
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Great Reward

Children's children are a crown to the aged... Proverbs 17:6

On this Word-filled Wednesday I’d like to thank God for the joy and honor of being a grandmother! For those of you who also share the joy of having grandchildren, you know as well as I do, that life just doesn’t get any better then this.

For me, being a grandmother is one of the greatest rewards for all the challenges and sacrifices I went through while raising my own children. I never had the privilege of knowing my own grandparents, and as a young girl I really missed not having them living close by like so many of my friends.

So now it’s my turn to be to my grandchildren all that I desired to have as a child but never did. There is nothing more that I enjoy then getting to spend time with my girls! They fill my life with joy and laughter. I love dressing them up, having tea parties, reading and pretending with them. We sing, we dance, we stay up late, and what happens at Grammy’s stays at Grammy’s!

As mothers, we are the builders of our homes, but the building does not stop once our children are grown. We now have the honor of praying for and playing a key role in shaping the lives of our next generation. We get the honor to watch them grow, and then send the little darlings home to mommy and daddy at the end of their visit! He He...

In the picture above I’m standing with my wonderful daughter-in-love Kristin. I’m so blessed my son choose such a godly woman to be his wife. I love her like my very own and we share a beautiful relationship. Thank you Kristin for blessing our lives in more ways then you’ll ever know.

We are also excited about the newest addition coming in September. Yes, our very first grandson. Oh my, how good and gracious God has been to us.

If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I'd have had them first. ~Lois Wyse

Join us over at The 160 Acres Woods today.


  1. I really enjoyed your WFW today. I have very special memories of my Granny. It is such a joy to see my girls having special times with their granny, my mom. How wonderful that you have such a great relationship with your daughter in love. This is a true testimony. Not every daughter-in-law is blessed to be loved so much.

  2. That's a sweet picture and precious verse. Thank God for giving you such a lovely family. Rejoicing with you on your being a grandmother. May God continue to bless you and family. Thanks for sharing. Blessed WFW!

  3. Oh, Susan, what a great post! I am a grandmother, too, so I heartily echo all that you said and stand in agreement that grandchildren are WONDERFUL. I loved the photo and verse you shared, too. God bless you for the reminder that we are not through building just because our children are grown. I prayed faithfully for my bonus daughter and will commit to do so for my grandsons, imparting on them the same truths I did their sweet Momma. We have one who is almost a year and one who will be here mid to late October.

    Your post was a blessing to me this morning. Happy WFW! Don’t you just love this day?!?

  4. Awww...that brings tears to my eyes!

    B/c I was so close with my Grandma, both of them actually, it meant so much to me for my children to have that same special bond with their grandmas. Thank you for being such a wonderful Grammy, mom, and mother-in-love. The girls light up when they see you, and Kayla begs for her next visit as we are pulling out of your driveway. That should say it all. They LOVE their Grammy!

    We love you very much!

    Love, Kristin, Jason, and the girls

  5. oh now this is special. I knew all my grandparents and even the great ones growing up, but it is different for my kids. My Mom passed away 8 years ago, so 2 of my children never knew her, my Dad and I are not close at all and he lives away. My husbands parents are closer but we still don't see them much either probably about every 2 months or so. I want to be the type of Granny that my mom was to my children before her passing. I can't wait for those days.
    Thanks for sharing Susan

  6. Yeah! I was able to get your comments!

    Susan, Thank you for your sweet comment and I'm sorry that you weren't able to post anything recently.

    I've recently moved over to my own host/domain so that should (praying fervently)eliminate the problem.

    God bless you and your family and the new arrival! How exciting! The picture made me want another one so much too though! Lol..I miss that time of being being pregnant.

    Praying that God continues to bless you and your family and that He will watch over and bless the little one with love!

  7. awwwww I'm praying that I have that opportunity to be a fun grandma when the time comes for us too!

  8. You make me anxious to be a Grammy! Several of my friends are Grammys and they all echo your is the most incredible gift! So precious that you have such a beautiful relationship with your grandgirls (and soon to be grandson!) What a gift and blessing to both of you. It also warms my heart to see the wonderful relationshp you have with your "daughter-in-love." What a sweet, sweet term of endearment. Thank you for blessing us today with this sweet post!

