
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A New Friend for Kayla

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:14

On this Word-filled Wednesday, I'd like share a neat little story about how God reminded me about His great love for all of us.
Oh, to be a child again I thought, as I watched my granddaughter’s reaction when she walked into my office this weekend.

My daughter in law, Kristin, was dropping Kayla off to spend the night with us. While we were talking Kayla ran into the office all excited and said, “Who is in the other room Grammy? It’s not my sister Karli.”

Then she came carrying my childhood doll, which is about the height of her younger sister.

“She won't shut her eyes Grammy!” She actually thought the doll was a real live person.

My heart melted as I realized how captivated Kayla was by this special doll that also seemed so real to me many years ago. Oh, what a precious time I had this weekend watching Kayla play and pretend with my doll she named Mary.

She became her very best friend!
Oh to have her childlike faith and trust; to believe and not question; to love without reserve; to give without the guarantee of receiving back. These are the lessons I learned about true faith from the eyes of a child. God desires for us to become just like that.
Surely the kingdom of God belongs to those who understand this child-like faith.

Lord give me the kind of faith that brings you the same joy as I felt when I was watching Kayla play with her new doll-friend. Father, let me be sensitive to you and to those who need more of your love. In Jesus name, Amen.

Please join us today over at The 160 Acre Woods.


  1. What a beautiful picture, post and story!! You are truly blessed and I know you know it! Thanks for sharing I needed this today!~


  2. What a precious picture! Your grandaughter is just darling! I too need that reminder of having childlike faith and trust in our Lord! Thank you!! Have great day!
    Love ya,

  3. That was just a darling picture and story. Thank you for sharing this today. Blessings to you!

  4. What a sweet post and picture. Oh to have that child like faith again :) Great post! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for sharing this Susan.... I too have been convicting of my faith lately by the questions/statements my 5 year old has for me...... oh to have the faith of a child......

  6. What a beautiful story and great way to illustrate this verse.


  7. What a beautiful post, Susan. Yes, to have that total childlike faith. I'm glad your precious granddaughter is enjoying her new best friend! Happy WFW!

  8. I'm having a hard time deciding if it's you in the picture or your grand-daughter. She certainly favors you, both in looks and in spirit. I think you have a child's heart, my friend, that isn't afraid to land in the lap of our Father.

    You bless me so.


  9. This is beyond precious, truly touched me.

  10. This is such a sweet and beautiful story! Oh I so remember that feeling of giving our first daughter a doll that looked and felt real months before our 2nd daughter was born! I love how God uses our children & grandchildren for you to remind us how He wants us to come to Him - as they are! Open and willing to believe. Come and believe in me and I will carry every care you ever have. WOW!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - I'm so honored to meet you Susan!

    In His amazing grace!

  11. She is so pretty Susan!! I loved what you said here:
    to have her childlike faith and trust; to believe and not question; to love without reserve; to give without the guarantee of receiving back

    Love you,

  12. So sweet Susan! What a blessing to have a granddaughter...

  13. Our message a couple weeks ago at church was about becoming like a child again. This visual added more depth to an already sensitive heart. Mine!

    Thank you.

    She's precious and beautiful by the way!

    And Susan, thank you for your precious words lately on my blog. Especially the recent one about my desert faith. I smiled reading you could relate. And loved the verse you added.

    Hugs from Colorado!


    PS Enjoying the book/s.

  14. I can so identify with this post! Our ONLY grandchild spent two nights with us last week. They are truly gifts from God aren't they! I have frequently posted about her on my blog.

    Keep up the good posts! I have so enjoyed reading them in just the few days that I have known about your blog.

    May God bless you!

    Marilyn in Mississippi

  15. what a sweet story!
    Hugs and prayers Susan! :)

  16. This is so encouraging, Susan! She is a sweetie. Thank God that He loves us and our children, and often through His little ones that He teaches us many precious lessons. Oh, may God gives us faith like little children, to love Him, walk with Him and love His people! Thanks for sharing this lovely picture and encouraging verse with us. Take care and God bless!

  17. Susan,

    Such a sweet precious child. Have to enjoy them when they are this age. Time is just flying by. Soon you will have a new grandson. I know you are so excited!

    Love and hugs

  18. What a sweet, sweet story! That picture is positively precious, too! You're right, there is something so very special about a child's faith. What a great reminder to us all.

    Blessings, my friend,

  19. Thanks so much for your note on my blog. I am no one important. The Lord just gave me someone precious to hold for a moment and love forever.

    I am so glad you liked the bows! I love bows=) They are such a finishing touch! My girls will probably hate them when they are older=)

    Have a wonderful day! Nice meeting you! Stop by any time! There are all kinds of bows to make on those links. Some were so easy I couldn't believe it (I love the "perky loops/and the first video on the "you tube" I posted!!!)! I have to get the time to do it myself!

    Congratulations on you anniversary! My Mom and Dad just celebrated their big 4-0!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!