
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Giving Thanks in ALL things...

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corth 15:57

On this Thankful Thursday I want to give thanks for:

♥ The new bible study group I started yesterday, Breaking Free! This in-depth study with Beth Moore is such a challenge and takes great deal of discipline to keep up with the reading and homework. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for us. I love when Beth Moore declared; “Victory is the RULE, not the exception” in our lives! Yes Lord...

♥ For God's protection as we begin preparations for Hurricane Gustav. I'm praying the Lord will spare our city. We are still recovering from Katrina which hit three years ago this week on Aug. 29. Please keep us in prayer for the days ahead!!!

♥ God's grace as He continues to sustain Rick and me during this time that we are apart while he is working in Iowa. I'm missing my hubby BIG time, and it's been way too long. Hopefully his job will be wrapping up very soon.

♥ For my Pastor, his wife and our wonderful church family. It's such an honor to sit under such an anointing each week.

♥ For my wonderful blogging buddies. Thanks for being such a source of joy and encouragement in life everyday.

♥ And Finally, for my salvation, my health, and for the wonderful family God has blessed me with. How could I ever thank God enough?

Please join many other thankful hearts over at Sting My Heart today.


  1. Hey there, Friend!!
    First of all, YOU WILL LOVE that study!!! It was my first Beth Moore study and it facilitated a HUGE turning point in my life.
    Also, I will be praying for your city to be spared as well as continue to pray for you during hubby's absence. I know how difficult that can be!
    Blessings to you this and every Thankful Thursday!!

  2. When I saw the potential path for this recent storm I thought, "Oh, no those poor people." Praying for all in that region.

  3. Thank you for a lovely TT post. I am so excited for you to be starting a Beth Moore Bible will love it!

    I will pray for you and for your community. May Gods hand of protection be upon you.

    -Blessings, Laurie

  4. I love that you included your pastor and wife in that list!

    I may have asked you this already...but what part of IA? (happens to be where we are :)

    Praying the storm passes your neck of the woods!

  5. I know you and I 'talked' about the Breaking Free series before. The one thing I have to tell my ladies is to get past the 'big hair' and poofy clothes. It's very 90's, but the message is TIMELESS for the ages. I've seen many women break free of the chains that have bound them through this series.

    I'll be praying for you all and your safety this weekend as the storm approaches. He can whisper, Peace, Be still and Gustav will be gone...if this is His will.


  6. Hey friend~
    What a great Thankful Thursday post.

    I'll be praying for each of your requests as the Lord lays you on my heart!!!

    I can't imagine what it would be like to be away from hub's as long as you've been. Hang in their friend!!!

    Be blessed.

  7. praying for your city and hurricane gustav to bypass you guys.

    we've lived thru having hubby gone for work. praying for you as your hubby wraps up his work.

  8. Susan, you have such a precious heart. Thank you so much for sharing your list of blessings with us. I am praying for your safety from the storm, and praying that Gustav fizzles. We are preparing big time here, too. We were hit hard by Katrina and are still picking up the pieces in one way or another in Mississippi. I know you miss your husband and I hope he's home soon. God bless you and have a happy Thankful Thursday!

  9. Susan,

    I have so missed you, too. I have been so hit or miss with visiting everyone for the last month with this new job. I think I'm finally settling in. Who would have thought with almost 10 years experience, it would have been so different? Learning is good!

    Praying this hurricane will miss you, as well. And, that Rick finishes his job in Iowa soon.

    Yes, doesn't Jan look so proud to have hair. I guess after not having any for 9+ months, I would too. This new treatment seems to be agreeing with her.

    I'll be back to catch up on all I've missed.

    Love ya, girl!

  10. Hi Susan,
    I'm so excited about your Beth Moore study! That's one I haven't yet done, but look forward to at some point.

    Know that I'm praying for God's protection for you and all those in the potential path of Hurricane Gustav (particularly when you're still suffering affects of Katrina.)

    I can't imagine how bad you must be missing your hubby! Hope that job wraps up very soon!

    Blessings my sweet friend,

  11. I'll be praying for y'all, Susan!! Enjoy your new Bible study! I love BM studies!! I am such a sponge--I need someone to just pour His teachings over me so I can absorb them.

  12. I loved Breaking Free. God will use this study to further your love and faith and freedom. Can't wait to hear all He does during this study.

    And I am sorry to know your city is possibly the direction of an upcoming storm. I will pray.

    Loved your list as always your thankful heart bubbles over onto your blog.

    I am writing, but slowly. And the speaker on my youtube post is Brennan Manning. I'm sure you may have read his books. Ragamuffin Gospel. Abba's Child and others.

