
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Full Heart

On this thankful Thursday I have so much to be thankful for! There isn't an hour in the day that God doesn't remind me in some way of his faithfulness, and His unconditional love towards me. We serve a mighty God. We serve a God who is good, even when we don't understand why certain things happen in our lives. Even in those times we can look up and give thanks.

How I love to meditate on His amazing goodness toward those who love Him.

Now, for my list.

♥ I'm so thankful that my son Jordan returned safely home, (yeah...I missed him so much!) after having a wonderful time in Phoenix.

♥I'm so thankful that the Lord continues to watch over my family daily, even as my husband is away for work.

♥I'm thankful for a great start of the new school year for my son Joel who is now a senior. He has made some really nice friends since we have moved, and that means so much to us. I enjoy having his buddies over at the house. They are always so polite and respectful.

♥ I'm so thankful for 2 bible studies that I'll be starting in the next few weeks. One is Anonymous by Alicia Chole, and the other is Breaking Free by Beth Moore. God truly is filling my cup to over-flowing! I know the things I learn in these studies will give me more opportunities to bless and encourage others.

♥ I'm thankful for my first grandson who will be arriving on September 16th! Can you tell I'm getting really excited? I’ve already done some shopping for him.

♥ I'm thankful for all the wonderful friends God has placed in my life. Last weekend, Cyndy came over and we had a little slumber party. It was so much fun catching up, eating out, shopping, watching a movie, and just enjoying each other's company. Don't you just love girlfriends in Christ?

♥ I'm thankful for great customer service. Those beautiful roses my husband sent me had completely bloomed in just one day! I called the florist to inquire why this happened so fast and the lady was so kind to listen to my concern. She told me yellow roses tend to open faster than pink or red, and because of the summer heat we have down south. Amazingly, she asked if I would like another dozen in a different color to make up for them. I was so impressed!!

♥ Finally, I'm thankful for all you who have taken the time to read this, and for all of the comments you leave. God has been so gracious to allow me to meet so many sweet sisters in the Lord through this blog. I pray for the Lord to bless you, watch over you, and to keep you daily.
Please join many other thankful hearts over at Sting My Heart today!


  1. Some wonderful things for a "thankful" list! All the best for the birth of your grandchild ~Chrissy

  2. You have so much to be thankful for! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  3. Hey Susan,

    What a beautiful soul you are, my friend. I bet you are just about to bust waiting for that precious little one!

    Thanks for sharing!


  4. Wow, what an amazing list of blessings! You're so right about God's amazing goodness. (I often think Beth Moore sums it up very well when she calls it "scandalous.")

    I'm rejoicing with you in the watchful care over Jordan and your husband, the great friendships he's provided for you and Joel, your soon-to-arrive grandson and also your upcoming Bible studies! That great customer service was truly the icing on the cake! (wow!)

    I'm so thankful, Susan for YOU and your incredibly kind heart. Your words are always so loving and encouraging. You are a dear sister in Christ!!


  5. I love your thankful heart, Susan. It is always a blessing and encouragement to read your posts. You are filled with love and gratitude to our Lord.

    So thankful that Jordan returned safely and Joel is doing well in school and making wonderful buddies. Friends are truly very special gifts from God and I am thankful to meet you and many of His precious children through blogging.

    Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. May God bless you and family always!

  6. Bless you for sharing your thankful heart.

  7. I can only imagine how exciting to become a grandma. A wonderful list of things to be thankful for indeed!

  8. Susan,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such encouraging words. It's so nice to meet new friends in Christ - and I certainly needed it yesterday. :)
    Funny how God works - He must've known I needed new friends. So, for your thankful post - I'm thankful for new friends!

  9. What a wonderful TT list. Your song by SCC brought back many memories. Blessings to you!

  10. Good Morning, Susan! I love your list... so beautiful. The Lord does bless us to overflowing each and every day, doesn't he?

    And what exciting things you have coming up this year... Joel's senior year in high school and a new grandson. YEA!!!

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  11. Thanks for stopping by today. You truly have much to be thankful for this week (we all do...)

  12. What a great list for TT. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  13. Oh Susan! I'm still weepy because I just visited Angie's blog, and then I came over here and I started boo hooing all over again! What a beautiful post. You will LOVE, LOVE being a grandma! I have 5 and it's the best thing in the world.

    Thank you for this touching post.

  14. PS... Breaking Free is an AWESOME Bible study. Be ready to let go and be free.

  15. What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for. These posts always make my heart smile.

  16. Hi Susan,

    Just a quick note: I grew up in Phoenix. Glad your son Jordan had a good time.

