
Friday, August 1, 2008


Jesus' first three decades of life were mostly hidden. However, with his life (and with ours), it is critical that we not mistake unseen for unimportant.

Hidden years are unapplauded but not unproductive. They are sacred spaces, to be rested in not rushed through and most definitely never to be regretted.

In this personal, reflective book, Alicia helps us recognize the riches that God grows in us during uncelebrated seasons of our lives.

Two weeks ago our church sponsored a powerful Women's Conference called “Radiant”. I was really excited about attending the event and I'm so blessed to share with you how God met me there. I went with a very dear friend of mine from back home. It started on a Thursday night and ended on Saturday afternoon. There were over 800 women in attendance.

When I saw the list of guest speakers, I realized that I was not familiar with them. Then one day as I was visiting Elaine over at Peace for the Journey, I noticed the name, Alicia Chole, on her sidebar. I immediately clicked over to the link for her website and it didn't take long for me to know that we were in for a major blessing at the conference! When I told Elaine she urged me not to walk, but run to this meeting, and said that my life would be changed forever. Well, it has.

On the first night Alicia shared a little of her testimony and then challenged us with 8 destiny shaping questions. She asked us to write them down, pray about them, and ask God to search our hearts. As she read each question, she wanted us to stand if it pertained to us. When she asked, "Have you taken an alliance with fear", I immediately knew this was something God had been dealing with me about for some time. I stood up and prayed for freedom, and for the remainder of the conference I continued to seek God for deliverance.

Well I’m excited to report that since that step of faith, I've begun to experienced tremendous breakthroughs that I never would have imagined possible! I’ll share more on that in another post.

In a few weeks my ladies’ group will start a new bible study based on Alicia's book Anonymous. If you would like to know more about this study and Alicia's writing please click over to Peace for the Journey. Elaine has written such a beautiful review of this incredible book, and graciously is hosting a “give-a-way” of the book for all those who post a comment!

I now can promise you what Elaine promised me, “Your life will never be the same after you embrace the incredible ministry of Alicia Chole.”

“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:15


  1. It will be fun to compare notes on the study! I can't wait. Have you read chapter 6 yet? I've ready it a hundred times before, but doing the study alongside, well, it really had am impact on me again!


  2. This book sounds like a MUST READ! Thanks for sharing, Susan!

  3. Bless you Susan...Just a reminder that you are a SPECIAL INVITED GUEST to visit me & celebrate
    Sharing the LOVE on this special
    day, August 1st at my place.

    So now that I read Elaine's yesterday as I was quickly passing by...and now read yours...I'm hoping Wal Mart will have this book when I go to the border this next week for my permits.

    Menawhile, from RADIANT...are you
    planning to be Radiant and Share the other 7 destiny shaping questions...past the one that the Holy Spirit moved in you for your
    complete deliverance and freedom:
    well...I can't share!!!

  4. The book sounds like one I must read. I will explore her site. Thank you.

  5. Susan, thank you once again for encouraging me. Your words always bring comfort and assurance. I would love to ask you more about this book. I'm thinking God sent you to me today. I lead a Christian forum and am looking for a new book. This may be it!! Maybe you could shoot me an email so I can ask you a few things.

    Love to you,

  6. I have been over there...what an amazing site....
    It's been VERY busy with the HOTM conference going on, having my sister's girls for a few days in the middle of it...and whew...It's Friday...I MISS you too!!

    I stopped by tonight waiting for the conference to finish up...

    Any big weekend plans?? I'm at an all day conference at church tomorrow...then REST on Sunday...I was up at 3 am with all this stuff swirling in my head....:)

    Wish you were closer, I'd stop over for coffee and red beans!!:)

    love you!

  7. Hey, Susan!!
    Your church's Women's Conference sounds like it was just wonderful!! Wish I could have gone!! Where down south are you?? :) Can I hop on I85 and get there??

    OK, I am quite interested in finding out more about Alicia! After today's simulcast with Beth and this news, I feel like a sponge that can hold no more!!!!! Wasn't it great?? And yes, the proclamation at the end just melted my heart. I was holding the hands of a precious sister in Christ who is a running friend of mine. We both got choked up--wonder where that verb came from?? :) I just want to sit back in a few minutes and go over my scribbled notes from this weekend. Thanks so much for your post!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    Love ya,

    PS--Thanks for noticing that my blog has had a makeover!! Kelley at Aroma of Joy did it!! She is just darling! Hugs!

  8. Thank you for sharing this deeply personal relationship building you are doing with Jesus! You moved me to tears. I am so excited to read more about Alicia... my Bible studies have been stick in BEth Moore, and while I enjoy Beth, I can only do so many studies with ehr before I get burnt out!

    Thanks again!

    God bless-

  9. your conference sounds like it was really a blessed time for you ladies...I would love to have gone to a conference such as that one...

  10. Just stopping in on Sun nite to say HELLO!!
    Busy weekend....on line HOTM, and a real conference at church...whew!

    Hope you had a great weekend! we'll catch up this week!

  11. Your hug in the mail is already ministering to my soul. Thank you, Susan.

    And I look forward to hearing about your breakthroughs. Freedom is yours, grab it!


  12. Susan, I am so thrilled that this conference was such a wonderful experience for you.. I can't wait to more about it as you share in the future!

    Have a blessed week!

  13. That conference sounds wonderful and I love the title and premise for her book too. I'm really interested...might have to pick up a copy.

    BTW...the bag was hidden behind the computer desk (right where I would have looked!) :)

  14. Susan,
    Since you told my friend, Tiffany about this book, she told me. I have it ordered and am waiting for it to show up. I am hoping it gets here REALLY soon, cause I am chomping at the bit to read it. Sounds like where I am....

    Thanks for passing the info along.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!