
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Kindness of God

On this Thankful Thursday I want to thank God for his magnificent kindness. In Isaiah 54:10 it says:

“For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.”

With all that is going on in the world these days, I'm so blessed to know that God is still on the throne. Yes, He is in control and His covenant of peace sustains us daily. Where would I be without God's loving kindness and mercy? As I reflect on this wonderful virtue of our amazing God, I'm reminded of the many ways His kindness, which is often realized through others, has touched my life this past week.

♥ A picture from my son in Taiwan, finally! I miss him so much...

♥ Spending the day and night with my grand-daughter Kayla. Her joy and innocence captures my heart. My little drama queen!

♥ Shopping with my daughter-in-law to find the perfect decorations for her new home. Oh what a little "retail therapy" can do for the soul!

♥ Having our bible study group over for a BBQ. We had such a wonderful night of fellowship, deepening relationships, and making new friends.

♥ My baby got his first job! Yes, he's 17 and will be a senior this coming year. Where has the years gone?

♥ For all the new friendships I've made since I started blogging. As I sit and read your blogs, my life is so enriched, challenged, and greatly encouraged.

This list could go on and on, but I'll stop for now. Each day as I am touched by the tenderness of God’s marvelous kindness, my life is transformed. I pray that I can be a vessel, which He can also use to pass this same love and kindness on to others.

Thanks so much for stopping by today. I'll look forward to reading what you are thanking God for this week.

Please join us over at Sting My Heart, you'll be glad you did.


  1. Such a precious list of thankfuls, thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow Susan,

    Just a wonderful post. I loved the photos of your son and grandaughter. God and His great kindness overwhelms me.

    Happy TT. Love you.

  3. So glad your son got a job. My college age son is still searching! Love that retail therapy.

  4. Thank you for sharing this week in TT. I love the pictures you posted, your granddaughter is precious! and I soooo like your idea of retail therapy! -Blessings, Laurie

  5. Hey Susan,

    Great scripture. So true indeed. It is a comfort that with all that is going on in the world "He still is on the Throne."



  6. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for sharing your lovely thankful list with us. Wonderful that your son has got his first job! Thank God. Thanks for praying for me. I am keeping you and family in prayers too. Have a blessed Thankful Thursday!


  7. That is so great to see a picture of your son in in Taiwan. Must feel so good to SEE him there! Your granddaughter is so cute. Today I am most thankful for deliverance! He is my deliverer! From myself, from the enemy, from sin, from so many things!

  8. Hello Susan,
    It is really the little things in our days that we need to see and rejoice over-and your post quite simply showed us that-thank you for your sweet spirit and gentleness-you are a blessing-and I understand the blogging friends-since we moved 2 1/2 years ago, we still don't have the kind of fellowship/friendships we had before, and this is a great place to fill that void.

  9. Wonderful TT post. What a cutie GD. Blessing to you

  10. I LOVE the pic from COOL is that??

    You know I'm blessed to have met the women I've met through this blog particular YOU...who YOU are comes through so CLEARLY on this page....

    We are soooooooo blessed....
    THAT grandbaby is absolutely the CUTEST thing....that hair!
    (hey, and retail therapy....always a good thing!!:)

    You are a blessing! Can't wait to get some of that cajun beans and rice!!:):):)

    Have a wonderful Thursday...
    and all you have to do is come on up...I'll teach ya!

    Seriously....I really don't know what the heck I'm doing...I just push buttons....
    In the middle of homeschooling and cleaning this place up, church, and teaching other's my "tidbit" of creativity!!

    Love you!!

  11. What a sweet picture of your granddaughter. She's beautiful! My mother-in-law and I do "retail therapy" together sometimes and I always love it. Have a great week!

  12. What a great Thankful Thursday list.

    I'm SO thankful that you finally received some pictures from your son. I've been praying for him. (only 3 more months until Ashley leaves for YWAM again..where does the time go??)

    You too...are such a HUGE blessing friend.

    Have an amazing day.


  13. Count your blessings, name them one by one...

    Don't you just love it when you realize that you have too many blessings to count?

    By the way, I noticed the date of your wedding on your Marriage Monday blog. Do you realize that I was only 7 years old when you were married? (not that I'm trying to make you feel old or anything :)--I'm just trying to remind my aching arthritic knees that it is still too soon for them to be hurting so badly!)


    Di Di

  14. Susan, this is a beautiful list of thankfuls. I know what it is like to miss ones children. It has been a month since I was with my daughter and almost a year since I've seen my son. I have my airline reservations for August to visit him and his family. It is hard to give them wings to leave the nest.
    Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by.
    Mama Bear

  15. Your blog is always a bright spot and today is certainly no exception. Loved reading your list and seeing those precious pics! Thank you for sharing these things.

    Rejoicing with you...

  16. I had to read the verse twice ...I am in shock. I read this last night and I thought about posting on it. Amazing that I find it on your blog today!!
    So glad you heard from your son.
    Beautiful grandbaby. I know you are so proud of her.
    Blessings my friend,

  17. Kayla is so pretty. How exciting for your son in Taiwan and how bittersweet for Mom. :)

  18. Nice thankful list..Thanks for sharing this also. TC happy TT!

  19. Great list. So glad to see the picture of your son. And that grandbaby, what a cutie!!

    I totally agree about being thankful for all the friends being made in blogland. You are such an encouragment to me. Thanks!

