
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Worthy Walk

Order my steps, in Your word

Order my tongue, in Your word

Guide my feet, in Your word

Wash my heart, in Your word

Show me how to walk, in Your word

Show me how to talk, in Your word.


I want to walk worthy, my calling to fulfill

Please order my steps, Lord, and I’ll do Your blessed will

The world is ever changing, but You are still the same

If You order my steps, I’ll praise Your name.
~A hymn by Glen Burleigh~

Of all the possessions I own, I would say without question that my bible is the most valuable. In all the words ever written by man, there are none more powerful then the Word of God! What earthly treasure could we compare to the riches contained in the Bible? There is no standard, concept, philosophy, or wisdom of man that can measures up to the life giving and transforming power of the God’s Word.

Oh what a great treasure we have been given by our God. To begin to know the love of our Father, and to discover the depths of His great wisdom, would take a hundred lifetimes.

The Word of God is alive, and it is powerful. It changes lives, sets the captives free, and is a lamp unto the path of those who put their trust in it.

Do you need healing, hope, understanding, direction, or peace in your life? It’s all there for you, and yes even more. The Word is a well-spring in a dry and weary land, and if you seek for truth, and search for it with all of your heart, you will find it.

“Lord, I’m thankful for the great treasure of your Word. Please cause me to be hungry for more of You each day. Reveal Yourself to me as I meditate on Your Word each day. It is life and it is power to all who find it.”

What a beautiful hymn this is Lori, thanks so much for sharing it with us this week! Please join us over at All You Have to Give today!


  1. Amen...Pour over me Lord...Your Words of truth and promise and joy. Amen!

  2. Absolutely! What truth in your post today. Bless you for sharing.

  3. Thanks for sharing such precious truth.

  4. Beautiful Post, my friend. Beautiful. My Bible is my most treasured possession and one that I will never live without.


    "Your words were found, and I ate them. And your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts." Jeremiah 15:16 (NKJV)

  5. Hi Susan,

    I came here via Peculiar's blog about her mission trip to NOLA. I noticed your comment about being born & raised here. Do you still live in the area? My hubby and I are here so he can get a theology degree. We moved post-Katrina but have lived in LA all our lives.

    Enjoyed this post!

  6. I would be lost without my Bible; having said that, I realize that I am in need of a new one. I just can't seem to part with the old. God's Word is everything to me.


  7. Susan-

    Thanks so much for checking in and also CONGRATULATIONS on your recent anniversary! I wanted you to know how much I continue to value your prayers, your sweet words that bless my heart and encourage me. Your blog is always so amazing and God is using you in such wonderful ways to testify to His goodness and perfection. THANK YOU!

    Love lots!

  8. I'm just getting to everyone! I just LOVE your heart...I do hope that someday I'll get to have rice and beans in person with ya!

    Our Bibles NEED to be our most treasured possessions..without them, our STEPS won't EVER be ordered....

    love you!

  9. Susan, the truth you share here is wonderful. My Bible is my most treasured possession, also. God bless you for the inspiration. Sidenote: Did you notice you won something on my blog? I haven't checked my email (my very pregnant sister gave birth today!), so you may have sent me your info, but I just wanted to say Congrats!

  10. Blessings Susan...Amen and how absolutely true and beautiful! You captured the essence of God's Word!

    I, too, consider my Bible the most valuable treasure I own...the one I have with me is tattered and torn and my bible cover is ripped but I will not trade it though I have other copies back home and some paperbound ones:this one makes every trip with me. He's my Co-pilot and Commander in Chief!
    My BIBLE cover has the face of Jesus with the crown of thorns, which sometimes I place my hands around that sweet I pray or cry...and the cover reads:
    WON by ONE...though I prefer reading NIV or The Message now...this one is bilingual and the King James version.

    His Word is Living Water...may they pour over us and run overflowing from our lips! My 1st WFW is premiering and my ?s at the end to ponder have to do with this that you shared so well:
    "The Word is a well-spring in a dry and weary land, and if you seek for truth, and search for it with all of your heart, you will find it."
    Thank you Susan for your prayer and powerful message!