    Tracy = )

  9. children a crown to thee aged. ;)
    WHAT A BLESSING SUSAN! I'm excited and so happy for you and I'll be praying for your new grand! Your dil is adorable... what a BEAUTIFUL picture of you TOgether!!
    I know they are blessed as well to have YOU for a Mil and Grammy!
    Happy wfw!
    I pray God blesses me with a Grand someday!

  10. You know I loved this post with being a new 37 year old Grandma now!! :) This was beautiful and the picture of the 2 of you is gorgeous! I hope my son Aaron marries a woman of God just like your son did!
    Love ya,

  11. Oh, Susan! Y'all are darling! I'll bet you are just the most fun grandparent! Congrats on the newest little one on his way!

    I was blessed to have known one grandmama. She was the strongest Christian--her actions reflected how Christ would want us to be. I still miss her so much. She's been gone since 1979, and it feels like yesterday.

    Thanks so much for your post.

  12. Susan,

    Now know I would be here to comment on this post...Yes..I am one so lucky to have grandchildren...or I should say a "grandchild". He is the light of my life and my pride and joy. People always said I would love him more than my children..and now I know exactly what they mean. He is my jewel,my treasure, and my precious commodity. I have to say I never thought I could love more than my own..I find myself worrying and thinking about him and his future way more than my own children. Could that be that I already know what life is all about and how very easy it can be taken away?? Hmmm? I don't know if that is good or bad.. :)

    Thankyou for a wonderful post. I'm so glad I share something so wonderful with you. :)
    You are awesome..I just love visiting. :)

    Love you!

    Love and Hugs....and Ps...I "stole" "Come thou Fount" from your playlist.

  13. Susan,

    Isn't it wonderful to have a daughter-in-law who you love like your own. And your 1st grandson! That is just awesome. I know you will love him to pieces and spoil him.

    Even though life can be hard, we have so many blessings!

    Thanks for all your prayers!


  14. She is exciting and fabulous! What a blessing. I can't wait till that day arrives for me. I will finally get a daughter and then...grand babies! Congratulations to everyone. Praying for a healthy baby born safely!

  15. Oh, Susan... what a great picture of you and Kristen! I can tell just by you expressions that you have a great relationship.

    My relationship with my grandparents has always been something that I cherished. And, as I watch my own children with my parents I am reminded how special that relationship is. I am so thrilled for you that you are close to your grandchildren and can enjoy that for yourself (and for them).

    Happy WFW!

    P.S. -- I did not take the picture I posted today... I got it from I did, however, add in the verse to the picture. So glad you enjoyed it!

  16. What a sweet picture and verse! Have a blessed day!

  17. Oh, you two are SO cute together in your B & W outfits!

    I love your attitude about being a Grammy. I'm trying to prepare myself for the blessed inevitable, but I confess, I'm just not ready yet! I keep hearing good things about grandparenting, but well, I haven't recovered from the wedding yet, and raising my own childen. Am I strange???

    Thanks for stopping by Chrysalis, Susan. I've been catching up on real life, and haven't had much time to comment. I do read your wondeful posts through Bloglines though!

    I hope you're enjoying your week. Isn't summer a blessing?


  18. Susan,
    Can I just say that your grandchildren are abundantly blessed to have YOU as their Grammy...

    shalom aleichem!

  19. You are truly blessed...and so are those around you!

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful thoughts and memories...

    God bless-

  20. Oh how sweet is that. You are blessed indeed. Enjoy it all grandma!

  21. Susan, you are too sweet. Feel free to add me...I'm honored! I have you added on mine, too.

  22. I'm not quite ready for grandkids yet. I'd like to rid the nest of the ones I've got, but I resonate with your thoughts when you talk about spoiling your grandkids. My in-laws are the perfect grandparents. When the kids go to their house for a visit, they think they've arrived in Disneyland. It's 24/7 play until they come home. Enjoy your new grandson. How blessed he will be to have you as his biggest fan and cheerleader.


  23. I'm JUST getting by today...I had to babysit my neighbor's grandson today while she had some tests done...WHAT FUN!!
    You know I loved.."what happens at Grammy's stays at grammy's!!!"
    That is just great....what a blessing to have a gram like you!!

