
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Family Celebration!

On this Thankful Thursday I'd like to give thanks for a wonderful Family Reunion we had at my sister's home on the 4th of July. I was so blessed to see my brother who flew in from the Midwest and his two sons who flew in from the East Coast. My niece and her family flew in from Arizona, and I also got to visit with all of my other nieces and nephews that I don't get to spend much time with anymore.

The weather was great, and the food just kept coming. So many wonderful memories were made as we celebrated the holiday together. Mark, my younger sister's son, was born on the 4th of July, so we also celebrated his birthday. Mark is currently serving full time in the Army and recently came back from a deployment in South Korea. We are so grateful for all the sacrifices that so many make to protect our freedom, and what better time to show that appreciation than on Independence Day. We concluded the night with a huge fireworks display that all the kids (young and old) enjoyed.

I'm so thankful that even though the years are passing by our family has remained a very close. Many things change, but families are forever!

Here are a few pictures that help capture what our special day together!

~Grammy's sweet girls!~

~My precious Jordan!~

~Justin, Megan and Jenny~

Mrs. Gudian, I've known since I was 5!

~My nephew Mark!~

~My sisters Mary, Stephanie and brother William~

~My nieces and daughter in law~

~My youngest son Joel and Courtney~
Please join us at Sting My Heart today!


  1. I always enjoy your pictures, Susan. I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves.

  2. Bless you my sweet sister Susan...
    Yes families are forever! I'm so delighted that so many from your family could come and gather to celebrate a special birthday! Mark
    is ablessing and you were all blessed by his presence and HIS PRESENCE for this wonderful 4th reunion and homecoming wraped together with a fantastic fireworks of LOVE!
    "What greater love..."
    May you find the warmth of family memories of together times like this with photos blessing you for years to come with JOY, peace, comfort and love! From a Heavenly Dad who loves these special family
    celebrations and with love that flows between you and HIM to encourage and give you strength daily in His Presence!Thanks so much for sharing your family with us your blogging family!!! Be blessed as you are such a sweet me and others!

  3. Susan... Beautiful family. Our family meets on Fourth of July for a reunion every year! It is a great time and we are a family who loves the Lord and each other...

    Your family is beautiful, those grand young 'uns there so cute I wouldn't be able to decide whether to kiss 'em or pinch 'em - Just Kidding! But they are precious.

    Blessings friend. God is doing a new thing in all our lives it seems.

  4. Thanks for sharing your sweet blessings with us.

  5. It looks as if it was a wonderfully joyous occasion! Thanks for sharing your pictures. It is nice to get a glimpse into your life!

  6. Susan,

    What a nice family ....and such pretty grils! You know I just love those dresses the little girls have on! So very precious.Enjoy it while you can. :)
    Im glad you had a nice 4th of July!

    Love and Hugs.....

  7. Look at that beeee-u-tiii-ful family...those girls dresses are TOO cute!!!

    I didn't add you into my THANKFUL list but I should made the midst of computer chaos...hysterical!!

    I'll send over my IV and the you'll have it for next weeks IOW, you have to remember to MELT the chocolate before you try and box quote! :)

    Hugs to you!!!
    I'd send shells too...but they likely won't taste so good by the time they reach the bayou!!

    have a great day!!

  8. Susan I so glad you got to see family and visit with those you don't get too often. I love getting together with family. The memories made and stories told are priceless. You have a good looking family if I might say. Thanks for the good word this week. I always enjoy visiting your blog.

  9. Susan, You have a beautiful family and I can tell fun was had by all. What a great way to spend the 4th of July weekend.. with precious family.

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  10. Beautiful family and great pictures. Memories that will last a lifetime. So glad you got to spend time with family.
    Have a fabulous day!


  11. Thanks for sharing your beautiful family reunion with all of us.

  12. Susan,

    This is a beautiful TT post. Your family is beautiful. I'm glad you had fun at the reunion. Looks like Mark had a great birthday as well.


  13. What a great time! Looks like so much fun. Always love when blog sisters share photos of their families and friends. They are precious!


  14. What a joyful way to spend the 4th. I'm so glad you had a good time. Enjoyed the pics and the post. Such wonderful things to be thankful for. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  15. That is one SUPER BEAUTIFUL family you have, my sweet friend! You have a LOT to be thankful for!!! ;-)

  16. Susan,

    How much fun! It's great to see family, especially if you don't get to see them often enough!

    I think Ms. Kayla looks like her Grammy! Am I correct? All 3 of the girls are beautiful! I know you know this already!

    Thanks for visiting! Did you see my WFW, Jan's tumor has actually gotten smaller WITHOUT BEING ON TREATMENT! Is that God or what? The other spot was just a spidge bigger, not enough to measure. You know, as well as I how GBM works! Amazing to see God's hands at work here!

    Happy TT!

  17. Hi Susan,
    I just spent some time smiling and looking into all your wonderful photos at your beautiful family. Each one ... beautiful. You are very blessed! The pic of your Jordan is precious and I loved the little girls in matching dresses! (I am mother to sons, so never have experienced that.) Thanks for sharing your heart and life. I feel like I am really getting to know my blogging SISTERS in CHRIST.

  18. What sweet sweet photo's of your amazing family time!!!

    You truly are blessed with an beautiful family.

    Happy Thankful Thursday dear friend.


  19. What a wonderful time to spend with family! The pictures are great! Thank you for sharing!

  20. What a beautiful family you have! You are so right, families are forever. Reading your post made me really miss my brothers. I am the only girl and all my brothers, along with their families, live in the mid-west. I miss them so much. I look forward to a family reunion in the future with them. This post made me want to start planning one right away. Thanks for sharing the photo's and your grateful heart this week. Be blessed,

  21. What a wonderful blessing to be with family! Thanks for sharing the photos. I always enjoy seeing the lives of others.


  22. Thank you so much for sharing your family photos with us!! You truly are blessed.

  23. Susan,
    You have a gorgeous family!! I think those granddaughters look an awful lot like you (especially Kayla!). WE had a sort of "family reunion" this week as well. My grandmother turned 91 on the 2nd so we all got together and celebrated. I was especially glad to reunite with my cousin who lives in Arizona. I wish we would have had more time catching up but it was fun while it lasted.

    Thanks for sharing your life and your family today......


  24. What a wonderful TT post. Isn't it great to spend time with family and making memories. Thank you for sharing with us and for visiting my TT post.

  25. Well, by reading the other comments, I think the jury is in...Kayla looks like you! =) Thankfully, she has one beautiful Grammy.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love, Kristin

  26. Susan, isn't family just so precious, even, I think, when you've got family members that don't always get along. That's the case in my family, but I love to see them anyway, and sometimes, they can actually all be together and cooperate! Your pictures are nice. Everybody looks like they were having fun and loving on each other. I'm glad I stopped by again.

  27. eowSusan,

    I CAN'T believe I've gotten so far behind online. I've missed so many posts and beautiful pictures. Man, I've MISSED YOU so much!

    Okay, my goal is to update this week.. hold me to it?? O=-)


  28. Thanks for your sweet comment Susan.

    And yes, you can borrow Ashley....when she's finished helping me...which, I'm sure...will take a "lifetime". lol

    Have a BLESSED weekend.


  29. Wonderful pictures of your family! What a blessing to be able to celebrate family together!

    Have a blessed weekend!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!