
Monday, June 2, 2008

Here Comes the Bride...again?

On this Marriage Monday I'm excited to share with you a video we made at our 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration.

It seems like yesterday that I was anxiously waiting for my big day. As a 23-year-old girl full of hopes and dreams, I looked forward to my future with great anticipation. Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought that only one year earlier I was praying for a
Christian friend, and God would answer by sending me my husband.

Now, nearly 30 years later, I'm more in love with that handsome young man, who was passionately in love with Jesus. Together we've learned so many things about the faithfulness of our mighty God. In joys and hardship, through sickness and many trials, we can testify that God is the Rock upon which we stand. We learned that love is a decision, and God is more concerned about our character than our comfort, and our holiness than our happiness.

The Lord graciously trusted us with five wonderful sons, and now three adorable granddaughters. Our latest surprise is that we now have our first grandson on the way.

I hope you will enjoy taking a peek at our special anniversary celebration as we renewed our wedding vows before our family and closest friends. I felt like a blushing young bride all over again.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ~Mignon McLaughlin

(Please remember to mute my music first!)

Please join us over at
Chrysalis for more wonderful wedding day stories, this will be so much fun!


  1. Susan,

    First, congratulations on 25 years! I will come back when my daughter is not sitting by the by tapping her foot waiting to go to Wal-Mart while I type and say - "One more minute." Hey, about a month ago or so I noted you were my 100th commentor (sp?)and won a worship cd. I looked through my emails and still was not able to find your address. Anyway, if you would like to receive it, email me your address. I will be back soon.


  2. Hi Susan:
    You two are a gorgeous couple!
    Praise the Lord for your 25 years together, serving him and each other.
    This was just beautiful...and I pray you will have at least 25 more!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing such an awesome video! I have got tears rolling down my cheeks. I have to say that when you really are in love with someone and that soemone loves the Lord, it just gets better & better! Here's to another 30 years!

  4. I'm so glad you dropped by my blog today!

    Your blog is beautiful, as is your MM post!

    You are a beautiful lady both inside and out! Your husband and family are gorgeous!☺

  5. Susan,

    How beautiful! Jeff and I have often talked about renewing our vows, and now we have a beautiful video to give us ideas! It appears as though you and Rick are still very much in love, and that handsome young man in uniform....(sigh)it makes me think of my Jake who so desperately wants to join the Army (although we are doing our best to convince him of the merits of the Air Force instead!).

    May our Lord continue to bless you and yours.

  6. Susan, thank you for sharing this video! (btw, the song was perfect too!)

    How can you look at the love between a couple like you guys and not know there is a God?! May God continue to glorify Himself in your marriage. Thanks for filling my head with sweetness and gratefulness to a very loving God.

  7. That was beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing it with us!

    You are beautiful Susan! Your love for our Lord and your husband and children and grandchildren make you shine!!!

    what a blessing and congratulations on 25 years!


  8. Wow. Wow. That was an amazing video. Very inspiring - I hope to do that when I've been married 25 years!

  9. That was beautiful. There are tears streaming down my face, so I'm not sure what I'm typing. You are truly blessed, but you know that. As you know, part of me is jealous but I'm holding on that someday that might be Don and me.

    And how on earth can you still look SO good? My goodness, you guys are gorgeous together.

    Thanks for sharing. Love ya.

  10. Oh wow... this was so beautiful! How wonderful that you got to renew your vows on your 25th!
    You just look could easily pass for a blushing bride!
    Both you and your husband look so young...but of course, my hubby and I didn't find each other until we were in our early 30's, so we married and started our family a bit later!

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful celebration! And congratulations on your upcoming 30th...and your grandchildren!!

    I enjoyed visiting you and I'm sure I will be back!

  11. Awesome video. Congratulations. We celebrate our 25th next March. It goes fast doesn't it! Thanks for sharing your special day. I am fairly certain you guys are going to make it to 50, Lord willing!

  12. Susan, How beautiful! Watching you and Rick in the video brought tears to my eyes as I could see the love and joy on your faces. May you have many more years together!

  13. Such a beautiful celebration! Thanks for sharing it. I enjoyed seeing your handsome sons too, you both are so blessed!

  14. How fun! You are an inspiration to us all!

    And, by the way, thanks for your sweet prayers over me. I really appreciate it.

