
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Standing Tall

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Rom. 8:18

Just a quick note about the picture. This pony was abandoned by her owners after Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. She was taken to a farm that was being used as an Animal Shelter, but unfortunately once there was attacked by a dog and nearly died. Normally euthanasia would have been the most compassionate alternative, but Molly's intelligence and her strong will to live was undeniable. The doctor was so moved that he agreed operate on her to try and save her life. Amazingly she fully recovered and was later fitted with a permanent prosthesis. Now, wherever Molly goes her story inspires hope and courage, and she always leaves all who meet her with a smile.
This story and picture was taken from The Cancer Crusade. Thanks Cathy for allowing me to share this.

Seems like I've been drawn to animal illustrations these last to WFW's!! Thanks for stopping by today. Join us over at The 160 Acre Woods for more WFW.


  1. Hi Susan,
    I just got your comment on my blog. I hope everything is OK. If you want to email me I check that pretty frequently. I would be glad to pray or help however I can!

    I love this story about Molly. I got it as an email about a week ago and I have shared it with my kids. The little ones are very touched by it!! What an incredible story, huh?

    Take care girl and be sure to email me soon!

    Love and Prayers,

  2. Wow! That's incredible! What a perfect scripture for that amazing horse. Thank you so much for sharing.


  3. What a wonderful story and blessing to us all. thanks so much for sharing.

    blessings on your week.

  4. Oh wow!!! I have seen dogs fitted with artifical limbs, but never horses!!! It does leave you speechless!!! Hope all is well with you!!! You are in my prayers!!!

  5. I love the story of that pony, I think it's neat that you used it for your verse. I really applies!!

  6. GREAT, now I can't remember if I've commented on this post or not. LOL! I've checked in about 3 times AND emailed you so that explains it. (You know I confuse easily anyway.. right? LOL)

    Anyway... this was a BEAUTIFUL story! Thanks so much for passing it along.

    I MISS YOU and your SWEET FAMILY! I'm ready to see you again! =-/

  7. Oh my word! What an incredible creature...and drs...

    THANK you for telling me I'd linked to Maddie's blog....I am officially LOSING my mind...didn't even notice that...
    maybe because it was LATE when I was doing it....

    REALLY give me far toooo much's really easy...come on over, I'll teach you!!

    love you!

  8. Wow.. I've not heard this story, but what a great one it is. Scripture goes great with it, too.

    Happy WFW!

  9. I just left you a comment...but I think it went POOF!

    What an amazing creature that horse!

    THANK YOU for telling me I'd linked to Maddie's know I tell you...I'm losing my mind..I didn't even NOTICE was nearly midnight...but...:)

    Hey, girl you give me too much credit...come on over and I'll show you how to do that!!:) It's really not that hard...I'm no genius over here!!!

    love you!

  10. That's a great story. We can only imagine the Glory we'll experience in the future...

  11. I remember not long ago getting an email about Molly. What a great verse to go with a great picture. Thanks for the wonderful WFW!

  12. wow! that is an amazing story! truly incredible!

    God Bless!

  13. Susan, that is just amazing... and seems so natural somehow. Why haven't we seen more prosthetics on animals? (Too expensive, perhaps.)

    Thanks for sharing this story and for the verse that goes with it. I really needed that one today!!!


  14. A fascinating picture that preaches a sermon all its own. Thanks for sharing.


  15. Susan, you had from the title, to the photo, to th verse! Thank you so much!

    Happy WFW!

  16. Wow. I've never seen a horse with an artificial leg. Isn't medical technology grand!

  17. That is so amazing! And just perfect.

  18. Susan, what a neat story! Thanks for sharing it.

    Many blessings, friend.

  19. Oh Susan,

    I hadn't heard this story. You know it hits home here. What an awesome awesome story! Thanks for sharing!

    Take care!

  20. Susan,

    This is so unbelievable! What a story!..I'm so glad you shared it with us. I'm for sure going to pass it on. There is so much we can learn from animals. What a perfect Word Filled Wednesday Picture. :)

    Love and Hugs


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!