    I wanna come:)
    I love that picture too....ya'll look like you could be mom and daughter...funny!!
    You have a great weekend!!

  24. You know, Susan, that I tell my children every day that I am only in this for the grandchildren! It's not so much that I wanted kids when I had my boys, but unfortunately, God has designed it so that we have to have them in order to get to the really good blessing--the grandbabies!

    Now to find them all a wife...

  25. Susan~
    What a You truly are blessed!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and checkin' in on me. You truly bless me.

  26. Loved the picture! It sounds like your family is blessed beyond measure. Blessings on the new grsndson - he will be welcomed with open arms and hearts!

  27. I have something for you over at my blog. Come on over and check it out.


  28. What a beautiful picture! Three generations of love.

  29. Oh, Susan, I loved this post! Grandparents are so very special. I have such fond memories of my grandparents - and I know that my kids are so lucky to have 3 sets who love them more than anything! Definitely a very precious relationship.

    Enjoy every minute . . . your grandchildren are so blessed to have you as their Grammy!

  30. Susan-

    What a beautiful picture of you two girls! A grandson... how awesome! I know how much my parents and my mother-in-law LOVE to be grandparents so it blessed me so much to read your entry!

    Thank you so much for continuing to keep up with us and praying for our family. We are so excited about our new little Faith Clare and continue to pray for safety, health and protection over her in these coming months. Thank you for remembering our sweet Maddox too!

    Have a beautiful, blessed day!

  31. Wow. This is a post after my heart. I'm at number two coming in in October! And it's another girl. I sure pray that the Lord will bless me to be able to have those fun times you wrote about!
    Lovely tribute to your daughter-in-law!

  32. Oh, I just left a long comment and I don't think it went through. I hate when that happens!! Anyway, I wanted to tell you how beautiful you and your daughter-in-love look together. You look so much alike that she could be your daughter!! I am looking forward to the reward of being a Grandma someday, meanwhile I am knee deep in parenting these rebels! Take care and have a blessed weekend!


  33. Hi Susan,
    Stop by my blog when you have a moment...left a little something there for you... = )

  34. I have left you a little something special over at my blog...... Thanks for Blessing me.

  35. Of course you LOVE being a grandmother to those precious babes! Who wouldn't?! They are so beautiful! I can't wait to be a grandmother someday. I just feel like that is such a special gift!

  36. What a beautiful daughter in law you have and how awesome that she a faithful daughter. How nice that you will be welcoming your first grandson. God Bless him. I love being a grandma. I am far away but they visit at least once a year and I call every day.

    PS I tagged you for a little meme I thought you might like.

  37. Hi! Susan~

    Awe! Such an AWESOME journal entry as always! The picture of you and Kristen is very sweet! :) :) I am so excited for you guys and I cant wait to see pictures of your new little grandbaby boy! :) :) I am sure Kristen is so excited and ready! It is so hard to be sooooo pregnant during the HOT HOT HOT summer months! :)

    Your grandchildren are truly blessed to have such a wonderful Grandmother! Susan~ You are great! :) :)

    Take care my sweet dear friend!


    April Molle

  38. Hi! Susan~

    Awe! Such an AWESOME journal entry as always! The picture of you and Kristen is very sweet! :) :) I am so excited for you guys and I cant wait to see pictures of your new little grandbaby boy! :) :) I am sure Kristen is so excited and ready! It is so hard to be sooooo pregnant during the HOT HOT HOT summer months! :)

    Your grandchildren are truly blessed to have such a wonderful Grandmother! Susan~ You are great! :) :)

    Take care my sweet dear friend!


    April Molle

  39. As always your posts ooze love! I am so grateful that their are passionate grandmas like you out there who want to make a difference in the next generations lives. I have no doubt you are doing your share of loving and living life with your precious little ones. Enjoy them and spoil them.

    And how fun a grandson coming soon. God is good!


  40. This is wonderful!!!! What a great WFW!

    Susan, thanks for all of your kind comments. I have been so BEHIND in replying, but have appreciated reading your encouragement. Thank you.

    BTW~ I have finally added you to my link list- something that's been on my mind for so long!

    Blessings my friend!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!