    Thankful to know Joel has friends at school.

    And I am thrilled to know you are going to do these two Bible studies. Sounds like the Lord knows what you need. I'm reading Anonymous right now. And I loved Breaking Free. I pray God connects you heart to heart with a few new friends.

    And what a gift, a grandson. You sound like the best grandma. Your love bubbles over.

    Hey, I had a sleepover too last weekend. With four friends.

    Roses, two dozen roses? Wow, I bet your home smells and looks beautiful. A reminder of your husband's love as he is gone.

    As always, I enjoyed your thankful list! You bless me. Week after week.

    Much love,

  17. Your posts always inspire me, Susan. You have such a thankful heart and I love the quote about "thanksliving is better". Awesome! I know you're getting excited about welcoming the new little one into the fold! I'm so happy for you!

  18. Susan~
    You ALWASY bless my heart each and everytime I stop by and today was no different.

    You truly have a THANKFUL/THANKLIVING heart!!

  19. What a great list...
    Happy TT.
    Thanks for sharing.

  20. So, not only did you get one dozen roses, you got two? What a treat! Lots of great things on your plate right now. God is pouring out his blessings on you. Love that quote too!

  21. Susan,

    How precious is that first grandson?!! According to my mother, how precious are the 12!! But, she was so very grateful for the first one (I gave him to her) and thought she could never love another so deeply. Needless to say, God kept her heart and she loves them all so specially. I pray that you enjoy immensely grandmotherhood!!

    No matter what age we are, slumber parties for us girls never gets old. I thought I was the only one that still did this. I remember when I was pregnant with my first son. I had a friend that was pregnant at the same time. We used to compare stories and tips and make plans to spend a night at each other's houses so that we could just rest and fellowship and talk baby! We loved our time together. This is still such a great idea.

    Have a good day. I'm glad I stopped by.

  22. wow! you truly have an amazing list! I could feel the joy in your heart as I read through it.. :) the way, we're based in the South of the city called Hatyai. Where is your son working? Is he working here or doing missions?

  23. Thank you for sharing a beautiful Thankful post. God Bless my friend.

  24. What wonderful things you have to be thankful for! Congratulations on the new grandbaby on the way, that is so exciting! Have a wonderful day and thanks so much for sharing your blessings!

  25. You have a great thankful list. Family is so important! thanks for sharing. Happy TT!

  26. You know I'm thankful for YOU! Your spirit encourages me every step of the way!!

    BUSY day...had a homeschool co-op meeting, then TKD, dance and here I am...the day is gone and I realized it's THURSDAY....
    I'm THANKFUL...I really am!!:)

    I can't wait till you can post pics of that baby KNOW he'll have his gram wrapped around his finger!!:)

    You are such a wonderful spirit...I'm so happy that the Lord saw fit that your path crossed mine!;)


  27. that is truly a wonderful list of thankfuls. congratulations on your new grandson. God bless.

  28. Replacement roses--worth being thankful for! But even better: a first grandchild on the way! Woo Hoo!

  29. Your very thankfulness causes me...and everyone else to explode in thankfulness to our LORD.

    Thanks Susan...

  30. Susan, what a great thankful list!! God is so good! And I love that Matthew Henry quote that you started with. Thanks-living - love it!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  31. I am thankful that I had the time to actually sit and read a dear Christian Sister's blog. It also keeps me in rememberance of the MANY things I am so thankful for from my God!!!

    Loved your post. Have a WONDERFUL weekend!


  32. Susan,
    I appreciate all your honest and kind words! I always love hearing from you and I am praying each day that we grow FAT with the love, grace, wisdom and revelation of the LORD!

    Blessings Sister!

  33. Hi Susan~ Thank you for leaving birthday blessings on my blog! I love your Thankful Thursdays! It's always refreshing to list our thanksgiving to the Lord!

    May our Lord bless you with Himself this week, Susan.

  34. When is that man coming home?

    On another note, have you done the Breaking Free series before? I know that Beth did a new set of videos or is doing a new set and wondered when they might be ready. It's the only one I haven't done and am waiting for the new material to be released.

    I'm so excited for Alicia's study. We're 45 strong and growing. I am loving the homework, but don't really consider it homework. It is filling me up and tilling my soul in all the necessary ways (some good...some difficult). I would love to keep up with you throughout your particular journey in this book to see how God is speaking to you.


  35. Hi Susan!
    I'm so happy for you! You are very very blessed!
    THANKSLIVING.... love that too!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!