
Monday, July 7, 2008

My Faithful Friend

In Proverbs 17:17 we find a very comforting promise:

“A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.”

I’m so grateful for the many friends the Lord has brought to walk along side of me in my life’s pilgrimage. It would take way too many words to write about all of the precious gifts of friendship the Lord has so graciously given to me.

Today however, I’d like to honor one very dear and special friend who has been with me through thick and thin. She has stood by my side during some of my darkest days, and was even there as I gave birth to my last son. These are the kinds of moments only the closest of friends get to experience.

It only takes 5 letters to spell her name, Cyndy, but it would take volumes to tell our whole story.

Our friendship began over 26 years ago. For some of you reading this, it may be before you were born, but for me it seems like yesterday! These have been years filled with laughter and tears, countless hours talking on the phone, vacations together, overseas mission trips, and long lazy visits where time was of no concern. Our relationship began with the exchange of a simple handwritten note that spilled over into a lifelong friendship that I treasure until this very day.

When I met Cyndy she was a young Christian who had just received salvation. She was hungry for the things of the Lord, and was bold in her pursuit of Him. With Cyndy there was no pretense or facade. She was honest, straightforward, and for her loyalty came so naturally.

I of course don’t have enough time to write about the countless ways she has blessed my life. There were dinners made when I was sick, many generous gifts, and beautiful cards given at all of my special events. Cyndy helped me pack and unpack with every move and she was just there whenever I needed her. When my son Jordan was at St Jude going through radiation she packed up her things and came to Memphis to stay with me at the Ronald McDonald House. There seems to be no end to her spirit of giving. We have boxes full of letters exchanged, and too many emails to count, all filled with affirmation and encouragement that many times have caused me to keep on going when I wanted to quit.

Last year she surprised me with a beautiful handmade quilt, something I’ll cherish forever, and still enjoy everyday as I snuggle up to read a book in my Lazy Boy.

She makes me think; she makes me laugh; and she is always there. She’s faithful; she’s tender; and she a great secret keeper! She’s witty; she’s fun; but she can be very serious and tell me what’s on her mind. She is brimming with gifts that I have enjoyed all the more as our friendship has deepened over the years.

So today, I would like to thank you, “Cynthia Jean”, for being that Proverbs 17:17 friend. I cherish and appreciate this gracious gift we call “our friendship”. The Lord has blessed us over these years, and I look forward to sharing many more memories with you in the future.

Please join us today at Bonnie's Ink It Blog to see what others have shared. Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Oh Susan, I see that your "Quote Box" worked! Yippee! I hope I sent good instructions - I am such a hands on teacher! :o|

    But, more than that - Cynthia Jean sounds like such a wonderful friend, God bless you for sharing her with us today! Love the picture of the homemade quilt. I have a whole box of Justin's clothes in the garage that I am planning to have made into a memory quilt - Treasures to be sure.


  2. Beautiful quilt, and a beautiful friendship! I have at least two friends that I've known for about 25 years, and that is a rare and precious thing!

  3. Look at YOU...blocking your own text!!
    Have you recovered from the breakdown yet?? HA!!!!

    You are blessed...25 years of friendship...that is a GIFT....
    as are you!!

    I don't see what you are talking about...your site looks fine on my end...did someone beat me??

    love ya!

  4. What a wonderful post to honor your friend! You are both lucky to have one another! I have always wanted a friend like that but for some reason it hasn't ever happened for me. I have a lot of different friends but not that "one special someone" with whom I share a history. You are blessed indeed! And I LOVE the quilt she made for you!!

    Enjoy your day, Susan, thanks for the blessing of your story today!!


  5. Oh Susan, I LOVED reading this. How blessed you are, and I couldn't happier for the two of you. A COMPLETE BLESSING FROM GOD. I have experienced this "friendship" that you speak of so I understand the love you feel for your friend. God bless you both.... tell Cyndy hello, and may God continue this journey you share for many many many more years! Til you are little old ladies together, with blue hair, matching shawls and dancing for Jesus.

  6. What a blesing to have such a friend. The quilt is so gorgeous!

  7. What a treasured friend! And the quilt...well that simply seals the deal. We do well when we honor our loved ones with our words. You've given Cyndi a beautiful tribute. I know she is blessed because of it.


  8. What a lovely tribute to a lovely friend-truly a treasure from God-He knows how to meet our needs every step of the way
    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post

  9. Susan,

    I'm sure Cyndy is great, but I have a feeling you've blessed her life every bit as much as she's blessed yours.

    You are a sweet, sweet spirit in this blogosphere, my friend. Your comments (including today's) help me move along when I'd rather not. Tonight I find myself wishing we lived close enough to know each other in person and share a cup of coffee or something once in a while. There's a lot to glean from you, I bet.

    Thanks for your faithfulness in spurring us all along, Susan. YOU are a treasure.

    Love you,

  10. Boy, everyone is so excited about your quote box. You are really up and coming in blogger world. =)

    What a special, beautiful tribute!
    I know Mrs. Cyndy will be so blessed.

    Love you,

  11. Such a beautiful tribute to your friend.

  12. Thank you for sharing Cyndy with us today. What a wonderful tribute to a dear friend.
    Great post.

  13. What a blessing to look back over the years of friendship past and know that 26 years and still going strong. One of my closest and dearest friends and I met when we were twelve years old. We had been the best of friends up until about two years ago. Thirty years for the two of us, through thick and thin. I pray every day that God restores our relationship. Thanks for sharing yours today. Bleesings.

  14. Wow Susan - you are blessed with a wonderful friend (and a beautiful quilt!) :)

    26 years is amazing. I've never had a friend for longer than 4 years or so since I've moved frequently. What a treasure you have!

  15. what a great friend you have! Great post Susan! :)

  16. What nice things you wrote about your friend. She sounds like a truly special lady and one who has been a great friend to you. Beautiful quilt. My mom quilted and it's nice to be able to sit under it and think about the person who took the time to make this.

  17. Susan, what an awesome post. Your friendship is such a blessing and gift from God. The quilt is beautiful!


  18. Susan,

    I love you! I amazed more and more at how much we have in dearest friend of 19 years is named Cynde! Even the spelling is similar! How funny!

    Thanks for your continual prayers for my Nick!


  19. What a great friend! I hope you get to spend loads more time with her.

    The Broken Man


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!