
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Clearly Evident

On this Thankful Thursday I would like to give thanks for the wonderful trip my husband and I recently took.

We enjoyed a great week in Charleston, SC, as we celebrated our 30th Anniversary. It was a glorious reunion after being separated for 15 days, as my husband was away for his job!

The city was charming; the weather was great; and we could not of had a better time together. Our actual anniversary is August 12th, but my hubby will be leaving again to go back to Iowa tomorrow to finish his project. I miss him already!

I’d also like to give thanks for three special ladies who blessed me while I was away on my trip.

First, for Laurie Ann from Magnolia Heartbeats, and second for Tracy from Blessings Overflow, who surprised me with the “Kind Blogger” award! I was so deeply touched and honored by their recognition. Thank you for this beautiful expression of love. And third, for Deborah from Chocolate and Coffee, who blessed me with the “Brilliant Weblog” award.

I’ve grown so much since I began blogging, and I’m very grateful for the friendships God has blessed me with through this ministry. Thank you all for touching my life with your words, your writings, and your great passion for the Lord.

I’d like to conclude with a scripture-prayer that I want to send out to all of you:

“Every time I think of you — and I think of you often — I thank God for your lives of free and open access to God, given by Jesus. There's no end to what has happened in you — it's beyond speech, beyond knowledge. The evidence of Christ has been clearly verified in your lives.”

I Corth. 1:4-6 (The Message)

Please join us over at Iris's place, Sting My Heart and see what other grateful hearts are thanking God for.


  1. Wonderful an anniversary and a trip be blessed with many more. thanks for sharing

  2. Bless and thank you Susan for the special words from 1 Corinthians
    scripture prayer!

    Happy Anniversary (to come)...I'm so glad the two of you had some special time together! I'm sorry that he has to leave again but perhaps he'll finish and be back by the 12th! May God speed his return and keep him ever so safe!

    Congratulations on all your recognitions but I already knew you were KIND and BRILLIANT! and YOU shine with the LOVE of JESUS!
    That's no surprise! Ditto...

    May God fill your time apart from your sweet hubby with His Love and wrap His arms around you and keep you until you two can be reunited!

    Come over and visit me on FRIDAY!
    It's a special day! (or on the weekend if that's better but don't forget) And please pray for me for safe travels to the border and return over the weekend & Mon.
    Thanks! Bless you as you bless me!

  3. Bless and thank you Susan for the special words from 1 Corinthians
    scripture prayer!

    Happy Anniversary (to come)...I'm so glad the two of you had some special time together! I'm sorry that he has to leave again but perhaps he'll finish and be back by the 12th! May God speed his return and keep him ever so safe!

    Congratulations on all your recognitions but I already knew you were KIND and BRILLIANT! and YOU shine with the LOVE of JESUS!
    That's no surprise! Ditto...

    May God fill your time apart from your sweet hubby with His Love and wrap His arms around you and keep you until you two can be reunited!

    Come over and visit me on FRIDAY!
    It's a special day! (or on the weekend if that's better but don't forget) And please pray for me for safe travels to the border and return over the weekend & Mon.
    Thanks! Bless you as you bless me!

  4. Oh, Susan! Happy Early Anniversary! What a blessing to get a weekend away with your hubby. I grew up in Charleston and Donnie still has family there - we just love it there!

    Congratulations on the awards! You have truly blessed the blogging community with your words. I just love coming here!

    Have a wonderful week, Susan!

  5. Blessed Anniversary! Thank God for blessing your time together. Lovely photo and encouraging verse. Congrats on your awards. You surely deserve them! I am thankful to God too for your friendships and that of many I have come to meet through blogging. God is good to us. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless!

  6. Praise God for blessing you with a lovely trip on your anniversary sweetie.

  7. Susan,

    Wow, 30 years. What a giant testimony. So glad you had a wonderful time in SC.

    Loved reading your list and the photo. Hugs.

  8. Happy 30th Anniversary! May you have at least 30 more.

  9. Happy anniversary! 30 years is a long time! Glad you had a wonderful celebration.

    Remain blessed!

  10. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. 30 years! That's a very big deal. Well done.

    I pray you are sustained as Rick leaves again. Hang in there, friend.

  11. oh wow! 30th anniversary. God bless you and your family more and more.

  12. What a lovely scripture! Thank you. So glad you had a good time. Happy anniversary.

  13. Happy anniversary! You look so happy together. :)

  14. So glad you were able to have a fun relaxing time together for your anniversary! I love the verse that you used also!

  15. Happy Anniversary, Susan! I'm so glad you were able to get away together for some special time together. I pray you have another beautiful 30 years together.

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  16. I'm so excited that you got to get aways for awhile and celebrate a beautiful marriage!!
    And Charleston is one of my favorite places to visit!! It's a beautiful City... and my son lives there!!!

  17. Congratulations on celebrating 30 years with your husband! What a wonderful accomplishment--and legacy.

  18. Thank you for your sweet words of prayer and visiting my blog.

    Congrats about the have a beautiful and blessed blog and it's wonderful to see you receive the award!

    Happy Early Anniversary!

  19. I am so glad you had a great time! 30 years is quite an accomplishment! God is good. Your blog is a blessing to so many---your writings are an uplifting encouraging note in a world full of sometimes "clanging symbols" of music. A true blessing to my soul!
    Thanks for always dropping by with such sweet comments!
    Have a BLESSED weekend!

  20. Happy Anniversary!

    My hubby was stationed in Charleston for a few years (back before I knew him).

    What a neat trip.

    I love your blog.

  21. I'm so glad you enjoyed your time with your husband. Happy early anniversary! God bless you, Susan, for being such a great encourager in my life. I count you as a friend and a blessing. May God give you a happy Thankful Thursday!

  22. Susan,

    Happy Anniversary! It is great to see people who have been married for years. And, still so in love. I'm glad you had a great getaway!

    Thank you for your prayers. They are so appreciated.

    Thank you for blessing my life!

    Happy TT!

  23. Wow, what a strong verse in The Message. I love how that version lands it with force.

    Congrats on a wonderful time away. Your special anniversary is my daughter Hannah's birthday. :)

    So thankful you are being blessed. You give so much to others, I love knowing others are giving to you.

    Much love,

  24. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet post. Thank you for sharing.

  25. "Our actual anniversary is August 12th..."
    Hi, Susan! Before anything else, Happy Advance Wedding Anniversary to you and your hubby. August 12 rings a bell to me... it's my birthday! And I am turning 32 by then. That means I was 2 when you got married. May God grant you two peace, comfort and deeper love for each other even from a distance. Stay thankful! Greetings from the Philippines!

  26. "Our actual anniversary is August 12th..."
    Hi, Susan! Before anything else, Happy Advance Wedding Anniversary to you and your hubby. August 12 rings a bell to me... it's my birthday! And I am turning 32 by then. That means I was 2 when you got married. May God grant you two peace, comfort and deeper love for each other even from a distance. Stay thankful! Greetings from the Philippines!

  27. What a blessing to spend time together and remembering why God brought you together. I love Charleston too. Wish we could get there more often (we're only 2 hours away!).

    Have a blessed weekend, Susan!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!