
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Life in Three Verses!

Luke 2:36-38 “Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. Her husband died when they had been married only seven years. Then she lived as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer. She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem.”

We don't know very much about the prophetess Anna. We do know that she lost her husband after only seven years of marriage, and after that she never left the temple but continued to serve God day and night with fasting and prayer..

Anna taught us what it means to hold on to hope no matter what may come our way. She showed us that our dreams and passions should be for things much greater than we could ever realize in this present life.

God rewarded Anna's perseverance with the privilege to be one of the first to declare the arrival of Messiah! (imagine that...) What a great faith, what a glorious conclusion.

Are you looking, longing and waiting for His return? Just like Anna, we also have that privilege each day to declare Jesus to those God sends along our paths.

Lord give me a heart that is longing for your return. Don't let me ever get satisfied and settled on this side of heaven. Show me the opportunities you give me each day to declare your Lordship in my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Please join us over a Amy's 160 Acre Woods today. Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. What a sweet picture and great words of encouragement.

  2. "Lord give me a heart that is longing for your return. Don't let me ever get satisfied and settled on this side of heaven. Show me the opportunities you give me each day to declare your Lordship in my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

    Oh said it for me!
    What a GREAT way to illustrate this verse...I LOVE it! She is just the CUTEST thing....(read that with really good southern accents!!:)

    Hey, and I'm first too!!!
    What a day!!
    love you! You inspire me!!

  3. Thanks for the blessing today.

  4. I love the story of Anna and how Sweet God rewarded her for looking to Him for her hope. Just beautiful...

  5. Susan,
    That is such a sweet little girl! You are a very blessed grandma! (Oh, and a very pretty one too). I love the verse you chose and the thoughts you shared. I will think on this today.

    Have a good one, I hope it isn't too HOT where you are!!!


  6. Wow, did this touch my heart! What a beautiful and encouraging passage. That picture of your precious little grandaughter illustrates that verse SO perfectly! Thank you!


  7. This is so encouraging, Susan. Thank you so much for sharing Anna's beautiful, expectant heart. Lovely photo, too.

  8. I loved the prayer! Awesome. This is truly not our home, so we should never get comfortable here. I am praying that I will never lose focus of Him and my thoughts remain heaven bound.
    Love ya, Kristin

  9. Your prayer is my own! Love your tender heart for Jesus!

  10. Hi, Susan! This is a great scripture and a precious picture. I love the info you shared about Anna. Wow.. what a wonderful woman of God she must have been!

    Happy WFW!

  11. What a precious picture, and what a wonderful reminder to keep our hope fixed on what is to come and not what is here now! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Wow, thank you. I want to "hold onto hope"!! To remember that this is not all there is.

    And what an adorable little one you have there!!

    Love ya,

  13. What a beautiful post. Loved the picture and the verse. What a blessing.

  14. What a great explanation of that chapter! Sometimes we wonder how the bible can be relevant to us today, especially for those that lose loved ones - but what an example! Happy WFW!

  15. Wow! I absolutely love this post and the picture of anticipation in that little girl's face with the verse...perfect!

    Anna is one of those easily overlooked women of the Bible that every time I come across in my readings I cry and pray, "Lord, make me like Anna. Content just with waiting on you!"

    bless you!

  16. What a beautiful post!

    And the comment you left tonight touched me. Thank you so much for being apart of my world.

  17. Susan,

    What a sweetheart. I know this is one of Grammy's girls.

    Our focus should remain on Heaven and our Home there. This is just a stepping stone.

    Thank you Susan for all the prayers, comments and checking on Jan that you've been doing. I don't have to tell you what it means, you know. I do want to tell you thank you. There is no better gift than the gift of prayer.

    Thanks for the comments on my blog and my heart. Not so sure about my heart (I do indeed struggle at times). As for the blog, well I struggle there as well.

    Have a WFW and a TT.


  18. Susan,

    I love the story of Anna and how she sat at the temple waiting for the Messiah to arrive. A beautiful picture of a woman going to extremes to see the fulfillment of God's call.

    Anna received recognition in Scripture because her life brought glory to God. Redeemer... Oh He is, He is.

    Love you. I got my care package in this mail two days ago and love the CD. "Angels Cry" just slays me.

    He is a good God and you are a precious servant. Thank you.


  19. The Baby is Beautiful... Beautiful, How blessed you Are!

  20. Great example. Loved your prayer.

    Susan, your faith inspires me. Your encouragement week after week and your prayers touch my heart. Thank you for your friendship. Your passion pours down on me like fresh rain. You show me His love.

    Thank you, thank you.

    Thanks for your excitement for my trip. I loved reading your prayer.

    Much love to you. Precious sister.

  21. this sweet precious photo your grand baby??? What a doll!!! How I enjoy your writing
    style and inspiration! I can't remember the verse you placed across your photo...but it was a perfect caption![How did ya do that?] You bless me so and I just found out you are kinda a Pastor's that makes it even more of a honor! Do you not do Thankful Thursday? I saw your comments on bless people so warmly!

    I truly am blessed by what you presented on Anna!A lifestyle of prayer and fasting...holding on to HOPE! aMazing!Faith bursting forth...declaring our Lord the Messiah!

    I pray your prayer and thank you
    for showing me the reward as we wait in hopes of His return! He is LORD! I long to see You, Lord but there is much to do for Your Kingdom still but it's clear that Your Kingdom come is happening prepare us and show us how to prepare Your way! Love ya

  22. Susan, what a great picture for those words. I want to be like a child looking out the window for daddy's appearance at the end of the day. Waiting expectantly for HIM!

    Thanks for your sweet prayer for me this morning. I think the interview went really well. It was for an online teaching job. I should know soon!

  23. what an encouragement! thank-you!

  24. Susan,

    I've MISSED blogging with you, girlfriend! I sat ALL AFTERNOON just working up my post for last night. It was the pictures.. they took FOREVER to load! (Have I mentioned how SLOW our connection is???) UGGGHHH! O;-)

    Karli is just BEAUTIFUL! All of your granddaughters are! I can't wait to see what the baby boy is going to look like... he'll be just as precious. (Hey, let me know where Kristin likes to shop so I can send them a boy package?)

    Okay.. I guess I'll go for now. Hopefully we'll "catch up" soon. -=-)

    LOVE YOU, my Sister!

  25. I am so glad you visited my blog! Thanks.

    I was so uplifted by your verse and the sweet picture.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!