
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rise & Shine

On this “Thankful Thursday” I’m so excited and grateful for the tremendous Women’s Conference, which is beginning tonight at our home church! I really wanted to attend the Deeper Still Conference in Atlanta this year, but that was not what was in the Lord’s plans for me.

Now I am blessed that the Radiant Conference is right here at our home church. The advertisement for the event reads, “This summer will be more then hot, it will be RADIANT!” The worship will be lead by a recording artist Donna Lasit, and our three primary guest speakers will be Alicia Chole, (I’ve already heard she is great, thanks Elaine), Beth Grant, a missionary to Eurasia, and our precious Pastor’s wife Melanie Stockstill.

I’m just thrilled I won’t have to pack up and go out of town for some great fellowship, powerful worship, and revelation from God’s word being presented by these anointed teachers. I’m ready to go!

I’m missing my hubby more and more each day as he’s still out of town for work. Please pray for God’s protection over him and that somehow God would speed up the clock and get him home soon! However, I’m still thankful for God’s provision and the fact that he has been blessed to go help out with this mission.

Today I going to close on a more serious note. You may recall a while back I requested prayer for a friend’s son who was about to have brain surgery. I met Nick’s mom from reading her blog.

Nick recovered well, but in his most recent MRI the news was not good. As I sit here and type these words my heart is breaking for Tammy and her family. She’s hearing the words that I once sat in a waiting room fearing that I might hear myself. Please join me in prayer for this family. I’ll end with some beautiful words Tammy recently shared on her blog:

"I keep telling myself that He (God) was not surprised at the news we received today, and He is still on His throne loving Nick and smoothing the rough road ahead of us.What more can I ask for?"

Let’s join hands and hearts to support this family as they face these difficult times.

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Iris is hosting Thankful Thursday, so why not stop by and let others know what you are grateful for today.


  1. I will be praying for Nick. Enjoy your conference sweetie.

  2. Glad about the Radiant Conference - I'll be haunting your blog for posts about it.

    How sad about Nick's family; God has it in control. I'll say a prayer for them.

    God bless you.

  3. Enjoy the conference and remember God has Nick.

  4. Lord, i lift up to you nick ad his family. i pray that you'd touch him with your healing hands. i pray for complete recovery. i also pray for his family. may you bring them comfort knowing that you are in control. Lord, i ask for strength for the whole family. thank you for hearing our prayers, for your love and mercy that endures forever. i pray this in Jesus' name, amen.

  5. Susan,

    Ugh! I agree my heart is breaking as well.

    You know I will join in praying for Nick.

    I'm glad that you are able be at home and attend this conference!


  6. So happy to hear about your conference. Just amazing how they can breath fresh air into our faith walks. Looking forward to hearing about it when you return.

    I am praying for your hubby, particularly, that in no time, he'll be returning home.

    Know that I am praying for strength, peace and comfort for Nick, Tammy and the rest of their family.


  7. Susan ~ Your conference sounds awesome!! Wish I was there with you to enjoy!. Praying for Nick and his family. God has all the strength for us to go through the valleys. Side note...My Grace is my first one also. :) Blessings on your day mighty woman of God!

  8. I'm praying for Nick and Tammy. Please, keep us posted. May you have a blessed conference!

  9. Oh know that I'm praying for your hubby...I know how HARD it is when they are away...

    and for Nick and his family...I have a heavy heart for them...all we can do is lift them up in prayer and ask that God provides the peace that transcends all understanding as they move through this...

    Now you have a wonderful conference weekend!!
    No I.V.'s needed....till Monday..but you are no worries!! YIPEE!!

    and MIKE, is my cousin..not my brother :) He should have been "like" a brother but our mom's had a very difficult relationship....When he came over this weekend the kids did say..."He could be your brother!" It was really COOL to sit and share...and commit to renewed relationships...
    what a GOOD GOD.....

    Listen...I'm out this weekend...if you should need an I.V.......(which you won' be Radiant!) send up smoke signals....
    I'll keep an eye out in the direction of LA.....

    love you!

  10. WOW.. Susan, the conference at your church sounds wonderful! How lucky you are to have it right there in your very own church. I pray it is just as wonderful as you anticipate it to be.

    Praying for you and your hubby as he is away. Mine used to travel quite a bit for work and it just isn't the same when they are away, is it?

    Thanks so much for stopping by earlier this morning and your sweet message. I am so thankful for you and my other blogging friends I've made. What a wonderful community of sisters in Christ that never hesitate to lift one another up in prayer!

    Blessings to you, my friend!

  11. Enjoy your conference. It sounds like a whole lot of fun. I wish we were having this.

    I will pray for your husband on his mission and for his safe return soon.

    I will pray for Nick and his family, so sorry to hear this, but God is in control and I know he hears our prayers, so I will just keep praying.

  12. I pray that God's fruit of love and wisdom will grace all you ladies, and I am and shall be praying for the boy and his family.

  13. I pray that God will sustain you in every way at this time.

  14. Susan, What a beautiful post. I hope that you will be blessed at the conference. My heart ached at reading of your friend and her son. I often wonder how people who don't have Christ make it through some of the trials in life. It is a blessing to have him to carry us through. I will be praying for Nick and his family.
    Have a blessed day,
    Kathy C.

  15. If you've never heard Alicia and have the opportunity to attend this conference...

    RUN as fast as you can to get there. Your life will be changed forever. Be prepared to listen. To think and then think some more. And then watch to see how God is going to shape your lives through Alicia's words. She crafts and weaves them like no other speaker/writer I've ever heard.

