
Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Little Confession...

“Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.” Psalm 107:15

I don't know about you, but receiving God's "unfailing love and wonderful deeds" can be difficult many times. Really, we do not deserve such great love, yet He has chosen to freely give it to us.

I fail; I fall; and often feel so feeble as I try to walk this walk of faith. No matter how far I fall short, the Lord continues reaching out to me daily with His “unfailing love”.

So on this Thankful Thursday, I want to thank my gracious Heavenly Father for loving me in spite of the fact that I am often…

and yes, moody

Well, you get the picture, just a mess without His presence.

Today, once more I ask God for His mercy and grace to cover me. I ask Him to speak to me through His word and take away this stony heart and give me a heart of flesh! I ask Him to draw me closer with His loving-kindness, where I can be changed more and more into His image and likeness.

“Father, forgive me for all the times I think I am deserving of anything apart from you. Thank you for the price you paid so I can walk in true freedom. Break the grip of sin that so often holds me captive. I realize that it is your unfailing love that sustains and upholds me daily. I will proclaim your faithfulness and wonderful deeds all the days of my life.”

Please join us over at Sting My Heart today!


  1. Wow. You sound just like me! LOL! Thankfully we are a new creation-yes? It is our most precious gift! Hugs to you on this thankful Thursday.

  2. Sounds like me. Ah, thank God for His patience (that seems to be the recurring theme for this week's TT). God bless you.

  3. And he asks us to love others with the same measure! If we could really get that...

    The world we turn upside down in his favor.


  4. AMEN...girl... thing I DON'T do is SEW..not now, not ever...I can cut, paste, velcro....but NEVER sew!!

    Those costumes are our retirement going down the drain! It's their sport...they love it!!
    The Chain Gang song is a tap song to that OLDIE..."that's the sound of the men working on the chain gaaaaaang..." YOU know it!!!

    They are actually chained together in's very original..and cute...they have those numbers on them like they are prisoners...

    SO.....anywho...The redhead does look like Lucy...she is something I tell you....nothing like a middle child with red hair! She keeps us on our toes!

    You have a great day...
    I'm still deciding what to pack!

    you sew?? you could TEACH me!!

  5. AMAZING SUSAN...I thought I was reading from my personal journal, sounds so much how my "mess" is
    but you have eloquently chosen a awesome verse and written heartfelt part of your prayer is being answered...simply you are FOREVER HIS and your prayer shows that and your gratitude for His unfailing love in the midst of our mess. Bless you for sharing, Peggy

  6. Hugs and love to you sweetie.

  7. We have much to be thankful for. God changes us by molding us after His image. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading the things you are thankful for. I also enjoyed the comments you left on my TT post.


  8. Oh..bless your sweet...sweet heart!!!

    Don't feel bad...there are days/times that I'm right there with ya! :-)


  9. Isn't it funny while I'm leaving my comment here, the other two comments left both say "sounds like me," as do I. I'm thankful Christ died on the cross for sinners like us. Though we are not perfect, we can strive daily to be like Jesus. The more time we spend on our knees, I believe the more we will be like Him!

    Many blessings to you my friend. Thanks for your prayers for Jan. Next week is a big week. Please pray for Peace for her and our family.

    She and I will be spending the day together tomorrow, just sister time.

    Thanks for visiting!


  10. Hmmm, I can relate. I'm just a mess without His presence in my life too! He is so patient with me, which gives me lots of reasons to be thankful.

  11. Sounds like me, can't imagine it really describes you. Certainly not the Susan I have grown to love and appreciate. Thanks for being real.


  12. None of us deserve it but what a loving gift given freely for us by the Father.
    Mama Bear

  13. Yes, my friend, you could've been talking about me too. Only my list would be MUCH LONGER. O:-)

    Susan, you're always such an inspiration to me. It doesn't seem to matter the circumstances - you're ALWAYS praising GOD! I just LOVE that about YOU!

    I'm just SO BLESSED that you were tender to the calling and that you allowed GOD to use you here. His anointing is DEFINITELY upon you. You are not only a picture of the Proverbs 31 lady - you're also a Titus 2 friend! Thank you for sharing what GOD has shown you. I feel like I'm constantly gleaning from you.

    I LOVE YOU, my friend!

  14. I am so glad you are able to remember the unfailing love of God during times of struggle. I know the battle. You know I do.

    Thanks for your encouragement and prayers this week.

    Remember who you really are:

    washed in the blood
    daughter of the Most High

  15. Thank you God for your grace.

  16. Wonderful! A lot of things we should be thankful for! Happy TT!

  17. Susan,

    Excellent as always and I am right there with you.. Can you say moody again???

    Love you.

  18. Oh God! This speaks to me - it hit me hard that I am not perfect too yet God loves me. What a wonderful post.

  19. WOW do I relate to this one! haa

  20. oh i hear you sis! i can relate. without Him we're just in a pool of mess.

  21. Amen! I'm grateful for His overflowing grace. I'm feeling just a bit stressed today... and not a great example of His patience and loving kindness. Sigh. (I guess we're all in the same boat!)

    Have a blessed weekend, Susan. :~D


  22. Wow. I echo the words of your beautiful prayer. SO thankful for the new mercies of our Lord each and every day! He is SO good to us.

    Tracy = )

  23. Oh Susan, I love this post . . . probably because I feel the same way and can relate so much to what you said. Thanks for always shining with His love! How thankful I am for YOU!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Wonderful post, Susan! I too am thankful that God loves me in spite of the many, many selfish and sinful attitudes that I carry. He is so good!!!

    Have a blessed weekend!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!