  11. Amen and Amen! How true! Thanks for the encouraging word. Hope you are having a good week.
    Love, Kristin

  12. Without a doubt! The Word of God is the Richest of Gifts. I know of people who have vintage bibles for showy decor and I think how sad that they don't have a clue how valuable it truely is. Nice to "meet" you, I enjoyed the visit.

  13. Hey Susan,

    Dan Dean and [someone whose name escapes me just now] wrote that Pour My Love On You song over at my blog. But Gateway Worship does it so much justice. Philips, Craig and Dean have this song on their Let My Words be Few album... Which has my other favorite PCD song, "Your Grace Still Amazes Me" which we played at J's funeral.

    It was quite odd to me, because I realized that I knew that song, but I didn't know where from. When I read Dan Dean, I thought Dan Seals, and was like wow - I knew he wrote great country... but, none-the-less I now know where I know that song from - I've owned the CD for years! ;o)

    But, yes, I am truly blessed to be in such an anointed church.

    P.S. I used some of the One Year Book of Hope in my curriculum for this fall. Great stuff, thanks again so, so much.

    I love Bethany's "Angel's Cry..." It just takes me to a special place with HIM!

    Love You!

  14. We are so fortunate to have Bibles - have access to Bibles! It's something we take for granted - I do at least - yet like you, it's my most valued possession.

    Thanks for a agreat post!

    Ava Semerau
    And God Was Pleased

    "And long after the history of all the big things that make the front pages are forgotten, what God has done through you and a few people will be history.” - Dr. Richard C. Halverson

  15. Thanks for a beautiful post and such truth.

    Blessings and hugs!

  16. Susan,

    Thanks for the encouragement on my blog site today. It's nice to meet you, too. I haven't time to browse right now, but appreciate the contact. Blessings!


  17. Susan,

    I'm sorry I've been so long checking in with you. I've got a MILLION EXCUSES why I've not been online, but none of them good enough for not keeping up with my best girlfriend!

    I tried to call you a few days ago, I guess our game of "tag, you're it," is still going. Hehehe..

    I LOVED the pictures of Kayla and CANNOT WAIT to see the new baby! (I'll have to come down and make pictures, eh?) O=-)

    Please tell everyone there hello and we send our love?

    I hope to talk with you soon..


  18. Ooooh! I loved this! Thanks so much! And, my Bible is very precious to me also!! I think about the story that Lysa TerKeurst tells in her book about God prompting her to give away her Bible to a complete stranger! That would be so difficult, but to walk in His obedience, wow!!
    Love ya,

  19. Great words! Great truth! What a refreshing blog for me to read today. Things were so hectic on Tuesday that I didn't get here until now. As always, God's timing is perfect. Just what I needed. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Just stopping by to say HELLO! I see I'm not the only BUSY one this week!!

    Hope it's been a great one!
    love you!

  21. The Bible is my favorite possession too. (I have far too many versions, tho!) Your words have reminded me of the Corrie Ten Boom story, and how she and her sister were able to smuggle a Bible into a German prison camp. It sustained them through some unimaginably difficult times. I've often thought that I should memorize more of the Scripture, in case such a time as that ever arrives in my life.

    Hugs, e-Mom

  22. My daughter uses my Bible from when I was in highschool, I love reading my Bible, and words of wisdom are desparately needed nothing brings more comfort that the Word of God. Thanks for sharing.

  23. timely encouragement...thank you Sister...

  24. Hi Susan! Thanks for stopping by my blog, it's nice to meet you! I agree, my Bible/God's word is the most important possession. Getting God's word into my heart and living it out in my life is becoming more important to me the older I get!
    That is cool you got to meet Paul McCartney, you will have to email me sometime and tell me more about that! I do love the Beatles! My cousin got George's autograph in Las Vegas in the mid 60's when the Beatles played there. Have you been reading about Paul and his new girlfriend's trip down Route 66 this summer, it's been very interesting when people recognize him!
    I have six grandkids via my husband's oldest son...ages are 11 9, 7, 3 and almost 10 month old twin girls! Lots of fun for sure!
    Thanks for writing,
    I love your blog, I just downloaded from ITunes that David Crowder song you have playing, I love that song, but didn't know who sang it till I heard/saw it just now!

  25. Yes, yes and yes! Wise words. Love your passion for His love letter. I'm with you.

  26. Amen! Thank you for much needed Words of truth. God Bless You.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!