
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Making Our Lives Count

It seems to be a tendency 0f many to desire a "noble calling, some wondrous task". Often as we see others being mightily used by God, we also wish that God would use our talents and abilities in a more a visible way. Most everyone wants to be recognized and appreciated for the work they do. We all want our lives to count, and our mission to a noble one.

When Paul spoke to the Colossian church, he relayed a message to a brother named Archippus: "Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it." We were not told what his specific ministry was, but we do know that Paul wanted him to understand the importance of fulfilling that assignment.

So, what is God calling you to do today?

Is it the ministry of motherhood as you tenderly shape the lives of your young children? Are you a nurse, a teacher, a secretary? Are you a Sunday school teacher, youth group assistant, or a missionary? Whatever your job or career may be, please remember that God has placed a gifting to complement that specific calling.

We all have a ministry and a destiny from God to fulfill. You may preach to thousand’s or share your faith with one lost soul at work, but to God both are equally important. We are all a part of the Body of Christ, and no matter how noble, or seemingly insignificant in the eyes of man, our calling is a vital part of the plan of God.

Paul wrote in I Cor. 12: 22-23

The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don't need you!’ And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don't need you!’ On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor.”

Neither can any man judge your gifts and calling. Like Archippus, be a faithful follower of Christ. Peter also instucted us when he wrote,

“Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” ( 2 Peter 1:10-11)

So, whatever our position may be in the Body of Christ, from the greatest to the least, each one of us can equally bring great joy and glory to our Father as we faithfully fulfill our destiny in the Kingdom of God!

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might! (Ecc. 9:10)

Please join us over at Mama's Little Treasures today as Nina hosts this wonderful quote!


  1. What a beautiful post!! As a mother trying my best to put my ministry to my husband and children in the forefront, these words were like a balm to my soul!! Thank you for this much needed encouragement today, sweet friend!! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Beautiful! There is no "SMALL" job in the kingdom of God. Thanks for the reminder. -Blessings, Laurie

  3. Our call from the Lord is the most important on our lives. Thank you for encouraging us to remember that. One of my favorite quotes is from Oswald Chambers:

    "A grave defect in much work of today is that men do not follow Solomon's admonition, 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.' The tendency is to argue, 'It's only for so short a time, why trouble?' If it is only for five minutes, let it be well done."

  4. This was such beautiful reminder! I actually sent it to my husband to read.

  5. Oh, Susan! How I needed to hear those words today! God has been tugging at my heart all day with His words! Thank you so much for that reminder--we are all part of the body of Christ.
    Love ya,

  6. Susan, this is an absolutely lovely take on the quote for today! I loved reading your post and was inspired and encouraged by it. I, too, am grateful our paths have crossed. I love how your heart shines through your writing, girl. You're beautiful inside and out!

  7. From janitor to the head Pastor each job is important. When I first stood in front of the Daily Vacation Bible school kids screaming and yelling louder than me I knew that THEY were the reason I was there. Here I am send me, was the scripture gave me just before going before them. :) Karen

  8. So beautifully said! Thank you for sharing these encouraging thoughts. I love the way God gifts each of us for the ministries He gives to us.

    Thank you for challenging me to give 100% to every task God has given me. Both those that are seen, but even more importantly the unseen.

    Thank you also for your sweet words of encouragement to me today. Can't say enough how much I appreciate your prayers. You are such a dear encourager!


  9. Awesome! God truly has a task for each of us to do and one is not more important that the other. It is so easy to become distracted and feel like what you are doing has no value in the Kingdom. Thanks for a great word of encouragement.


  10. Susan,

    Thank you so much!

    I loved the verses, and the picture of the hands at the end!


  11. I wrote a post several months ago on this same subject . I spent too many years looking for my "ministry' It would take me many years of growing in the Lord to discover that HE is the minstry and each day there are people to touch and if I stay in tune with HIM we will find ourselves in the middle of ministry each day.....

  12. Susan,
    Your post was a comforting reminder today that our calling is important to God whether it is motherhood or some other ministry. I love the photo of the hands and your scripture choices.

  13. Thank you Susan. A wonderful post and a timely reminder that even in my capacity as a solo parent and full-time worker in a secular organisation, I can make a difference and touch lives. It's not so much the quantity but the quality! Thanks again for a much needed nudge in the right direction! Paula :-)

  14. What a lovely and inspirational blog!

    My entry is a little satirical this time . . . a THROW-back to those teen years. Something about the start of the school year made me a little nostalgic perhaps. ;-)


  15. Right now, I'll take the small and the hidden. I'm completely exhausted and welcome the quiet of my ministry within my home. That's all I can handle this day, of that I am confident.

    Love this post. I hear so much of "Anonymous" within it. I've just finished the study personally and am gearing up for the church's participation in two weeks. Much to do and would appreciate your prayers.


  16. Just what I needed! After posting a touching topic on my blog, I came straight to yours and boy did it hit the spot! Simply amazing I must say. Thank you!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!