of learning how to truly trust in God like I had never done before. I cried and cried each time I heard it, and the chorus became my daily prayer:

You are good

And you're brave

What a father that you'll be someday

Make it home

Make it safe...

(And God answered all those prayers!)
~Please remember to mute my music first, thanks.~

In closing, I’d like say that above all, we cannot forget that the greatest price ever paid for freedom was paid at the CROSS. To think that Almighty God sent His only Son into a sin-filled world to lay down His own life that we might be free.

I pray you all have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! Thanks for stopping by today.

Please join us over at Signs, Miracles and Wonders as Amy's brave husband is hosting today! He even dedicated a song for her, ahhhh, how sweet!! Hope you have a great time at the conference Amy.


  1. What a fitting song from a mom who knows about writing those letters! Thanks to you for sacrifices too.

  2. Thank you for dropping a note. I got chills listening to this song. A lady in our bible-study group has two 'children' who will be deployed to Afghanistan soon..and our small group supports a couple doing 'work' there...
    So glad that the only place we are 'safe' is in His Hands...may you know that in the days ahead...we can rest our children in His Hands safely... Be blessed,

  3. This song held more meaning after reading your story!

    Blessings to you this weekend...


  4. Absolutely PERFECT Susan!!! This is a great song for you to celebrate your son and the sacrifices of so many others as well!!! Thank you!

  5. Susan, this song just really caught me off guard! I've never heard it before but it just brings back memories of my dad. He served in the military and ultimately died from those injuries he sustained. But, the freedom he gave during that time was rewarded by our Heavenly Father's freedom he paid. I am so very thankful for that!!!

    I don't like to visit the cemetary, but I always make a point to go on Memorial Day especially in his honor - and in honor of all service men/women! Like you said, freedom isn't free! Thanks for sharing :-)

  6. AMazing beautiful and wonderful your Memorial Day Tribute! You tied it altogether so nicely...with your son and Our Heavenly Father's Son! It's a GREAT TSMS dedication!Who is the song by? I really loved it!

    Thanks for passing by twice...Thursday and Saturday unless you stayed the whole time!
    (LOL). I don't know what happen that they ran it all together. I actually tried to even wait to post TSMS after midnight so it'd be separate. What true patience you had to bear through all of it.
    I separated it when I realized. Sorry that you had it altogether!
    But thanks and hugs!

    BTW I'm not home with any family for Memorial Day weekend...I'm still in Mexico! God bless...Peggy

  7. What a perfect song for this weekend. I have a step-nephew, I guess that is what I call him, but so dear none the less who will be coming home in July. We pray for his safety. He has a young wife here. She is so strong. This is Jan's step-son. And, yes Jesus paid for dearly for us.

    The song by Brandon Heath, I did the same thing when it came out..played it constantly. I still love it.

  8. Oh Susan.............What a beautiful song! I thank your son for serving our country! He is a brave man! Have a blessed weekend!

  9. Love that song. I cry every time. Having four sons I wonder sometimes if I won't be just like that woman in the song-wondering if my son is alive or dead. I can only imagine how frightening it was for you. Touching post! Love and hugs dear sister.

  10. What a perfect post for this weekend! And I love how you talked about remembering the greatest sacrifice of all!

    Blessings to you this Memorial weekend and to your son for serving our country!

    Love and blessings,

  11. What a perfect song. It's always been one I loved. I've often wondered how hard it must be to hear for those of who Moms who had children who were serving. Indeed such a sacrifice they make (as do you)for our freedoms. What a precious parallel to our Lord. Thank you for sharing on behalf of all those deserving of our honor and gratitude. (You must be so proud!)

  12. Yes, a great song for the Memorial weekend. Thank you.

  13. Oh what a great tribute to all our heros and to your son! He is such a handsome guy too (although that doesn't surprise me!). It is easy to see why you are so proud of all of your boys!

    I hope you are enjoying a weekend filled with lots of love and family. It seems like it has been a stressful and emotional time of year!! I am praying June will bring a little more peace.....


  14. I didn't realize that your son was in the military. Oh, how your faith must have grown during his deployment. I agree with you that freedom is never free. I can't imagine how hard it is for those people whose soldiers never make it back home.

  15. Prayers and a thank you to your son for serving us all!

  16. Hello, my FRIEND! I've not been online much in recent days and I'm REALLY missing YOU! I thought of calling you over the weekend, but I KNOW how busy you are and didn't wanna catch you if you might have had your children visiting.

    I CANNOT BELIEVE I've missed so many posts! I'm EXCITED about reading your Internet Cafe post - I know you did an UNBELIEVABLE job... you're SO GIFTED when it comes to expressing your heart for GOD with words.

    Guess what??? I got a tiller last week. You should've seen me the first day trying to hold that thing in a straight line. It REALLY gave me a workout. HA!!!!! I think I'll post pictures of my flower beds and garden on my next post. (Maybe Monday?)

    Now, on a more serious note.. I'm so blessed to see that you're honoring Jason on this Memorial Day. I think he's Zach's newest hero. We've recently had to go online and find an Army Navy Surplus store. (No, we didn't HAVE to.. but that's what my little man desperately wanted to do) We now own ALL SORTS of military items. (We even let him buy a machete - what were we thinking???)

    Okay.. I can't stand the suspense any longer... I'm going to read your post on the Internet Cafe. Take care, my friend!


  17. Susan,
    What a special post!
    I continue to keep your son and all of our awesome military men and women in my prayers. I'm so thankful for each and every one of them.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  18. What a perfect song to share for this weekend. Praise God that your son made it home safely. I loved your post too. You are so right. Freedom comes at no small price.

  19. We sang "Battle Hymn of the Republic" last night in church....the second verse gets me EVERY time...THANK that man of yours...who was raised by parents who taught him WELL...
    thank you for that...
    With a boy of my own...I KNOW I'm raising someones husband...I want him to be Strong in faith and to know what FREEDOM really means....

    Love you girl!!
    Happy Memorial Day!

  20. What an amazing song!!!! Once again, you've touched my heart!!!

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend.


  21. Your blog is always SO encouraging!!!

    BTW, I read Amy's husband's post in Bloglines... he did an excellent job of hosting, I thought. Maybe I should press my husband into blogging service a little more... :~D

  22. Susan,

    I'm just checking in to see if you'd done a "WFW." I couldn't believe it'd been a whole week since I last posted. I'll check back again later -


  23. Your post made me cry. Thank you to your son and all the men and women who serve! Thank you for the reminder.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!