
Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Special Father's Day Gift

In addition to all the usual festivities on Father's Day, this Sunday we will also be celebrating the birthday of Jason, our oldest son. It was 29 years ago that God gave us our hearts desire when on Father’s Day in 1979 we were blessed with our first child. At the age of 16 I declared that I wanted to have “all boys(can you imagine such a prayer?) when I got married and my first one would be named Jason. I’m not really sure why I felt that way back then, but God surely must have heard that prayer because he answered it five times! Whew...and what a journey it has been!

When I think of Father's Day, I’m reminded of all the men God has placed in my life starting with my father who is now with Jesus. I was a young mom with 4 sons of my own when the Lord called him home. He left only three short years after my mother passed away. This was a very difficult time in my life feeling so alone, and I understood a little of what it might feel like to be an orphan. It was during that time that I learned to look to God in a greater way as my real Father.

The other greatest man in my life is my husband Rick. He has been there through “thick and thin” for all of us. No doubt he has the patience of Job, having lived with all of us these 30 years. Gentleness and kindness is the mantle he wears. Service is his love language, and I feel so safe in his care. I'm honored to be his wife. Happy Father's Day Rick, I love you!

Finally, as I think about my heavenly Father, I want to dedicate this song to Him. He is the solid rock upon which I have built my life. He is my shield, my refuge, and a high tower that I can run to and be safe from every storm. He is the lover of my soul, a friend, and my guiding light. I am nothing without Him...

(please mute my music player first!)

I love you,
All of my hope is in You,
Jesus Christ take my life,
Take all of me.

Please join us over at
Signs Miracle and Wonders to hear some more great music today. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend♥


  1. Susan - my prayer wasn't to have all boys but that's just what God gave me and I can't imagine my life without one of them! When my dad passed, I felt the same way as you did - I really began to look at Jesus as my father. It was an opportunity for me to develop a stronger relationship with Him and I can't imagine life without this new growth I've experienced.

    Thanks for sharing this song too! All of my hope is in the Lord! I love Him so much and I want Him to take all of me to glorify Him!

    Blessings :-)

  2. LOVE the picture of you and Rick. You guys always look so happy.

  3. I love when people share pictures like this of there family. So sweet. I pray you enjoy your son's birthday and father's day. Thanks again for sharing.

  4. Susan,

    We've been without our earthly Dad for almost 8 years now. Oh how we miss him. He's waiting in heaven with our Heavenly Father now. It is difficult to lose a parent. I dread the day we lose our Mom. I've heard it is difficult when both parents are gone. Ugh! What a great tribute today to all the men in your life.
    We are getting together tonight to celebrate Mom's b-day (6/16). It will be good for us to be together. I'll have to post the gift we got here. It is awesome!
    Susan, have a wonderful weekend with all your men!
    Thanks for all you've done!
    You are a treasure!

  5. are absolutely aMazing!
    How beautiful of a Father's Day Tribute...and Happy Birthday Jason!

    How anyone could pray for 5 boys? Excuse me ALL BOYS, I can't understand(lol) but when they are like YOURS perhaps that shows what an aMazing mother, wife, daughter and God's servant you are!(LOL)

    Your warm words of these MEN in Your life touched my heart! Your song dedication to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER is one of my favorites by my FAVORITE Hillsong...though doing this TSMSS is opening me up to all kinds of music that I love also! I must let you know you indeed are blessed with your wonderful husband(that stood out the most to me)! Though I quickly identified with your love and deep loss of your dad...I know he is pleased with your life and love for God as your ABBA father! May our Lord continue to bless you & all your men...and your weekend celebrating!!! Blessings, Peggy

  6. Susan-thanks for sharing your family with us. Love the pictures. When I lost my dad I was just a 9 year old girl. A couple years later God brought me a new dad, but it would be MANY years before I would fully accept him.

    My kids still don't want to see their dad, so tomorrow they won't be celebrating with their own father but with mine. And with our Heavenly Father who is the greatest of all. (hmmm..maybe I should be blogging this)

    Happy birthday to your son. Hope you have a fabulous weekend.


  7. Susan, that song is beautiful. I love all the words you wrote as well. So sweet.

  8. Susan, you are too sweet. Thank you for your stop by my blog and your kind words. I loved reading about the men in your life and the picture of you and your husband is a great one. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Also, thanks for sharing this song. It's a great one and a prayer that I breathe...

  9. I love this song! thank you for sharing it today.

  10. That's funny Susan as I said when I was a little girl that I woudl have four children, but I hoped they wouldn't all be boys because they might have to go off to war and die...and God in heaven laughed! You are greatly blessed by such wonderful men! It's fun being the queeen, isn't it?