  15. I love the video of your 25th anniversary. You and Rick are two very special people and it's evident that God has blessed you both in so many ways.

    Love ya girl,

  16. Thank you for sharing that lovely video!. What a wonderful celebration that must have been. Congratulations on now nearly 30 years of happiness as husband and wife. = )


  17. OK...

    You still look like a blushing bride, and your husband still looks like he's ready for the honeymoon!

    What a great and glorious milestone. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You've given your children and grandchildren a rich heritage with your witness and commitment to love.

    Be blessed, and indeed, may God grant you many more years together!


  18. Susan, your video was LOVELY! You were such a beautiful bride (both times). =-)

    Yes, you and Rick are such a testimony of a Christ centered marriage. I'm so THANKFUL for witnesses like you. It's so easy to "give up" on each other. Especially when that's all you see in the media. However, we KNOW that if we put Christ FIRST... we WILL see the "fruits."

    Okay... I'm missing you like CRAZY! I hope to check in with you by Thursday. I'll try to send an email from my phone if it doesn't "spaz out" on me. ;-)

    Thanks for sharing your sweet wedding story. I LOVE YOU!

  19. oh..It;s too bad I can't view your video.YouTube is not available at this time here..:(

    I'll be back next time to view it.

    God bless!!

  20. SOOOO beautiful! Congratulations Susan, I enjoyed watching every moment of your celebration. You are truly blessed!!

    Thanks for blessing us with this special event!!


  21. WOW!! That was beautiful! Congratulations!! That was so much fun!!

    In His Graces~Pamela

  22. I smiled through the whole video. That was precious. I can't wait until my 25th to renew my vows. Don't know if I'll be ready for grandchildren in 7 years though. I'm so glad that you let us see that wonderful video.

  23. OK so I don't even know you and I bawled through your video - how wonderful - the tears started when I saw your son walk you down the isle - how proud - and who would ever have know they way God would lead and guide your lives and your children's lives.

    You are a blessed lady - congratulations 25 times over!!!

  24. Oh how very special! Loved watching it and it goes along with the short post I just made if you get a chance. This is what it's all about! Congrats to the two of you for your anniversary. You are still a beautiful bride.

  25. What a lovely reception. Your beautiful children witnessing such a love and commitment.
    Thank you for the song. I had to listen to it twice. I set my head back and just remembered my Beloved playing the guitar and singing it to me so many years ago.
    It was a pleasure to meet you.

  26. Sweet Susan,
    That was beautiful!!! YOU are beautiful!!! Oh my goodness. What a stunning bride!
    Thank you for sharing your life with us.
    Love you,

  27. Oh my....that was just the GREATEST glimpse! I LOVED it and I'm just getting around! YOU looked so pretty...but girl you are beautiful!

    Some look a lifetime for what you have been given...the blessings are abundant...what a couple...and he looks so FUN!

    Here's to 30 more!!
    hugs to you!!
    love you!

  28. Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful celebration. I pray that God will bless you with 25 more wonderful years.

  29. Hi - thanks for the sweet comment on my blog :)

    And Happy Anniversary - what a beautiful tribute! We are two days... (and a few years) behind you :)

  30. Wow, what a delighful celebration of a Christ centered marriage. Thank you so much for sharing that with all of us - I feel like I got to attend! Congratulations on 25 years of happiness!

  31. Susan,
    What a lovely celebration and your Dear One didn't hold anything back in front of all those family and friends. How Charming! Did he make a fool of himself for you or does he always enjoy displaying his affection in public?

    Thanks for visiting at my place and leaving such a heartfelt comment there. I love your teacups at the top of your blog...the pattern is my fine china "Old Country Roses," used for celebrations and favorite people who visit. I wish you could be with me today....I made scones and a lovely pot of tea.

  32. Happy Anniversary!

  33. Hi Susan! I have learned how to post a comment. wohoo
    I love your blog.. thanks for sharing your anniversay video. It and you are absolutely beautiful.
    I loved the how we met story!
    Love you lots,

  34. Happy 25th anniversary to you! Than you for sharing. I loved it!...and it was beautiful! It most definitely is a mile stone. Where has all the time gone??

    Love and Hugs...

  35. what a wonderful celebration of 25 years together...thanks for sharing...I felt like I was joining the party...


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!