
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

From Head to Toe

On this Thankful Thursday I'd like to share a passage that I recently read in the Message bible. With all of the turmoil going on in the world right now it's easy to lose our spiritual focus, forget that God is completely in control, and become disheartened. It's seems like many times I find myself spending more time praying for understanding than just praising God for His goodness and mercy. When I truly meditate on the Word and all of God’s many the promises, I begin to realize how much we are truly loved. So today I would like to proclaim the goodness of our mighty God and thank Him for His countless blessings. I pray this will be a word of encouragement to you as well.

Psalm 103

O my soul, bless God.

From head to toe, I'll bless his holy name!
O my soul, bless God,
don't forget a single blessing!
He forgives your sins - every one.
He heals your diseases - every one.
He redeems you from hell - saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy -a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness –beauty eternal.
He renews your youth –

you're always young in his presence.

Dear Lord, how can I thank you enough for all of the many things you have given to me. Because of Calvary I'm forgiven, healed, and redeemed. Your love sustains me daily, your presence comforts me. Thank you for exchanging your strength for my weaknesses. You are faithful, you are true, and I bless your Holy name!

Now, isn't the Lord good? Please join us over at Sting My Heart to see how other thankful hearts are blessing God.


  1. Great TT and what a reminder to us that even in the midst of turmoil that God is in control. - Blessings, Laurie

  2. Lovely thankful post. I always enjoy seeing God's word from The Message.

  3. Susan---I love the way that reads! Amazing! Wonderful words to carry with me in my heart tomorrow as I face the day!!!

  4. Susan,

    Oh the promises. thank you for this post. I feel like reading some of those right now. God bless you my friend. Love and hugs, Lynn

  5. Susan...thank you so much for your concern and earlier visit yesterday!
    I came and read your In Other Words but couldn't leave a comment(lost it)

    I so enjoy your Give Thanks Graphic from Isaiah and then Psalm 103. The Message just seems to add so much to our understanding! I have been reading and checking it alot more this past week! It is aMazing to try and comprehend or fathom how Great is His Love!!

    Bless you for your sweet prayer & Amen! He is so good and HIS LOVE is FOREVER from HEAD to TOE after all
    WE are HIS creation! Thank you Susan-may you find yourself wrapped in goodness-beauty eternal and your youth ever renewed in HIS Presence
    this week and wonderful weekend celebrating His Fatherly Love!

  6. Susan,

    The world is full of turmoil and negativity. If we don't set out eyes or sights on God, we will be right in the bit middle of that. I want more for my life. I want more for my life. I want to walk as close to Christ as possible. I believe that is the only way.

    Very good post! Something to think about.


  7. Amen to that, Susan - yes - you are right. When we see all the things going on around us, we can get discouraged. But we can take heart because we know that He always will be with us and the we will have future and hope.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours...

    PS: love the picture with Scripture you have posted on top of your post.

  8. Susan,

    Thanks for sharing this encouraging post with us. Thank God for His love for us. Thank God that no matter what happens around us or in us, God is in control and He lovingly works all things for His glory and our good. May God continue to bless you as you grow in your knowledge and love for Him! Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us.

    Every blessings,

  9. I hadn't read that Psalm in The Message version. I really,really like it. I plan on reading it again when I get up this morning (after I finally go to bed!)

  10. What a beautiful post. Your message is really a testimony of God's great love. Happy TT!

  11. What a beautiful TT post! Truly inspiring and a timely reminder that God is in control.

  12. One of my favorite Psalms. Love the way that it is worded here. Blessings to you sister.

  13. Susan,thank you so much for your encouragement, what a wonderful and powerful TT!

  14. From head to toe, that's a great title. I love your heart with every post. You make me pause and thank God.

    I am thankful for you And I am thrilled to know you are challenged to live intentionally..Update me on the little things that made your day brighter.

    Enjoy this day! I get to fix my daughter's hair and face for her dance rehearsal today. It's the day before the big show. She loves it and so do I. I try not to cry when I see her perform so beautifully. Now she is one who inspires me to live well. She's full of passion.

    Love from Colorado,

  15. I loved your post. I know God is there for us during any and all turmoil but I do think we need to keep on thanking Him and praising Him for all the blessing that surrond us each day! Wonderful post..thank you so much for sharing!

  16. Susan - that was great. Loved your comment about spending more time praying for understanding than praising God. I'm right there with you, as you know.

    Praising and trusting God,

  17. Susan, Thanks so much for such a wonderful reminder of the wonders of our Lord! Lately, I find myself focusing more on trying to understand, asking for comfort and guidance and failing to praise the Lord. Even praise Him that I can come before Him asking for understanding, etc. I have been trying to focus more on praising the last few days... what a difference it makes.

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  18. Hi Susan,
    As always I loved my visit at Forever His today. I love the things on your heart and mind.... but I especially love coming here because of your Praise and Worship music. You have beautiful music here... and you just can't help but enter into WORSHIP right here and now!
    Be blessed today,

  19. Susan

    What a true message you sent in this post. You are so right is so easy to get caught up in this fallen world...and right again about praying so much for understanding. You are just so right..sometimes I think I am over dramatic..was so nice to read it today.

    Love and Hugs..

  20. I love that version of scripture - really inspiring! Thanks for sharing it. God bless you.

  21. Susan~
    What powerful words, to minister to my soul.

    Blessings to you on the TT.


  22. God is SO Good. Thank you for sharing this Psalm with us...His word is always something to be thankful for...

  23. Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed week.
    Mama Bear

  24. He's always good, despite my feelings in the matter. I've never wavered from that belief. This world is simply a hard and difficult journey. It quickens my thoughts toward him and toward home. One day soon, our faith will be made sight and our hard will be made easy and perfectly right. That's what I'm running toward this day.


  25. beautiful...I am always blessed by your posts :o) Thanks for stopping by!

  26. Great Thankful thursday post!
    And I was reading that psalm earlier in the week before work....I just love it!

    Have a great weekend

  27. Susan.. thanks for the note on my blog this morning and the warm welcome to blogland! : ) I thought your little thumbnail pic looked familiar and then I made the hop over here and yes... you're already in my favorites... I've been reading your blog and the story of your family for a while now. (just beginning to comment, though!) Congrats on your son's survival. We know several ppl who's children lost their fight as well. It's a very strange 'world' we've found ourselves in, isn't it?!

  28. Thanks dear friend...I needed that today.

  29. Such a beautiful post today and the Scriptures are just perfect! I'm so glad I stopped by today. It was just what I needed! Thank you!


  30. Susan..
    Im looking for your email address. I should have it but I don't. Can you email it to me?

    Have a good weekend!

    Love and Hugs..

  31. Susan,
    You are a true woman after God's own heart and honestly, many of the things you blog about are very pertinent and relevant to happenings going on in my own neck of the woods.
    God uses you in many ways! --
    thanks for sharing!
    Blessings to you,


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!