    She also has a new study coming out for the Fall based on her book, "Anonymous." We're going to do it at our church, so if any of you are looking for a new Bible study, I highly recommend hers...sight unseen.

    Susan, if tapes are available from the weekend, I'd love to get my hands on some. Email me the details when time allows.


  16. Praise God for the Conference near you. I pray that you will be totally refreshed and filled up by the end of it.
    I wish there was one going on close to me right now. I could use it.

  17. Oh Susan,

    It just breaks my heart for this family.

    Lord, I hold up this family and ask for your hand of peace and protection to cover them. Lord, give wisdom to the physicians and nurses. Lead them to help this family in this time. In Jesus name, Amen.

  18. I hope you enjoy the conference and time goes by quickly as you anticipate your husband's return home. May God keep him safe in his travels. Praying for the child and family you mentioned in your post. God bless you for sharing your thankful heart, Susan. I love your posts.

  19. I have found myself needing to have pencil and paper ready tonight to write down the needs. I am so glad that you have shared these. After all we experienced with Wanda...I know the VALUE and IMPACT of prayer partners.
    You are such a blessing!

  20. Praying Nick and his family will trust what they cannot see.

    And praying for your husband's speedy return, my friend.

  21. I have been offline due to computer woes involving LIGHTNING --however, tonight I have my husband's laptop at least, and I am attempting to respond to some comments at least! Thank you so much for stopping by recently. It's wonderful to meet new blogging friends with whom I share much in common. I look forward to getting to know you - when I finally get a computer and routine back. :) You have a beautiful blog!


  22. Oh Susan,
    I am so sorry about your friends' son. I will definitely be thinking of him and remembering him and his family in my prayers.
    Also, I am lifting you up as well, and the safe return of your husband.
    I think my favorite sound is hearing my hubbys truck pulling in the driveway.
    Take care,

  23. Glad you are being fed this weekend at a conference. May God's love shine brightly. May you be revived and renewed and refreshed.

    I will visit the blog of your friend. sad...

    Thanks for reading my devo at LWG. I appreciate your friendship. You always have such great quotes and added insight. Thank you, thank you.

    Hugs from Colorado,

  24. Susan,
    I KNOW you are a blessing to Tammy right now. God is amazing that He brought you to her for such a time as this. It is a road not many people would know but you have walked much of it and your heart is so filled with love and compassion for those who are enduring. God bless you sweet sister, you are an amazing lady and I count you as a huge blessing in my life!!

    Love and Prayers,

  25. Susan,
    Consider it already done on those prayers being said for Nick. I visited his site, and my heart feels so much for his family.

    I'm thinking of you too missing your hubby.
    Enjoy your conference!

    Love and Hugs

  26. Hi, Susan - I agree, a neat name! LOL!

    I'm glad you have the opportunity to go to a conference so close to home.

    Sorry to hear about Nick. Praying for him and his family.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. Come back anytime.


  27. Jesus,

    Please reach in and touch Nick. We know Lord that this is not our home, but we do not have because we do not ask. We ask for your touch upon Nick. We ask for healing. We ask for a special blessing of comfort and peace for his family. We know Your ways are not our ways, but we know too that You do exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask or imagine. We imagine healing for Nick. We ask for more time. We know You see him and his family. Touch them all Jesus. Let them be wrapped in Your love and peace and joy in the midst of the unknown, in the midst of the fear, in the midst of the questions that wage war against their spirits and souls. Surround them with your angels. In Jesus name. Amen.

  28. praying for Nick...and hoping your day with your sisters in the LORD is transforming...

    shalom rav, Sweet Sister!

  29. I was more than willing to lend a prayer!! PLease let me know if there is more that I can do...

    God bless-

  30. Precious Susan, I will be prayin g for Nick and family! For your loved one's safety and quick return! Thanking God for his heart to help in Iowa! But how blessed that you have such a blessing of a tremendous Women's Conference in the interim right at home! It will mean so much more being RADIANT in your home church and FOREVER HIS will be a blessing and blessed!
    What a great Thankful Thursday!

    We are thankful that God is on the throne for Nick and his family and doing exactly what Tammy's heart cries out for with love for her son but knowing the Father loves him and her that much more! Nick is in the hands of Our Father and HE STILL is a GOD of MIRACLES!

    I missed you this week but so glad you are alright and enjoying a RADINT summer! God bless!sorry I'm late...for TT! Just catching up!

  31.'s Sunday a.m. and I'm FACING MY GIANTS...just wanted to tell you I'm reading your Internet Chat devotion and there are always treasures in God's Word but I don't think I have found any that were hidden lately. I want to experience all of God's greatness too whenever and wherever but I'm really done with these desert experiences (I pray). What a blessing to reach out to anyone who is feeling hopeless. Your words stir me compel me to go forward in to the land of milk and honey. Jesus is so sweet! And so are YOU! You have a big heart for the hurting and you minister
    well through your prayer and words.
    You are not just an encourager but also a comforter/caring for all.

    Lord help me to be a seeker of Your Word for treasures of wisdom I can use to reach one more for You! May Your Word be fresh and live in me in my daily walk. Amen to Susan's prayer and bles her Lord at this SUPER conference and give her rest Lord as she helps to carry the burdens of her friend in prayer and supplication. We join her in prayer and pursuit of Your Word with more passion. Bless her!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!