
Friday, July 11, 2008

Never Alone!

On this TSMS Saturday I would like to declare this awesome proclamation, I AM NOT ALONE! My husband was called by his company to fly out to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to work on the recovery effort to rebuild a Cargill corn oil refinery that was shut down because of the recent floods up there. The team he is a part of gained much expertise in these types of disaster rebuilds from the work they did on many plants and refineries down here after Hurricane Katrina.

I was not a happy camper upon receiving the news on a one-day notice, but I'm blessed he has the opportunity to go help out. Please agree with me in prayer for his safety and for all those in Iowa that have been affected by the flooding. It seems like we are witnessing so many natural disasters all over the country and world this days. As Christians, we must allow to let our lights shine ever brighter in these dark days that are coming upon the world.

I'm so blessed that no matter what happens in our lives we can be assured, we are NEVER ALONE.

Please join us over at Signs, Miracles and Wonders to see some other awesome videos today.

If you get a chance stop by on Sunday, I'll be at the Cafe! Thanks...


  1. What a blessed promise and reassurance! Thanks for sharing!

  2. You are going to be blessed! If I knew where you lived, I'd come to hear her. She's fabulous. Tell her I sent you (like she really knows me...but we have e-mailed a time or two). She's got a great study coming out this Fall, and I am going to facilitate it at my church. Can't wait. Thank you so much for your encouraging comments. I'll get back to your blog tomorrow, as I am sooooo tired.


  3. I so needed this today, thank you!

  4. Precious Susan...YOU are NOT ALONE: and your hubby is not alone!
    Look at all the blogging world...
    and of course, OUR LORD...may you hold on to these WORDS of promise and such assurance! May the Lord provide safety and HOPE to all those so terribly devastated by this natural disaster in IOWA that they too know that they ARE NOT ALONE!!! Those without homes or businesses or fields of crops may feel hopeless if they don't have this eternal HOPE!!!

    I thought this was a different song and I was so delighted that it was Natalie Grant's song! I love her voice! Certainly the right song for a number#1 position!

    So happy camper...change your dampened spirit and look up & shine for YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!
    Praise God He's got you covered and He's beside you...and it won't be keep proclaiming this song...and remain ever so strong,
    for you know Susan where you belong! Right in His presence, soaking and praying...for all
    to see your light shining...
    Keeping you in prayer and waiting for your Internet Cafe on Sunday!

    Be blessed and strong in the Lord!

  5. thanks for sharing your worshipful heart with us and I thank Him for always being there with me. His Word says He will neve leave me nor forsake me. AMEN.

  6. Susan,

    Great choice! Isn't it reassuring that we are never alone.

    Will pray for your husband, as well as continue to pray for Jordan. I saw you mentioned to Amy that he's had some BT issues this week! I'm so sorry.

    Praying for nothing too serious, as well as Peace and Comfort.

    One day we won't have to deal with BT or anything else! What a Day that will Be!


  7. Oh I needed to hear this too. Thank you.

  8. Wow, despite the slightly tinny sound on my laptop, her voice sent goosebumps up my arms - "I am not alone" indeed.

    A very timely post for me as I live alone with Phoebe Cat and occasionally get a bit depressed about it, but no...."I AM NOT ALONE".

    Thank you. By the way - who was she? (being British I haven't a clue!) Does she have any CDs?

  9. I pray God's blessing upon your husband's travel and endeavor. We are truly never ALONE!

  10. I love this song and really needed it today...Thanks!

  11. This goes right along with my devotion yesterday...Heb. 13:5...I will never leave you or forsake you. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Hearing about your husband reminds me of a season in our lives when my husband spear-headed the disaster relief effors in our community after Hurricane Floyd. It was truly one of the most exhausting/trying times in our marriage. Not because we didn't want to help, but simply because we didn't know what we were doing. We did it with all our heart, but before long it became our idol in a strange way.

    We had to step back and do some major re-evaluation at that point.

    Anyway, I am so thankful for those who come alongside others during their point of need. I was hauled from my front lawn in a boat during Floyd. I am forever grateful for all of the volunteers who stepped up to be God's hands and feet to us.


  13. What a beautiful song and awesome reminder for me. She is great.

    So comforting to know He is right beside us. Thanks for your encouraging words.

    I prayer for your husband's safety and for those affected by the flood. Blessings!

  14. Whoa! What a voice and what powerful words.

    Thank YOU for being an encouragement to me. There have been times when I felt alone in this journey w/ Ethan, but now I know I can email you or Amy of one of the other bloggin ladies who have similar journies and know that we are ALL in this together!

    Thank you!

  15. Hi Susan,
    Thank you for dropping by with such thoughtful comments. In the past week, I have been grateful that indeed I am never alone. May God guard, protect, provide for you all. There are so many people huritng with various kinds of losses all around the world. God gives us grace sufficient to pour out wherever He wants to use us. May His grace be yours.
    Love, Sita

  16. We are not alone. It is hard when our husbands are called away on business. I am sure many people are considering him an answered prayer and what a blessing he it to others at this time. However, having a husband who travels often, understand how you are feeling, as well. Take care.

  17. Susan,

    What an absolutely beautiful reminder...I love Natalie Grant and this song is just perfect!

    I will be praying for you (in agreement) for your husband and the team's safety and quick return!

    Be Blessed,

  18. I, too, am thankful to not EVER be alone!

    Have a terrific weekend!

  19. I love when a singer sings to the Lord... you can always tell I think.

    What a beautiful song, thanks so much for this inspiration today!

    God bless-

  20. Love your playlist on your blog. Thanks for visiting and glad you liked the song. It always gets us moving.

  21. It is well, it is well with my soul...... I was thinking today about the world turmoil..... and the thought that comes to me is the scripture where Jesus tells us that these things must come to pass.... but as we see them happening, look up as our redemption is close!

    It is well with my soul!

  22. Love the song! Good choice and good reminder that WE are NOT alone.
    Thanks for coming by my blog. I've enjoyed yours! I'll be back.

  23. Thank you so much for the sweet compliment on the blog. Kelley from Aroma of Joy designed it for me. Is she talented or what? I will definitely be praying for your husband and for you. Also, I absolutely LOVE this song. What a huge blessing. *Hugs*

  24. Praying for your husbands safe trip and for the people out there.

    Pretty video and such a pretty girl. So true. We are never alone.

  25. Yahweh Shammah - The LORD is There (with each of us)!

    His very Name shows His great compassionate and PRESENT Love...

    Susan, thanks for visiting my blog! and thanks for your very kind comments! The young gentleman who did my design SO hit the nail on the head from what I described to him!

    Baruch ADONAI!!!

  26. Hey Friend,

    Come over and visit my blog. I've left an award for you!

    Enjoy and know that you are a blessing to me!

  27. You are never alone....and have a friend with an I.V. of chocolate for when it's particularly tough!!;)

    love you...

    I know it's tough...may his work be blessed and his travel be safe...:)
    love you lady!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!