    Anyway, better get back to business. I have to meet a friend soon.

    Thinking of you this Thursday and often.


  13. Praying Susan...blessings and hoping that you and your city are spared!

    Your precious thank you to your pastor, wife and church make me miss mine and thank God for them also!

    I'm so sorry that Rick is still not back with you! Praying that
    he can return soon and your sweet heart can hold on and be filled by Our Lord's Love & Presence!

    As always, this was a heartfelt thankful Thursday filled with many blessings and heart!

    I assume that your Bible study is a LIVE one and you aren't doing it on line, right? May God bless and anoint you and the group in Victory Breaking Free!!! Sounds like a great choice!

    Bless you for your sweet words of love and encouragement for me and Nancie's Tribute. But I really am thankful for your great friendship as well! You are the BEST! Thanks!

  14. Happy Thankful Thursday, my friend. I will continue to pray for you and your safety.

    Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

    Love you, friend,

  15. Keeping your family in my prayers.

  16. I will be praying for your safety and for your husband to be able to come home soon.

  17. HI Susan,

    I have always wanted to do this study. I have lead about 5 or 6 of Beth Moores studies and they are always great.

    Also, you are in my prayers. Be safe.

    It is like visiting an old friend when I stop in here on Thursdays. Warm and welcoming. Thank you.

  18. I've heard so much about Beth Moore but have never been in any of the Bible studies. Maybe I should suggest it for our ladies study at church.
    Praying for you and your city that the storm will pass you by!

  19. I did Breaking Free a few years back. It's an awesome study. You'll love it.

    Hope Gustav doesn't come near you.


  20. I did "Breaking Free" several years ago! It is wonderful! Praying that Gustav will go past you! My sister lives in Gulfport, MS now and they are worried too!

  21. I'll be praying protection for you and yours--and watching the weather and Gustav's progress. My husband went to New Orleans 2 weeks after Katrina with Docs Who Care--and both our daughters have gone down with missions groups doing clean up. Amazing to think that is still ongoing.

  22. Hi, again!
    Just saw you're a repeater Mommy-Come-Lately--although a young one!
    Join in the fun for the AVEDA pampering!

  23. Hi Susan, I am praying for you, your family and your city. May God preserve all of you in the weeks ahead. May He also bring your dear husband safely and speedily back from work. Thanks for visiting me and your encouragement. Take care and God bless!

  24. fantabulous words of encouragement!

  25. Praying for this next wave of weather storms. So much to be thankful for that is for sure.

  26. Oh, Susan, I am so sorry it has been so long since I have been by! I have been taking a much-needed blogging break. :) But please know that I am thinking of you and your family - and praying that the Hurricane does not affect your area. You all have been through enough. I'll be checking in - so keep us posted!

    Have a great weekend!

  27. Hey Susan. You are all in my prayers during this hurricane season. Todd will be leaving in the morning to go to Hattiesburg, MS to help. Say a prayer for him. The last we heard he should be home Thursday night.

    I love you and miss you.


  28. Praying for you as Gustav approaches, Be safe in the Lord!

  29. Praying for you as you face the storms ahead. I love your hopeful attitude!

  30. Hi Susan,
    I haven't been blogging over the summer, but I thought of you today when I saw the path of Gustav. I just want you to know that I will be praying for your family.
    Love to you!

  31. I was just about to turn on the news to see what you are facing with Gustav. Have you evacuated? My prayers are with you! :~D

  32. Susan-
    Thanks for your diligant blogging! Its such a ministry! I get so much JOY from it! Just wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you.

  33. Praying for you and rejoicing along with you over the many things we are so thankful for. Also, praying for your husband's safe return and hoping the rains aren't too hard from Gustav. Keep us posted.

  34. My precious sister & friend Susan,

    I did not see a current update and was praying over you & family cuz I recalled your Evacuation graphic with your TT and that your husband was up in Iowa! Just know I am praying! I'm not sure what part of the south, you are in...but no matter...May Our Lord protect and keep you and yours!

    Warm holy hugs and prayers, Peggy

  35. Are you OK? Been thinking about you today with all the news coverage.


  36. We just started a study by Beth Moore today....... 90 days with the One and Only! It is my first time to study Beth Moore...... I am excited.....

  37. Hey Friend!

    Hope you have faired well and survived the gusty Gustav. Its been a while since I stopped by, but I wanted to say hello this morning as I am finally getting back in the swing of things.


  38. Praying that you weathered Gustav..... He hit La. pretty hard. We got rain and mild winds over in East Texas. Let us know you are ok soon.

  39. Thinking about you.
    Praying for you. Are you okay after the storm?

    Check in via email or blog when you can.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!