
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Facing The Giants

As I was recently sitting at our local dental school, waiting for my son who was having some work done, I noticed the newspaper sitting on a chair across from me. Since I had lots of time to spare, I walked over, picked it up, and began to read.

It seemed like each article I read was more dreary then the one before. Next thing you know I was meditating on the terrible condition and plight of our world.

· Gas prices continue to rise
· The war in Iraq and Afghanistan
· The failing economy
· College tuition's rising
· The upcoming election
· And of course all the hideous crime stories sandwiched in-between.

OK, I suddenly began to feel like the Israelites might have felt as they stood on the edge of the promise land. I was not seeing the blessings God, but only the GIANTS that were everywhere! I began to sympathize with the Israelites because I could see how all the bad things they were facing, and how the things they saw must have overwhelmed their faith to possess the land.

Now if the world conditions all around me were not bad enough, I thought about my own personal giants. For me it’s the giant of fear, that I formed an alliance with and unbelief. God instructed the Israelites to simply explore the land.
He already knew what was out there and what they would be facing.
However, He wanted them to pass the test of “trust and believe”. Simple enough you would think, BUT…

Please join me over at the Internet Cafe to read the rest of this story.


  1. Hi Susan,
    I had to hurry and find out "which" Susan wrote this! My Susan from Forever His!! (heehee)-- I am just ... touched by reading this. I feel exactly the same way... the tv, the newspaper, and your insights on searching for your keys,... -- searching God, wisdom, ... Hidden Treasures in His LIVING WORD... THANKYOU SWEET SISTER for inspiring me today. I am going to read this to "Myguy" later today...
    Blessings and have an AWESOME SABBATH,...
    Facing the giants,

  2. Susan,

    Beautifully written, Susan! So encouraging and so very true! It's easy at times to lose our focus and be discouraged and unsettled by the mainstream media. This is a great reminder that more than ever before, we must keep our eyes fixed on the only One who truly has it under control.

    Blessings, sweet friend,
    Tracy = )

  3. God sure is telling us something...We start a series next week about the very same thing. It is called "Mind Games." It will focus on how to stay positive and focus on God and His truths in such a negative world.

    We had the Pastor of Healing Place speak today, so that was a wonderful surprise. The message was awesome! More on that later...

    I hope you are enjoying your company.

    Love, Kristin

  4. we each have different Giants to face...but we can know that God is there with us so we do not have to face them alone...
    you have certainly faced your giants and won!!!

  5. Blessings again Susan...I left my comment at the Internet and I should have left it there earlier instead of here..where I failed the letter verification...out of weariness...but FACING GIANTS & perserving STILL on BE STILL SUNDAY! I must now depart and spend time looking for treasures...with my Beloved. My hubby comment should have been here not at IC...but still praying for his safety and quick return for you!!! And finally...I found your special devotion from a week ago...(lol)...praying for your friend and her son Nick!!! Hoping for a change and God's miracle not hoping BELIEVING!! Prayers of FAITH and filled with
    HOPE for God's BEST YET!!!
    (only 5 letters in bold red, I think I can pass this one)

  6. Susan, I just signed up for the Internet Cafe devotions and I want to thank you for writing this one because this is exactly what I've been struggling with. I want to make a difference in the world, but I feel so overwhelmed that I'm so small and the world is so big ! Sometimes I feel like who is going to listen to a stay at home mom and then you inspired me today to remember to trust in the Lord and not to lean on my own understanding and shine my light anyway.

  7. I'm off to the cafe...your words sucked me right in :)

    Happy Sunday to you!

  8. I left you a post over that the Cafe.

    Thanks for sharing this. Sometimes the obstacles in life seem so large and oppressive. Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of His words "I have overcome the world" as my reality.

    Thanks for reminding me.

  9. A timely word, Susan! I've stopped reading the news, because it's always SO bad. Lest you think I'm uninformed, I have a political hound for a husband who listens to the news all.the.time. And occasionally, it gets him down. I think I'll use your example of the Israelites facing giants with him. Good stuff!

  10. A wonderful blog post and thank you for sharing. A timely reminder that our God can overcome anything! Thank you again, Paula :-)

  11. Off to read the rest of your promises to be a good one and I know I will get encouragement and inspiration from it.

    When you get a chance, stop by my blog. I have a happy for you...

  12. I don't like reading or watching the news, I know I should keep up with it but it is just a bunch of doom and gloom so I can see your point exactly. I try to fill all my space with things about God, like watching news on a religious channel, or reading Christian magazines, etc. just so I can keep myself believing in that all these horrible things can be overcome in the name of Jesus.

  13. Hey, Susan!
    Just visited your blog through Lelia's! Wow! I was so blessed. You have inspired me as well. Thank you so much!

    I have a computer illiterate question for you! Please don't laugh--I am very new to all of this blogging, and the computer and I have a love/hate relationship! goes. If I want to add a button to my blog, how do I do that? I've gone into the edit section, but I'm not sure which one to choose. My son tried to do it for me, but we wound up with the actual address, etc. that had to be copied over the darling little picture of the button. I don't want tacky!! Just some help!! Thanks so much!

    If you just want to email me, I'm at :)

  14. There are so many giants in our midst and truly we must walk with the full armor of God. Often I stand inside my own home overwhelmed with the things of the day and realize that God gives me the strength, courage, and power for each day to face it all. Even the dishes and laundry giants.

  15. Thanks so much for this encouragement. I seem to have many giants right now. I am so glad that my God that walks beside me is the Biggest, and He is on my side!

  16. Copied from Internet Cafe:

    Love how God used a negative newspaper to spur you on to think deep and challenge us. Excellent! I am so thankful you are writing and sharing your heart. Love it.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!