  11. What a beautiful post and song. Hugs Lisa Ann

  12. Susan
    Happy Fathers Day to all the men in your life and a big Happy Birthday to Jason! I heard once that the odds of having 5 boys in a row is almost a rarity....and having 5 girls also! Well...that's what I heard long ago.

    Enjoy the day tomorrow...and soon you will have another "little" guy in your life. Oh! how sweet!

    Love and Hugs...

  13. What an awesome Father's Day gift your husband received all those years ago (and to know that he was only the first of 5!) I loved reading your words of love to these special men, and also always enjoy the photos that you post. Your beautiful heart is truly a blessing. Have fun celebrating Father's Day and Jason's birthday tomorrow.

    Tracy = )

  14. What a sweet post. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Susan, I've MISS YOU SOOO MUCH! My house has FINALLY cleared out (and I'm MISSING the extra kids already). I'd have never dreamed that my sister's daughter would be one of my best friends. =-)

    Anyway.. I hope to get back to blogging next week. Maybe even as early as tomorrow. You guys have been DEARLY MISSED!

    Please tell Rick "Happy Father's Day" for us?


  16. That song expresses God's love for us. I need that love. That perfect unconditional love.

    I had a boy first and then 4 girls in a row. If we were to have another, we just know it would be a girl. It's interesting how that happens.

  17. Awe... you and Rick are so great together! Happy Father's Day to everyone!

    much love!

  18. happy father's day to all the men in your life. you're so blessed, susan.

  19. Susan...
    You have such a blessing in that man who has made that journey with you...I can't EVEN imagine 5 boys...You are one COOL chick!

    I can't imagine sending my dad home...I watched him a few years ago send his daddy "home" and it broke my heart to see him so sad....

    This is just beautiful...
    just like you!

    Hugs to you!

  20. You are blessed :o)

  21. I don't know if you will see this, but if you do, I want to make sure you read the update on my most recent're in it, and Im so glad!!!!! Thank you for writing....


  22. Susan,

    Life has been so busy lately since school has been out that I just haven't had the time to visit all of my favorite blogs! And I have missed you and your posts.

    I don't even know where to begin on commenting as I have missed so much . . .

    I loved the wedding video - just precious. You and Rick are just so cute together. How blessed you both are to have each other.

    And I loved the picture of your son in Taiwan! What an experience for him.

    And what a sweet, sweet Father's Day post. Happy Birthday to Jason!

    Thank you, Susan! You are such a wonderful example to all of us and your writings always touch my heart and make me think.

    Hope you have a wonderful, blessed week with the ones you love.
    Love & FROG . . .

  23. We had a birthday on Father's Day too! Colton turned 17. What a fabulous celebration we had.


  24. Susan,

    I got your message about the cd and book. What a fitting tribute to your husband and family. You look so beautiful and happy together.

    How beautiful that God has used your father's death to draw you closer to Him. God Bless, and know your being loved and prayed for from afar!

  25. What a sweet way to honor all the dad's in your life. Having had some not so good dads' in my life, I am ever so proud to be the daughter of our Heavenly Father. Blessings, elizabeth

  26. Just droppping in to say Hi! Kayla had a wonderful time with you yesterday. Now, you can relax. =)
    I am praying about your TMJ.
    We are getting ready to dance! I'll call you in a little while.
    Love, Kristin

  27. Susan,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I always appreciate comments. How awesome to have 5 sons. I LOVE being a mom to my boys. I enjoyed your pictures and words. I hope you continue to stop by and visit me.


  28. Thanks to you for your sweet prayers and comments. I think I feel the same way.


  29. Hey Susan,

    Jan had the MRI Spectroscopy this morning bright and early at 6:30 a.m. It was also inconclusive. We are standing on faith and praying this is a good sign. She will have a PET CT scan tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. and then see her oncologist at 9:30 a.m.

    Her tech this morning asked her where she was from. She told him "Oklahoma." He asked if she was an "Oklahoma Baptist." She said, "Yes." He asked her if he could pray with her before he did the MRI. She knew then she was at the right place. How awesome is that?


  30. This was such a nice post. You are surrounded by handsome men, Susan! So nice to see how richly you've been blessed. Wonderful pictures of all of you.

  31. Susan,
    Thank you for the prayers and encouragement on my blog regarding the She Speaks conference. I was talking with Lelia tonight and I told her we should make a "road trip" to come and visit you sometime. I wish you were coming to the conference but maybe next year.....

    I think it is cool that you prayed for all boys and God answered. I wanted 14 kids when I was young (I even had their names picked out) but fortunately I never prayed for that! LOL And none of my kids have the names I had chosen back then.

    Take care my friend and I will talk with you soon....


  32. Great song and really great post.

    Happy Birthday to Jason. That is really cool that he has his birthday on Fathers Day.

    Nice picture of your dad.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!