    With love

  20. Thank you so much for sharing your life. May the Lord grant you the desires of your heart.

  21. I like your term "retail therapy." Why are women like that? I'm not a spender, just a browser. I can spend hours just looking. Drives my husband nuts!!

    Oh, goodness I cannot imagine how hard it must be to have a son overseas!! Lots of prayer sustain you, I'm sure!!

    You've got so much to be thankful for. What a sweet list!!

  22. I enjoyed your list! That's wonderful your son got a job. I like the sweet picture of your granddaughter. what a blessing!

    How do you make the heart at the end of your comments? I've been meaning to ask you this!

  23. It is HIS KINDNESS reflected in YOU SUSAN...and your precious GRATEFUL heart for Your Family: Your son and your grandaughter, your daughter-in-law, and then your outpouring of friendliness
    with your Bible Study group and us, your blogging buddies allows us to see the Lord pouring back ut what He's poured in...You are a sweet blessing and May His Grace, Mercy,"Kindness never depart from You"...HE IS TRULY MAGNIFICIENT have you seen the good news...head on over to Heather's and Emma Grace's Birthday??? Be blessed in Love...Peggy

  24. I'm thankful that in the midst of my very busy life, my heavenly Father can see the end of my busy. That there will be a finishing to things and that I will know some rest within the process. Sometimes, on the front end of things, well, it all just seems so overwhelming. Our God sees all of our finishes and promises to walk with us every step of the way.


  25. Susan,

    Thanks for reminding me that often I overlooked the "simple" things when I am being thankful. Our God truly does "daily loadeth us with benefits"...I am so happy to have found your blog. It has been a real blessing to me. Thanks for the post

    God bless,


  26. Retail Therapy-Love it! And it truly is a blessing when you can share it with someone you love!

    Thanks for sharing such a precious list!

  27. Great post. I love the song that is playing also. A side note, I love the verse on your header "I have summoned you by name". Isaiah 43:1. I have that group of verses taped to my computer - Isaiah 43:1-3! Very cool. God is so good. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Thanks for your comment about my Justin.

    I love reading your thankfuls each week. I love your heart for God and others. Loved the pics. Beautiful loved ones. Fun to know you have a Justin too. Maybe I knew that?

    Thanks for the added focus on kindness this week. I enjoyed your post as always.

    You are one sweet sister in the Lord.Much love,

  29. And Susan I am so thankful for YOU! This list is just full of blessings from the Lord! Your life is a testimony to Him and I get a glimpse of that every time I visit your blog!

    Your son looks like he is healthy and happy and that little granddaughter is enough to melt anyone's heart! Oh, and I totally understand about "retail therapy", I had some of that today myself!!

    Be blessed my friend....


  30. 5 sons?! Amazing! I bet you have some stories to tell . . . thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Romans 5:2 in The Message has become my life verse.

  31. Susan,

    I am so glad I stopped by tonight to be encouraged!

    I love you so much!

    Thanks for praying for Nick!

    Love, Tammy

  32. Bible study over BBQ sounds soooo good to me. :-)

    Good to hear about the blessing in your family -that pic of your son is priceless. I feel the same way when my brothers and sister (abroad) send pics to us.

  33. What a great list. What an adorable granddaughter you have and it's nice that you have a picture of your son in Tawain thanks to the internet. Pretty cool if you ask me.

  34. Susan..
    I must say your granddaughter is so precious. I bet you enjoy all of them. I always say girls are so much fun. Oh...I love my boy!..but having a little girl around is so sweet..especially when they are wearing a pretty dress. I just love little girls dressed up I'm pretty dresses. :)

    Love and Hugs...

  35. What a great post. Thanks for the reminder to be thankful! (love your music, too.)

  36. What a great list of thank-you's! I am sure your heart melted when you were able to see Joe. I know mine would skip a beat when I'd get to see a recent picture of Jason when he was in Afghanistan!
    I love the pic of Kayla, too. Precious!
    Thanks for all of your help with the shopping! You are a great retail therapy counselor! =) I am feeling like I need another appt., though.
    Love ya, Kristin

  37. I am glad you got a picture of your son. My daughter is in Poland and has been since April. Before that she was in England. I have not seen her since January.
    She comes home in 2 weeks, but plans to return in a few months to work staff at a missions school.

    It's hard to let them go, isn't it? Yet it is part of our reality.

    I am glad you got to see him. It really does a mother's heart good!


  38. Wow mom, you sure got a bunch of comments about this post. Your really getting big in the blogging world aren't ya? I LOVE YOU MOMMA!!


  39. I can only faintly imagine how much you are missing your son...So sweet that he sent you a photo showing you his new surroundings...
    Your little granddaughter is so precious. I can imagine that you have a lot of fun with her. Her smile is so contagious.
    Yes, our Lord's kindness is amazing...I marvel often over it.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this past week.

    Be blessed today and always.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!