
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Would you pray?

Hey Ladies,

I'd like to ask for you to join with me in prayer for a special family that I recently met. Tammy's son, Nick, has a brain tumor, and will be facing his 6th surgery this coming Wednesday. After going through this same crisis with my son Jordan, I know what it is like sitting in the waiting room waiting for news from the operating room. You feel so vunerable and helpless as the doctors are operating on your child. Only by God's grace and the prayers of others can you survive these kinds of trying times.

Please believe with me that the doctors are able to do a complete resection, and that Nick’s recovery will be without any complications. He has endured so much, yet he and his family’s faith remain strong. Surgery is scheduled on his 13th birthday. If you would feel impressed to drop by Tammy's site and let her know you are praying, I’m sure it would really be an encouragement to her and Nick.

Thanks also for your prayers last week for Hannah, my friend’s daughter. She is recovering well, and has an amazing attitude after enduring such an emotional trauma loosing her finger. This is a wonderful testimony of God’s faithfulness. Even in this we are convinced that all things are working together for good in her life. She is going back to the doctor today to complete a skin graph on her second finger, which was also damaged in the accident but thanks to God was able to be saved! Please continue to keep Hannah in your prayers as well.

Max Lucado once said:

Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Lord, you are our refuge and our fortress. Please place your ministering angels all around Nick, and guide the hands of those physicians as they operate. Give Tammy and her family your peace that passes all understanding during this time. Comfort, uphold and strengthen them. Father you promised us in your word, if we call upon your name and pray you will hear our cry. We commitment this into your hands. In Jesus name, Amen.


  1. Lord, thank you for being with Hannah and I pray you would continue to be with her as she faces the emotional trials of having a hand that looks different. Give her courage and strength to rely on You.

    And be with Tammy and her son tomorrow - give them both peace and trust in Your hands. I pray for healing and for the strength to fight this battle.

  2. Good Morning, Susan. I will certainly put Nick and his family on my prayer list.

    I'm off now to visit Tammy's blog and leave a message.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  3. Susan... you are all in my prayers even now!!! If only I could reach out and give you a hug and tell you face to face!!! I pray that the Father will give you strength and healing!!! You will never know just what your witness means!!
    Loving you in Christ!!

  4. Susan~
    Oohh...I had Holy Ghost bumps as I read your request today.

    YES...YES...YES...I'll be praying, and standing in the gap for this precious...precious family.

    I'm praying that has the doctors do their work....GOD...leads, guides, and directs their every step.

    We serve a God who is our HEALER...and I will join you all as we stand upon HIS promises.

    Blessings sweet friend.

    p.s. and yes....our Savior...he can move a MOUNTAIN!!! amen.

  5. Susan,
    thanks for requesting the prayers for Nick and his family...I am on my way there now to encourage her...

  6. Of course, I will pray for Nick and Tammy & their family. I'm heading over to her blog to leave a message.


  7. Susan,

    I just got the message you left. Thanks so much. I will certainly pray for Nick and his family. You know this touches so close to home for me. I'll head over to Tammy's blog to leave a message.

    Here is Jan's blog if you would like to visit:

    BTW did you hear that Sen. Ted Kennedy has been diagnosed with malignant brain tumor? They are hinting GBM.

  8. thank you for letting us know about this need and we will all bind together and agree for a miracle for this family. - God bless, Laurie

  9. Oh Susan. What a blessing you are to put out prayer requests for these dear people. You know just exactly what they are feeling and I know that must be a huge blessing to them.


    Please surround this entire situation with Your miraculous intervention. We ask for healing. We ask for restoration. We ask for Your blessing ten fold on Nick and his mother Tammy. Be with the physicians. Guide the surgeon's hand. May all medical personnel be alert and make no mistakes and may all go without incident and smoothly. May they get all the tumor. May he have no ill effects. We know Lord that You love Nick and You love Tammy with an everlasting love. We know that you are right there beside them. Please send ministering angels to Tammy's side while she waits. We ask all this knowing that You do exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask or imagine. Thank You, Jesus that You stand and make intercession for us as our great high priest. In Your precious name we pray. Amen.

  10. Oh, Susan you are such a dear sweet servant to put out prayer requests for this family. I know that you completely understand how they feel and that means so much to them.


    Please surround this entire situation. We ask for healing. We ask for blessing. We ask that there be no permanent injury to Nick. We know that You see Nick. We know that You love him and His mother, Tammy. Please surround Tammy with ministering angels while she waits. Guide the surgeon's hands and all medical personnel that they might be alert and on top of their jobs. Bring Nick safely out of surgery with all the tumor removed and no damage done to his brain. We know that You can do exceedingly, abudnantly more than we ask or imagine. Thank You, Jesus that You are our Great High Priest interceding on our behalf. Touch Nick. In Your precious name. Amen.

  11. Susan,
    I cannot imagine the anxiety....I pray along side you for Nick...What a gift we can give..praying ....

    and Hannah...what a girl...Courage and faith will get her through this...and the prayers of strangers....

    Standing with you in prayer!
    love you....


  12. Susan,
    I am so glad that you and Tammy found one another! I just knew you would be a HUGE encouragement to her!! I will absolutely be praying for her, and I am continuing to lift up you and your family as well. Prayer is so powerful and something we can give when we feel helpless. I hope you know that you are impacting many lives through this blog (including mine).


  13. I will pry for them and stop over at Tammy's blog right away.

  14. I, too, have a daughter who had to undergo brain surgery. Very scarey. I will keep them all in my prayers. God bless.

  15. I, too, have a daughter who had to undergo brain surgery. Very scarey. I will keep them all in my prayers. God bless.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!